Programmer Tools: Unblock Websites

You will need two debug configurations.

The first will run your maven target, namely appengine:devserver. enter image description here

The second is a Remote Java Application configuration, and will connect the debug client to the devserver jvm.
enter image description here

This also requires some jvm args to be passed to the maven goal.

<!-- GAE plugin -->  <plugin>      <groupId></groupId>      <artifactId>appengine-maven-plugin</artifactId>      <version>1.7.5-SNAPSHOT</version>      <configuration>          <jvmFlags>              <jvmFlag>-Xdebug</jvmFlag>              <jvmFlag>-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=1044,server=y,suspend=y              </jvmFlag>          </jvmFlags>          <disableUpdateCheck>true</disableUpdateCheck>      </configuration>  </plugin>  

Once those 3 things are in place, run the maven debug configuration, then run the debug client configuration, then exercise your application.

There is no support for hotswap yet, so if you change any non-resource files(any java source), the devserver will not see them. Resource files will get deployed(static files: html, js).

Read full article from Programmer Tools: Unblock Websites

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