计算机专业太难不适合女生学?来看 N 多小姐姐的回应 - 文章 - 伯乐在线

计算机专业太难不适合女生学?来看 N 多小姐姐的回应 - 文章 - 伯乐在线





@J家蠢萌痴汉夏:怎么会,我就毕业了呀,毕业还是简单的,只要好好听课,也不会挂科的[二哈] 当年高考结束填志愿,五个全是计算机第一顺位,🙊回过头想想也是有勇气啊

Read full article from 计算机专业太难不适合女生学?来看 N 多小姐姐的回应 - 文章 - 伯乐在线

A brief dive into 2 times I clearly had no clue what I was doing as a developer

A brief dive into 2 times I clearly had no clue what I was doing as a developer

Last week I had a short conversation with coworkers about how we had messed up in our careers. Being so far removed from those mistakes, it was easy to laugh. More than laughs, though, these screw-ups served as powerful lessons for us.

It's important that we share our mistakes so that others can learn from them and maybe feel more comfortable with their own. So here are a couple of my more recent ones.

Read full article from A brief dive into 2 times I clearly had no clue what I was doing as a developer

Java堆外内存排查小结 - 小姐姐味道

Java堆外内存排查小结 - 小姐姐味道


  • 升级了基础软件的版本
  • 将docker的内存上限由4GB扩展到8GB
  • 上上个版本的一项变动是使用了EhCache的Heap缓存
  • 没有读文件,也没有mmap操作

使用jps 查看启动参数,发现分配了大约3GB的堆内存

Read full article from Java堆外内存排查小结 - 小姐姐味道

How to attach a PDF to your Blogger blog post | Projects by Jane

How to attach a PDF to your Blogger blog post | Projects by Jane

Have you ever clicked on a link in a blog post and it opens to a PDF? Have you ever wondered how on earth the linking and magical retrieval of the file are done?

Well, I have. Because I have 3 online free tutorials which link to PDFs.

First of all, you need a internet space to store your file. Then you need to make it public and the linking is the easy part. The hard part is finding a internet space to store your file. Because you don't want to have to pay for the space. You want it FREE.

Back in the days, I used scribd. It was free. Then one day it started asking for money. So I moved my files to Acrobat workspace which was free as well.

Read full article from How to attach a PDF to your Blogger blog post | Projects by Jane

We’re Opening X-Pack | Elastic

We're Opening X-Pack | Elastic

Historically, we developed X-Pack as a set of closed-source features that extend the Elastic Stack — that's Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash. Some features like monitoring were free, and others like security and machine learning were paid.

Read full article from We're Opening X-Pack | Elastic

One line browser notepad (Example)

One line browser notepad (Example)

Sometimes I just need to type garbage. Just to clear out my mind. Using editors to type such gibberish annoys me because it clutters my project workspace (I'm picky, I know).

So I do this. Since I live in the browser, I just open a new tab and type in the url tab.

data:text/html, <html contenteditable>

Voila, browser notepad.

Read full article from One line browser notepad (Example)

Your Git Log Should Tell A Story

Your Git Log Should Tell A Story

Have you ever been debugging an annoying new bug and realised that the simplest way to track it down would be to look at what changed in the code since the previous release, where the bug wasn't there?

There are different ways to do this, a quick one is to run git log and to skim through the commit messages looking for something suspicious. That is, if the commit messages tell something useful.

We software developers take a lot of care in crafting readable and efficient code, but too often not enough in writing informative commits. It is not uncommon to see logs like this (fictitious) one:

Read full article from Your Git Log Should Tell A Story

美国信用卡回国使用指南 - 美国信用卡指南

美国信用卡回国使用指南 - 美国信用卡指南

如果要在不常使用的地方用你的信用卡,最好提前设置一个Travel Notification,让银行知道你的出行计划,避免被风控程序直接给decline掉。设置Travel Notification不难:一般都在网银的Customer Center或者Account Management页面,然后找到Credit Card Service那一栏,就能看到设置Travel Notification的选项了。

  • Amex:他家的卡很屌,号称是方便用户,不用设置直接拿去刷就是了。
  • Chase:第一次去某地之前设置一下就好了,之后再去相应的地区就不用设置了(至少Secure Message的客服是这么告诉我的)。
  • Discover:直接在手机App里就可以设置,而且还会告诉你目的地的带哪些标志的POS机支持Discover卡。
  • 其他银行的就请正常去网页里的对应位置设置好Travel Notification吧

Read full article from 美国信用卡回国使用指南 - 美国信用卡指南




Read full article from Charles技术站

Learning Git Internals by Example - teohm

Learning Git Internals by Example - teohm

After switching to Git from Subversion and Mercurial for a few months, somehow I feel that Git is fundamentally different from Subversion or Mercurial, but couldn't really tell the differences. I often see terms like tree, parent etc. in GitHub, which I have no idea what they actually mean.

So I decided to spent some time to learn Git.

I will try to summarize and publish important stuffs I learned about Git along the way.. but here is the first entry, about Git internals, which helped me to answer how Git is different other source control tools.

Objects, References, The Index

To understand the core of Git internals, there are 3 things to we should know: objects, references, the index.

Read full article from Learning Git Internals by Example - teohm

Mac Tips: Turn on remote login (SSH server) - teohm

Mac Tips: Turn on remote login (SSH server) - teohm

Enable SSH server on Mac OSX is surprisingly easy. Open System Preferences > Sharing, and turn on Remote Login. You can futher restrict which user can login via SSH on the same screen.

Read full article from Mac Tips: Turn on remote login (SSH server) - teohm

Mac Tips: Change default application for a file type - teohm

Mac Tips: Change default application for a file type - teohm

To switch the default application for file type, right-click the file, select Get Info and change the application in Open With section.

Remember, remember.. click Change All… button to apply the changes to all files. It seems obvious, but took me a while to figure this out. :)

Read full article from Mac Tips: Change default application for a file type - teohm


  • Link without text

Table without header

| | |
Normal Key|Value1

Nested list

- Item 1
    - Item 1a

Line breaks in markdown

  (<-- two spaces)

Named anchor

  • we can use html in markdown
<a name="mac-mail"></a>
  • Reference the anchor
[Mail's Shortcuts](http://lifelongprogrammer.blogspot.com/2018/05/keyboard-shortcuts.html#mac-mail)

Supported Languages

  • markdown, java, json,html, javascript, shell, yaml, xml etc

Write email with markdown

Share markdown with socrates


  • Functions: export as html, save to google drive, blogger, github, dropbox etc
  • alternatives: https://dillinger.io/

Blogger with markdown

  • Why: Focus on the content, easy to store/edit the content locally
1: Use “Copy Html” function from markdown-preview-plus
  • Then paste output
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
<div style="font-size: large;">
2: Use pandoc
pandoc -f markdown -t html5 -c style.css -s --highlight-style espresso -o the_output.html the.md
pandoc -f markdown -t html5 -c style.css -s --highlight-style espresso -o the.md | pbcopy
  • then remove no needed head, body tags



  • brew install pandoc
  • Add eval “$(pandoc --bash-completion)” to ${HOME}/.bash_profile
  • generate pdf: -o output.df
    • install this first: brew cask install mactex
  • generate ppt: -o output.pptx
  • pandoc --list-extensions
  • pandoc --list-output-formats


  • in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool


  • Space matters:
    • for link, no space between [] and (), for header, need space between ### and the words
    • check the colors in atom
  • Empty line matters
    • when not sure, add empty line

Basic Syntax

~~crossed out~~
_You **can** combine them_

> This is a blockquote
// horizontal rule tag (<hr />) 
// Code span - use `and`
Type `echo 'Hello World'`

lujun9972.github.com/Emacs帮你进行英文写作.org at source · lujun9972/lujun9972.github.com

lujun9972.github.com/Emacs帮你进行英文写作.org at source · lujun9972/lujun9972.github.com




Read full article from lujun9972.github.com/Emacs帮你进行英文写作.org at source · lujun9972/lujun9972.github.com

fahd.blog: Writing your own Bash Completion Function

fahd.blog: Writing your own Bash Completion Function

Bash programmable completion is a powerful feature which allows you to specify how arguments to commands should be completed. You do this using the complete command. For example, you can set completion up so that when you type the unzip command and hit the TAB key, it only shows completions for files ending with the .zip extension. Similarly, the completion for the ssh command would display hosts taken from your known_hosts file.

In this post, I will describe how you can write a custom completion function for a command foo. Bash will execute this function when foo [TAB][TAB] is typed at the prompt and will display possible completions.

Bash uses the following variables for completion:

  • COMPREPLY: an array containing possible completions as a result of your function
  • COMP_WORDS: an array containing individual command arguments typed so far
  • COMP_CWORD: the index of the command argument containing the current cursor position
  • COMP_LINE: the current command line
Therefore, if you want the current argument that you are trying to complete, you would index into the words array using: ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}.

So, how do you build the result array COMPREPLY? The easiest way is to use the compgen command. You can supply a list of words to compgen and a partial word, and it will show you all words that match it. Let's try it out:

Read full article from fahd.blog: Writing your own Bash Completion Function

fahd.blog: Increase Console Output in Eclipse [Howto]

fahd.blog: Increase Console Output in Eclipse [Howto]

By default, Eclipse limits the amount of text in the console output window. So if you are running a program which produces a lot of output, the Console will only display the last n lines and you lose the rest.

Here is a tip which will allow you to have unlimited output in the console:
  • Go to Window > Preferences > Run/Debug > Console
  • Uncheck "Limit Console Output" (Alternatively you can increase the Console buffer size.)

Read full article from fahd.blog: Increase Console Output in Eclipse [Howto]

String concatenation with Java 8

String concatenation with Java 8

In summary, Java 8 seems not to introduce new optimizations for String concatenation with the + operator. It means that using StringBuilder manually is still required for specific cases where the compiler or the JIT is not applying magic tricks. For instance, when lot of substrings are concatenated to a String variable defined outside the scope of a loop.

The reason for not optimizing automatically all String concatenations is still a bit obscure to me. Probably, too much information and efforts are required to handle all possible cases safely. After all, that's also a good point to make programmers think about what they write.

Read full article from String concatenation with Java 8

jcabi-aspects – Useful Java AOP Aspects

jcabi-aspects – Useful Java AOP Aspects

Useful Java AOP Aspects is a collection of useful AOP aspects and Java annotations which allow you to modify the behavior of your Java application without writing lots of duplicate code.

For example, you may want to retry HTTP resource downloading in case of a failure. You can implement a full do/while cycle yourself or you can annotate the method with @RetryOnFailure and let one of our AOP aspects do the work for you:

Read full article from jcabi-aspects – Useful Java AOP Aspects

Writing clean logging code using Java 8 lambdas | Gary Gregory

Writing clean logging code using Java 8 lambdas | Gary Gregory

In this article, I will show you how to clean up your logging code using Apache Log4j 2.4 and Java 8 lambdas.

Log4j is a great logging framework, and the upcoming version — 2.4 — includes support for Java 8 lambdas. Lambda expressions are new to Java 8 and provide a simple and compact way to represent a method interface using an expression.

Read full article from Writing clean logging code using Java 8 lambdas | Gary Gregory

I’m trying to become less dumb — by listening to smart people

I'm trying to become less dumb — by listening to smart people

I'm getting more and more excited about a very simple fact. Listening to smart people, thinking hard about what they had to say, and then regurgitating their ideas in conversations, makes you smarter. It might be seen as untrue, but I think that's the nature of good ideas, they tend to flow from person to person, from a book passage to a reader, from a podcast episode to the listener.

Read full article from I'm trying to become less dumb — by listening to smart people

How to Fix Mixed Content Errors in BlogSpot Blogger ~ My Blogger Lab

How to Fix Mixed Content Errors in BlogSpot Blogger ~ My Blogger Lab

Fix Mixed Content Errors on your Blogger Template:

It means that mixed content errors is appearing on multiple pages and is most probably caused by either your template or gadgets, follow below instructions to remove them.
  1. Go to Blogger >> Template >> Edit HTML >> and search for http:// 

  2. If you are able to find any http:// link replace it with https://

  3. Before saving, verify if each like is available over HTTPS by opening that linking into a new window or tab of your browser. If both HTTP and HTTPS links are giving you the same results, then you are good to click Save Template.

  4. Now go to Blogger >> Layout >> Edit each HTML/Javascript type gadget and replace all https:// links with http://. Verify if the https:// links are working correctly and then press Save.

Read full article from How to Fix Mixed Content Errors in BlogSpot Blogger ~ My Blogger Lab




Read full article from 情情说




Read full article from 高效开发运维

Very low quality job ads from recruiters - Meta Stack Overflow

Very low quality job ads from recruiters - Meta Stack Overflow

I'm seeing a lot of very low quality job ads from recruiters, and I'm getting sick of reporting them. Does SO have a review process for ads? I'm not really feeling the love from SO on this TBH, feels like they're prioritising short-term recruiter $$ rather than respecting the mission and community (not saying this is true but it's what it seems like).

Read full article from Very low quality job ads from recruiters - Meta Stack Overflow

Is that possible calling content script method by context menu item in Chrome extension? - Stack Overflow

Is that possible calling content script method by context menu item in Chrome extension? - Stack Overflow

I'm trying to use context menu item to invoke my method written in content script.
Is that possible?

As i have tried, context menu could only doing stuff in backend.

Read full article from Is that possible calling content script method by context menu item in Chrome extension? - Stack Overflow

Tutorial: Debugging - Google Chrome

Tutorial: Debugging - Google Chrome

To follow this tutorial, you need the Hello World extension that was featured in Getting Started. In this section, you'll load the extension and take a look at its information in the Extensions page.

Read full article from Tutorial: Debugging - Google Chrome

Pivotal Paris Événement

Pivotal Paris Événement

Gartner estime que d'ici 2020, 75 % des applications qui sous-tendent l'entreprise digitale seront non pas achetées, mais développées en interne*. Sous l'impulsion d'une nouvelle génération de culture, de codage, et de cloud, on voit émerger des entreprises « software-driven » capables d'anticiper les tendances et de libérer des opportunités de croissance. *Rapport Gartner sur les logiciels d'application d'entreprise.

Read full article from Pivotal Paris Événement

This Week in Spring: Spring Fu and MongoDB - DZone Java

This Week in Spring: Spring Fu and MongoDB - DZone Java

Hi Spring fans and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week, I'm in NYC for the SpringOne Tour NYC event. Then, it's off to Amsterdam for some customer visits. It's been a wild week in Spring, so let's get to it!

Read full article from This Week in Spring: Spring Fu and MongoDB - DZone Java

How to Use Infinite Sets in Java 9 - DZone Java

How to Use Infinite Sets in Java 9 - DZone Java

A Set is a collection of elements whereby any given element in the Set appears only once. More formally, a set contains no pair of elements e1 and e2 such that e1.equals(e2). We can easily create a Set in Java 9 like this:

Read full article from How to Use Infinite Sets in Java 9 - DZone Java

How to Use Infinite Sets in Java 9 - DZone Java

How to Use Infinite Sets in Java 9 - DZone Java

A Set is a collection of elements whereby any given element in the Set appears only once. More formally, a set contains no pair of elements e1 and e2 such that e1.equals(e2). We can easily create a Set in Java 9 like this:

Read full article from How to Use Infinite Sets in Java 9 - DZone Java

How to Use Infinite Sets in Java 9 - DZone Java

How to Use Infinite Sets in Java 9 - DZone Java

A Set is a collection of elements whereby any given element in the Set appears only once. More formally, a set contains no pair of elements e1 and e2 such that e1.equals(e2). We can easily create a Set in Java 9 like this:

Read full article from How to Use Infinite Sets in Java 9 - DZone Java

Add Custom Keyboard Shortcuts to Chrome Extensions for Quick Launching

Add Custom Keyboard Shortcuts to Chrome Extensions for Quick Launching

Just head to chrome://extensions/ in your browser's address bar to open up the extensions page. Scroll down to the bottom and you'll see a Keyboard Shortcuts option. Click it, and you can set up custom shortcuts for some of you extensions.

Read full article from Add Custom Keyboard Shortcuts to Chrome Extensions for Quick Launching

garbage collection - Java CMS GC, GC threads taking CPU when system is idle - Stack Overflow

garbage collection - Java CMS GC, GC threads taking CPU when system is idle - Stack Overflow

And we see that the following GC threads take up CPU (around 15% overall) even though:

  • there is no activity in the system,
  • no other threads are active except these and this continues for 48 hours and the system at this time was under 0 load.
  • the system was under 0 load also for the previous 24 hours and then these threads became active
  • when these threads were active and taking up CPU, the preceding lines were printed in the gc.log
  • this continued for 2 days and when we finally put load by invoking the web application in this JVM for 5 minutes and then it all stopped. We noticed that these threads are no longer taking CPU (they are taking <1 %) now. The problem seems to have resolved itself once a FULL GC happens. The FULL GC happened after the system was put under load.
  • In short, the GC threads continued taking 15% CPU when the system was under 0 load for 48 hours.

Read full article from garbage collection - Java CMS GC, GC threads taking CPU when system is idle - Stack Overflow

vimium doesn't work with file protocol · Issue #1976 · philc/vimium

vimium doesn't work with file protocol · Issue #1976 · philc/vimium

However be noted that PDF pages will still not work since PDF viewer itself is sort of an extension, and Chrome doesn't allow extensions running on extensions.

Read full article from vimium doesn't work with file protocol · Issue #1976 · philc/vimium

TensorFlow入门教程 | Fundebug博客

TensorFlow入门教程 | Fundebug博客



Read full article from TensorFlow入门教程 | Fundebug博客

aalansehaiyang/technology-talk: 汇总java生态圈常用技术框架、开源中间件,系统架构、项目管理、经典架构案例、数据库、常用三方库、线上运维等知识

aalansehaiyang/technology-talk: 汇总java生态圈常用技术框架、开源中间件,系统架构、项目管理、经典架构案例、数据库、常用三方库、线上运维等知识

有人认为编程是一门技术活,要有一定的天赋,非天资聪慧者不能及也。其实不然,笔者虽是计算机专业出身,但工作年限并不长,对于技术这碗饭有一些心得体会,大多数人成为某领域顶级专家可能会有些难度,但应对日常工作,成长为资深研发工程师、技术专家、甚至成为小团队的Team Leader,其实并不难。




Read full article from aalansehaiyang/technology-talk: 汇总java生态圈常用技术框架、开源中间件,系统架构、项目管理、经典架构案例、数据库、常用三方库、线上运维等知识

从构建分布式秒杀系统聊聊限流特技 - 柒's Blog

从构建分布式秒杀系统聊聊限流特技 - 柒's Blog


Read full article from 从构建分布式秒杀系统聊聊限流特技 - 柒's Blog

Top 7 Credit Cards For Those With Excellent Credit

Top 7 Credit Cards For Those With Excellent Credit

If you're in the market for a great cash back rewards cards that also has a long 0% APR, the Discover it Cash Back card is a smart pick. To start, Discover will match the cash back you earn at the end of your first year as a card member. So if you earn $300 in cash back, Discover will match that $300 for a total of $600 cash back! You can really rack up the cash back by earning an ongoing 5% cash back (an effective 10% back your first year after the Cashback Match Bonus) in categories that rotate each quarter you activate (on up to $1,500 in combined purchases, then 1% back) and 1% back on all other purchases. The categories for 2018 include gas stations and wholesale clubs from January to March, grocery stores from April to June, restaurants from July to September and Amazon.com and wholesale clubs from October to December. In addition to all this, cardholders will get a 14-month 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers (then it's 13.49% to 24.49% variable), with a 3% balance transfer fee. The Discover it Cash Back card really does have it all – cash back, an extra cash back bonus (2X cashback your first year!), a lengthy 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers AND no annual fee.

Read full article from Top 7 Credit Cards For Those With Excellent Credit

Closest product pair in an array - GeeksforGeeks

Closest product pair in an array - GeeksforGeeks

Given an array of non negative integers and a number x, find a pair in array whose product is closest to x.


Input : arr[] = [2, 3, 5, 9]          x = 47  Output : {5, 9}    Input : arr[] = [2, 3, 5, 9]          x = 8  Output : {2, 5}  

Read full article from Closest product pair in an array - GeeksforGeeks

分布式工具的一次小升级⏫ | crossoverJie's Blog

分布式工具的一次小升级⏫ | crossoverJie's Blog

之前在做 秒杀架构实践 时有提到对 distributed-redis-tool 的一次小升级,但是没有细说。


秒杀时我做压测:由于集成了这个限流组件,并发又比较大,所以导致连接、断开 Redis 非常频繁。
最终导致获取不了 Redis connection 的异常。

Read full article from 分布式工具的一次小升级⏫ | crossoverJie's Blog

Stop Yelling - Turn Off The Caps Lock Key On Your Mac [OS X Tips] | Cult of Mac

Stop Yelling - Turn Off The Caps Lock Key On Your Mac [OS X Tips] | Cult of Mac

Launch System Preferences, either from the Dock, or the Apple Menu, or even the Applications menu. Once launched, click on the Keyboard icon to launch the preference pane, and then click on Modifier Keys button at the bottom right of the window.

Read full article from Stop Yelling - Turn Off The Caps Lock Key On Your Mac [OS X Tips] | Cult of Mac

Log processing, 1. part – architecture overview | YSofters

Log processing, 1. part – architecture overview | YSofters

This article is a first one of planned series focused on log processing, therefore YSoft SafeQ monitoring. It explains goals of log monitoring and intended use cases, as well as requirements for designed architecture. A brief description of high-level view of designed architecture follows, architecture itself will be properly described in one of following articles.

Goals of YSoft SafeQ log processing

Logs contain information about behaviour of SafeQ deployment, but each log carries only limited local info (such as single Exception). This can directly lead to understanding, what has happened, but sometimes more logs, even from different components, are needed.

The main goal of log processing is to collect all logs to a central location, unify them to single format to simplify their structure, compute additional information, such as duration of a print process, and finally index this info into a database to allow searches and visualizations into graphs.

Read full article from Log processing, 1. part – architecture overview | YSofters

Exercises in Programming Style | Henrik Warne's blog

Exercises in Programming Style | Henrik Warne's blog

In the book club at work, we recently finished reading Exercises in Programming Style by Cristina Videira Lopes. The book consists of a simple program implemented in 33 different programming styles. It is a great way of showing the different styles, and the book was quite popular in the book club. The book is relatively new (it was published in 2014), and I don't think it is as well-known as it deserves to be. So here is a summary and review of it.

Read full article from Exercises in Programming Style | Henrik Warne's blog

关于RESTful不足的思考 | 四火的唠叨

关于RESTful不足的思考 | 四火的唠叨



  • 第一个例子,GET、POST、PUT、DELETE分别表示对资源的获取、创建、修改和删除。但是实际操作中,我看到一些不一致的东西。比如修改,我见过有使用PUT的,使用POST的,也有使用PATCH的,很难讲孰对孰错,欠缺的是规约。
  • 第二个例子,使用GET来做查询,清晰简便,但是也有着自己的局限性,其中一个就是参数的携带。明文参数的方法并不适合传递吧比较多的参数,而且如果参数值不是普通字符串或者数值,而是数组等集合,它缺少清晰而友好的传递方式。于是我看到有一些工程师会使用POST来解决这样的问题,这无疑从某种程度上破坏了RESTful的一些规约。
  • 第三个例子——版本的指定:我以前所了解到的,版本是可以再请求头部的Accept头中指定的,但是我看到了一些把版本号放到URL中的解决方案。考虑到REST本来也只是一种方式和风格,不能说这样的做法就是错误的,但我觉得还是缺少一个在REST之上更为细致的协议或者规约。
  • 第四个例子,参数的指定方式,放到问号前面的URI里面去还是放到问号后面的参数键值对里面去,我看到了不一致的处理方式。
  • ……






Read full article from 关于RESTful不足的思考 | 四火的唠叨

【开发原则】软件开发中的原则 - pdai - 博客园

【开发原则】软件开发中的原则 - pdai - 博客园

面向对象的基本原则(solid)是五个,但是在经常被提到的除了这五个之外还有 迪米特法则合成复用原则等, 所以在常见的文章中有表示写六大或七大原则的; 除此之外我还将给出一些其它相关书籍和互联网上出现的原则;


Single-Responsibility Principle, 一个类,最好只做一件事,只有一个引起它的变化。单一职责原则可以看做是低耦合,高内聚在面向对象原则的引申,将职责定义为引起变化的原因,以提高内聚性减少引起变化的原因。


一个对象应该只包含单一的职责,并且该职责被完整地封装在一个类中。(Every object should have a single responsibility, and that responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by the class.),即又定义有且仅有一个原因使类变更。

  • 一个类(或者大到模块,小到方法)承担的职责越多,它被复用的可能性越小,而且如果一个类承担的职责过多,就相当于将这些职责耦合在一起,当其中一个职责变化时,可能会影响其他职责的运作。
  • 类的职责主要包括两个方面:数据职责和行为职责,数据职责通过其属性来体现,而行为职责通过其方法来体现。
  • 单一职责原则是实现高内聚、低耦合的指导方针,在很多代码重构手法中都能找到它的存在,它是最简单但又最难运用的原则,需要设计人员发现类的不同职责并将其分离,而发现类的多重职责需要设计人员具有较强的分析设计能力和相关重构经验。

Read full article from 【开发原则】软件开发中的原则 - pdai - 博客园

10 Quick Google Search Tips to Find What You Need Faster

10 Quick Google Search Tips to Find What You Need Faster

How did we ever get along without Google? With its mix of simplicity and breadth of information, there's little doubt that it's king of the mountain when it comes to search engines.

While most of us use Google for basic search, just under the surface there's a wealth of information to help make your searches more effective. Instead of searching for an airline's website and hunting down flight information there, have Google give it straight to you. Instead of finding a site that tells you when sunrise is, just let Google tell you. From searching within a specific website to finding books by a specific author, Google has it all.

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Two algorithms you must know for a software engineering interview | Tech Tutorials

Two algorithms you must know for a software engineering interview | Tech Tutorials

Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS) are very well know algorithms if you studied computer science, but for some self-taught people this algorithms are not so well known.

Graph theory helps you to solve several problems and having this two algorithms in mind could save your interview. Actually some big companies will ask you to solve problems that use this DFS or BFS.

We are going to show you how to remember DFS and BFS algorithms very easily. All examples will be made with Python.

Read full article from Two algorithms you must know for a software engineering interview | Tech Tutorials

How to convert mkv to mp4 on macOS | Tech Tutorials

How to convert mkv to mp4 on macOS | Tech Tutorials

Matroska (mkv) is a file format that contains audio, video, picture, subtitles, etc. This mkv format is not so friendly to the Apple environment. In this simple tutorial for beginners we will explain how to convert multiple files from mkv to mp4 using the command line.

Read full article from How to convert mkv to mp4 on macOS | Tech Tutorials

How to Force Your Mac to Stay Awake Indefinitely via the Command Line

How to Force Your Mac to Stay Awake Indefinitely via the Command Line

User Ricket on StackExchange shares this neat little command line tip. To keep your Mac awake, all you have to do is open Terminal on your Mac (Macintosh HD -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal) and enter the following command:

pmset noidle

When you're ready to allow your machine to sleep again, you just need to press Control + C.


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My Technical Works: Analyzing a JVM Crash

My Technical Works: Analyzing a JVM Crash

A crash can cause the JVM to terminate. A Crash or even a fatal error can cause a Crash. A bug in the API, a bug in third party library that we use or bug in a native api can cause these JVM crashes. JVM can crash due to the external factors like resource exhaustion etc.

In this article we will see how we can analyze a JVM crash. Whenever a JVM is crashed a fatal error log file is generated. The file is named as hs_err_pid<pid>.log (where <pid> is the process id of the process). Most cases this file is created in the same working directory and in some other cases the file may be created in the temporary location. The file is created in the /tmp location in Linux and in directory specified by TEMP environment variable in windows.

Read full article from My Technical Works: Analyzing a JVM Crash

GitHub's 7 top productivity tools for programmers | InfoWorld

GitHub's 7 top productivity tools for programmers | InfoWorld

GitHub abounds with open source tools aimed at helping you build software faster. Devs find these seven among the best

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Eliminating Large JVM GC Pauses Caused by Background IO Traffic | LinkedIn Engineering

Eliminating Large JVM GC Pauses Caused by Background IO Traffic | LinkedIn Engineering

When Java heap space that the JVM manages is garbage collected, the JVM could be stopped, which introduces STW pauses to the applications. Depending on JVM options supplied when starting the Java instance, various types of GC and JVM activities are logged into GC log files.

Read full article from Eliminating Large JVM GC Pauses Caused by Background IO Traffic | LinkedIn Engineering

技术人生 | 陶辉笔记

技术人生 | 陶辉笔记


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