Serving autocomplete suggestions fast!

Serving autocomplete suggestions fast!

Autocomplete (also known as live suggestions or search suggestions) is very popular with Search applications. It is generally used to return either query suggestion (à la Google Autocomplete) or to propose existing search results (à la Facebook).

Open source search platforms like Solr and Elasticsearch support this feature. Both allow for implementing autocomplete using edge n-grams. N-grams are subsets of words. Edge n-grams are subsets from one edge of a word (generally the beginning). For example, the edge n-grams of the word search are s, se, sea, sear, searc and search. The general principle when using them to support autocomplete is to index all those n-grams in the search index with the original word stored as is. When the user starts typing a word, we send what is typed so far as a query to the index containing the n-grams. For example, if we send the query sea, the index should return the word search as sea is an n-gram of this stored word.

This technique is very flexible as it allows for easy implementation of interesting functionalities, such as fuzzy search and infix matching. You can already find detailed instructions on how to implement the edge n-grams technique around the Web. For example, you can read this popular tutorial by Jay Hill to implement it in Solr, and this one by Jon Tai for Elasticsearch.

Read full article from Serving autocomplete suggestions fast!

The Truth About Prenatal Supplements: 5 Things You Should Know | Forté Elements

The Truth About Prenatal Supplements: 5 Things You Should Know | Forté Elements

Prenatal supplements come in many varieties. Some are one-a-day and some are chewable, powder, or even liquid.

However, the great variety of prenatal supplements manifests in the supplement facts. The traditional approach to prenatal vitamins is often market driven rather than science driven. This approach often produces supplements that lack essential nutrients because one pill is often more marketable than multiple pills. Many supplement companies are under the impression that something is better than nothing. However, as stated above, this approach results in the exclusion of nutrients or incorrect dosages.

When choosing a prenatal supplement, take into consideration these three differences:


Just because your prenatal contains a needed ingredient doesn't mean it contains the needed amount. A poignant example is the use of calcium.

According to recent research, women who are pregnant should receive 1,000mg a day of calcium to have the most effective results in reducing preeclampsia. However, though this is the recommended amount, many prenatal supplements only contain 250-500mg of calcium. If 1,000mg is the standard, 250-500mg should be nearly as good, right? Wrong. Doses less than 1,000mg show little to no effect on preeclampsia rates.

The nutrients that help prevent pregnancy complications and support your developing baby are most effective when taken in the right dosages. When examining the supplement facts, make sure to check the doses. Considering all the nutrients needed to support a healthy pregnancy, one pill may not be enough to support you and your baby.


While most prenatal supplements contain some nutrients needed during pregnancy, many contain unnecessary filler ingredients. And even the "non-filler" ingredients are often of poor quality or synthetic. The cheaper forms of vitamins and minerals take longer to absorb into the body, rendering them less useful.

If you are concerned about the quality of ingredients in your prenatal, research the supplement brand and consult with your physician.


What is the purpose of your supplement? Is a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby the end-all goal? If the ingredients in your supplement do not match your needs, your health may not be at the center of the brand.

Make sure that your pregnancy and baby are not an afterthought. Your prenatal needs to be specifically tailored to your increased nutritional demands. Consulting with a physician and researching what your body needs will help you find a quality supplement.

Read full article from The Truth About Prenatal Supplements: 5 Things You Should Know | Forté Elements

Does my baby need to take vitamins? | BabyCenter

Does my baby need to take vitamins? | BabyCenter

In most cases, breast milk or formula provides just about everything a baby needs for the first four to six months. The exception is vitamin D, which is recommended as a supplement for breastfed babies and babies who drink less than 32 ounces of formula per day. (See below for more details.)

After age 4 to 6 months, as your baby's diet gradually changes from an all-liquid diet to one that contains more and more solid food, your doctor may or may not recommend additional vitamin supplements.

Babies who eat a variety of foods over time shouldn't need them, but there are exceptions. For example, supplements may be necessary if your baby was born prematurely, at a low birth weight, or small for gestational age; consistently drinks less breast milk or formula than other babies his age and doesn't make up the difference with food: or has chronic health problems that affect his ability to eat. Be sure to ask your baby's healthcare provider if you have special concerns.

Your own health picture may come into play too. For example, women who have had gastric bypass surgery or who take certain medications daily may absorb fewer nutrients. This can reduce the nutrient content of their breast milk.

If you follow a vegan diet, tell your baby's healthcare provider. Vitamin B12, iron, zinc, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids are nutrients that vegan moms and babies may need to make an extra effort to consume through diet or a multivitamin-mineral supplement.

Read full article from Does my baby need to take vitamins? | BabyCenter

Baby DHA Supplement from pure Fish Oil | The Honest Company

Baby DHA Supplement from pure Fish Oil | The Honest Company

  • Essential for Baby's Development.* DHA helps support brain and eye development (especially critical in the first two years of life).
  • Premium Fish Oil. Sourced from small, wild-caught (not farmed), cold ocean-water fish, and then carefully batched using proprietary purification, deodorization, and stabilization processes for safety and freshness.
  • Vitamin D3.  With added Vitamin D3 to help support bone and teeth development.*  
  • Easy to Dose. Easy, accurate dosing with included dropper!
  • Include Baby DHA as a part of your baby's daily routine to help support optimal health.*
  • Sustainably Sourced. Our fisheries are certified for responsible and sustainable fishing by Friend of the Sea®, acknowledging our commitment to sustainable fishing practices and our sense of responsibility concerning natural resources.
  • IFOS Tested & Approved (5 Out of 5!). Five-star IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards) rated for purity, potency and freshness!
  • 400 IU Vitamin D3 • Natural Triglyceride Omega-3s • Third Party Tested & Approved (5 Star Rated!) • Expeller Pressed Premium Fish Oil

Honestly Free

made without: gluten, soy, yeast, wheat, casein, gelatin, sodium, dairy, eggs, sweeteners, HFCS, artificial flavors, starch, dyes, or synthetic preservatives

Read full article from Baby DHA Supplement from pure Fish Oil | The Honest Company

DHA & Kids: A Smart Supplement | Parenting

DHA & Kids: A Smart Supplement | Parenting

6 months to 2 years

Benefit: DHA jump starts the production of a hormone that's crucial for brain development during this time of rapid growth.

How much: 100 mg daily or more from foods marked DHA-enriched, like some yogurt, cereal, and  -- once your child turns 1  -- milk and eggs. And serve wild Alaskan salmon, the best natural food source that's also low in mercury. Up to four 1- to 2-ounce servings a week is safe.

Kids 2 to 5 years

Benefit: Low levels of DHA in children have been linked to an increased risk of ADHD, vision problems, and depression.

How much: 200 mg daily or more from DHA-enriched foods (see above) and wild Alaskan salmon (up to four 3-ounce servings per week).

Read full article from DHA & Kids: A Smart Supplement | Parenting




1. 热量:这个时期的宝宝的体重如果大幅度增加,80%是摄取了过多的热量,如果宝宝很瘦小或发育很慢,很可能是热量不足。 宝宝所需的热量开始大半从母乳或奶粉中摄取,后逐渐转变为从固体食物中摄取。

2. 蛋白质:肉、鸡、鱼以及豆腐里都含有优质蛋白质,可以把这些做成宝宝能吃的食物喂给宝宝,但一次不要太多,应给宝宝调剂着吃。

3. 谷类和其他碳水化合物:一天给宝宝吃2~4匙的谷类食品,就能提供给宝宝基本的维生素、矿物质及蛋白质。谷类食物中有全谷类麦片、米片、粥或面条等。

4. 水分:不要因为母乳或奶粉量的递减而减少宝宝对水分的摄取,尤其在夏天,更要多喂水或稀释过的果汁。

Read full article from 宝宝8个月需要补充哪些营养_亲子百科_太平洋亲子网

Costco: 27-Gallon Professional Storage Bins Just $6.99 + Women’s Patagonia Jackets Only $99.97 – Hip2Save

Costco: 27-Gallon Professional Storage Bins Just $6.99 + Women's Patagonia Jackets Only $99.97 – Hip2Save

Popular Stores: Latest Freebies: Dec 30, 2016 @ 6:15 PM MST Costco members! Now through January 22nd, Costco is offering up these 27-Gallon Black Storage Bins with Yellow Lids for only $6.99 after instant rebate (regularly $8.79)! This professional grade storage container is made of heavy duty plastic and has a snap-tight, recessed lid for stacking. You can also save on various other storage bins and sets so be sure to browse around if you're wanting to get organized next year! Also, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the highly rated Patagonia jackets at your local Costco! I spotted Women's Nano Puff Hoody Jackets for just $99.97 and Men's Nano Puff Jackets for only $119.99, which seems like awesome prices as these jackets regularly sell for $199-$249 on ! Share Save Did you see these deals? Danii says: I'm pretty sure $7 is our normal price here in Southern Cali? I'm going to have to check mine this weekend just to see. We have like 20 of these tubs and love them!

Read full article from Costco: 27-Gallon Professional Storage Bins Just $6.99 + Women's Patagonia Jackets Only $99.97 – Hip2Save

Write it like Riak; Query it Like Solr – Basho

Write it like Riak; Query it Like Solr – Basho

In a land where many open source full-text search solutions exist, it is important to identify what makes Riak Search unique against the competition. One important answer to that question is Riak's Active Anti-Entropy (better known as keeping your search indexes fresh, over time, as data is manipulated in Riak).

Many real world applications offer search functionality against a subset of record attributes by passing them along to a full-text search engine. Meanwhile, the source of truth for those records remains in a database.

As an example, consider an Oracle instance that contains your entire product catalog. Next to that Oracle database may be an instance of Solr that indexes only the titles and descriptions columns of your products table. This setup allows users to search freely against those fields on your site.

Read full article from Write it like Riak; Query it Like Solr – Basho

Stupid Lucene Tricks: Exact Match, Starts With, Ends With | Mark Leighton Fisher []

Stupid Lucene Tricks: Exact Match, Starts With, Ends With | Mark Leighton Fisher []

"Starts With" and "Ends With" searches are an extension of this technique, as a "Starts With" search just requires adding the delimiter in front of your search term (like using "lucenematch Acer" when searching for terms starting with "Acer"). Similarly, "Negundo Ab lucenematch" will search for terms ending in "Negundo Ab".

.To make it easier for your users, you could:

  1. Define '^' as the first character of a search phrase meaning "Starts With".
  2. Define '$' as the last character of a search phrase meaning "Ends With".
  3. Pre-parse your search phrase, substituting '^' and '$' appropriately.

Read full article from Stupid Lucene Tricks: Exact Match, Starts With, Ends With | Mark Leighton Fisher []

Eclipse project missing java builder | Error Solved

Eclipse project missing java builder | Error Solved

Description: Eclipse can not build the project, because  project is missing default builder.  It happens most of the time when checking out project from SVN or CVS.

Solution:  You need to add the default Java builder into .project file.

Verify that following lines are present in .project file of the eclipse project. If it is not present in the file, copy it from here and save the file.

Read full article from Eclipse project missing java builder | Error Solved

Eclipse/Java code completion not working - Stack Overflow

Eclipse/Java code completion not working - Stack Overflow

Try restoring the default options in 'Windows > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced'

An example of the kind of data you see in this preference screen, however not necessarily what you currently have.

Read full article from Eclipse/Java code completion not working - Stack Overflow

java - Eclipse won't generate import statements, stopped showing Quick Fix suggestions - Stack Overflow

java - Eclipse won't generate import statements, stopped showing Quick Fix suggestions - Stack Overflow

These kind of situations can occur if your workspace went into a bad state or eclipse was unable to properly save state during last exit of workspace.

Try Project > Clean and clean all projects and rebuild all. See if this helps.

Read full article from java - Eclipse won't generate import statements, stopped showing Quick Fix suggestions - Stack Overflow

solr - SolrJ not setting request handler - Stack Overflow

solr - SolrJ not setting request handler - Stack Overflow

It's true that the visible effect in the "setRequestHandler" method is to just set the qt parameter. But that's not the end of the story with SolrJ.

When a SolrJ request is processed, if the qt parameter contains a string starting with a forward slash, SolrJ will change "/select" in the URL path to the value contained in that parameter before it sends the request to Solr. It will also send the qt parameter as-is to Solr, but the parameter itself usually doesn't matter.

If you send an actual request to Solr on the /select handler with qt set to "/all", Solr should ignore the qt parameter -- unless you set handleSelect to true in the requestDispatcher section of the solrconfig.xml. This is not recommended -- because it means that you can change the index through the /select handler, simply by setting qt to "/update".

Read full article from solr - SolrJ not setting request handler - Stack Overflow

Cross Domain Ajax with Cookies support using jQuery

Cross Domain Ajax with Cookies support using jQuery

Ajax requests are only possible when the protocol, domain and port number are the same. But sometimes you want to do Ajax calls to a different domain for example when you are creating a shared service that people should be able to call using Ajax or when you are developing locally and you are testing on a remote server. There are multiple ways to get around this restriction for example by using  CORS, an iFrame or JSONP. In my last project I got around the restriction using JSONP, so I will explain that here. See links for more information about solving it using CORS.

Read full article from Cross Domain Ajax with Cookies support using jQuery

javascript - How to send a cross-domain ajax request with cookies - Stack Overflow

javascript - How to send a cross-domain ajax request with cookies - Stack Overflow

To enable cross domain requests with credentials, your server should support CORS. With CORS enabled your client code can add the withCredentials set to true to include cookies in the requests.

Read full article from javascript - How to send a cross-domain ajax request with cookies - Stack Overflow

javascript - Cross domain POST request is not sending cookie Ajax Jquery - Stack Overflow

javascript - Cross domain POST request is not sending cookie Ajax Jquery - Stack Overflow

You cannot set or read cookies on CORS requests through JavaScript. Although CORS allows cross-origin requests, the cookies are still subject to the browser's same-origin policy, which means only pages from the same origin can read/write the cookie. withCredentials only means that any cookies set by the remote host are sent to that remote host. You will have to set the cookie from the remote server by using the Set-Cookie header.

Read full article from javascript - Cross domain POST request is not sending cookie Ajax Jquery - Stack Overflow

javascript - How to set cookie value with AJAX request? - Stack Overflow

javascript - How to set cookie value with AJAX request? - Stack Overflow

Basically, ajax request as well as synchronous request sends your document cookies automatically. So, you need to set your cookie to document, not to request. However, your request is cross-domain, and things became more complicated. Basing on this answer, additionally to set document cookie, you should allow its sending to cross-domain environment:

Read full article from javascript - How to set cookie value with AJAX request? - Stack Overflow

java - Removing tail of X elements from a List - Stack Overflow

java - Removing tail of X elements from a List - Stack Overflow

subList(list.size() - N, list.size()).clear() is the recommended way to remove the last N elements. Indeed, the Javadoc for subList specifically recommends this idiom:

This method eliminates the need for explicit range operations (of the sort that commonly exist for arrays). Any operation that expects a list can be used as a range operation by passing a subList view instead of a whole list. For example, the following idiom removes a range of elements from a list:

 list.subList(from, to).clear();

Indeed, I suspect that this idiom might be more efficient (albeit by a constant factor) than calling removeLast() N times, just because once it finds the Nth-to-last node, it only needs to update a constant number of pointers in the linked list, rather than updating the pointers of each of the last N nodes one at a time.

Read full article from java - Removing tail of X elements from a List - Stack Overflow

Use LinkedHashSet when deserializing Set to preserve order by ctrimble · Pull Request #227 · joelittlejohn/jsonschema2pojo

Use LinkedHashSet when deserializing Set to preserve order by ctrimble · Pull Request #227 · joelittlejohn/jsonschema2pojo

Issue #160 corrected ordering problems when building POJOs in code, but order is still being lost during deserialization. This change configures Jackson 1 and Jackson 2 to use java.util.LinkedHashSet when deserializing to java.util.Set.

Read full article from Use LinkedHashSet when deserializing Set to preserve order by ctrimble · Pull Request #227 · joelittlejohn/jsonschema2pojo

Romi's blog: Configure Solr -Suggester

Romi's blog: Configure Solr -Suggester

Solr includes an autosuggest component, Suggestor. From Solr 4.7 onwards, the implementation of this Suggestor is changed. The old SpellChecker based search component is replaced with a new suggester that utilizes Lucene suggester module. The latest Solr download is preconfigured with this new suggester, but the documentation on the Solr wiki is still of the previous  SpellCheck version.

Read full article from Romi's blog: Configure Solr -Suggester

How to autocomplete across multiple fields in Solr - Stack Overflow

How to autocomplete across multiple fields in Solr - Stack Overflow

I am trying to implement auto-complete feature for search using Solr's suggester component. I want to give suggestions across multiple fields. I have 2 fields taxonomy and tag which I want to provide in suggestions. Eg if the search query is neck then it should return:

Read full article from How to autocomplete across multiple fields in Solr - Stack Overflow



@Data is a convenient shortcut annotation that bundles the features of @ToString, @EqualsAndHashCode, @Getter / @Setter and @RequiredArgsConstructor together: In other words, @Data generates all the boilerplate that is normally associated with simple POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) and beans: getters for all fields, setters for all non-final fields, and appropriate toString, equals and hashCode implementations that involve the fields of the class, and a constructor that initializes all final fields, as well as all non-final fields with no initializer that have been marked with @NonNull, in order to ensure the field is never null.

@Data is like having implicit @Getter, @Setter, @ToString, @EqualsAndHashCode and @RequiredArgsConstructor annotations on the class (except that no constructor will be generated if any explicitly written constructor exists). However, the parameters of these annotations (such as callSuper, includeFieldNames and exclude) cannot be set with @Data. If you need to set non-default values for any of these parameters, just add those annotations explicitly; @Data is smart enough to defer to those annotations.

All generated getters and setters will be public. To override the access level, annotate the field or class with an explicit @Setter and/or @Getter annotation. You can also use this annotation (by combining it with AccessLevel.NONE) to suppress generating a getter and/or setter altogether.

All fields marked as transient will not be considered for hashCode and equals. All static fields will be skipped entirely (not considered for any of the generated methods, and no setter/getter will be made for them).

If the class already contains a method with the same name and parameter count as any method that would normally be generated, that method is not generated, and no warning or error is emitted. For example, if you already have a method with signature equals(AnyType param), no equals method will be generated, even though technically it might be an entirely different method due to having different parameter types. The same rule applies to the constructor (any explicit constructor will prevent @Data from generating one), as well as toString, equals, and all getters and setters. You can mark any constructor or method with @lombok.experimental.Tolerate to hide them from lombok.

Read full article from @Data

Automatically format and cleanup code every time you save | Eclipse On E

Automatically format and cleanup code every time you save | Eclipse On E

Eclipse has a wonderful feature that formats according to your coding standards. It handles things like indentation, where curly braces are placed, if blank lines should occur between field declaration and hundreds of other options.

However, to invoke this formatting, you have to tell Eclipse to do this every time you've edited the code. You can do this using Ctrl+Shift+F but (1) you have to do that every time and (2) you have to remember to do it in the first place (and we all know how good developers are at remembering things).

Read full article from Automatically format and cleanup code every time you save | Eclipse On E

java - How to Implement custom Solr Repository using Spring Data Solr for multiple cores and repositories - Stack Overflow

java - How to Implement custom Solr Repository using Spring Data Solr for multiple cores and repositories - Stack Overflow

I want to have access to multiple/2 repos in one service using spring-data-solr. From Spring Data Solr multiple cores and repository I know 'multicore support via namespace config is unfortunately an open issue'.

Can you please help me with the following example, how can I create custom Repos?

Read full article from java - How to Implement custom Solr Repository using Spring Data Solr for multiple cores and repositories - Stack Overflow

Working with lombok and eclipse cleanup fails: "A save participant caused problems." · Issue #879 · rzwitserloot/lombok

Working with lombok and eclipse cleanup fails: "A save participant caused problems." · Issue #879 · rzwitserloot/lombok

I'm not the developer, but I looked into the code a little bit and it looks like this will be a mess to fix. Essentially, the Eclipse developers changed the way that they do code formatting. The new method doesn't take into account that the code compiled doesn't match the code written. With lombok, however, that assertion is incorrect. I suspect that fixing it would require a decent overhaul of how lombok works with eclipse—probably a huge effort. Add to that eclipse doesn't provide a nice API to help the cause, the same scenario is likely to play out again at a random time in the future.

There is a work-around: Uncheck Java > Editor > Save Actions > Perform the selected actions on save > Format Source

Read full article from Working with lombok and eclipse cleanup fails: "A save participant caused problems." · Issue #879 · rzwitserloot/lombok

Solr - User - Grouping performance problem

Solr - User - Grouping performance problem

if you don't need number of groups, you can try leaving out
group.ngroups=true param.
In this case Solr apparently skips calculating all groups and delivers
results much faster.
At least for our application the difference in performance
with/without group.ngroups=true is significant (have to say, we use
Solr 3.6).

Read full article from Solr - User - Grouping performance problem

Spring boot health endpoint for SOLR - Stack Overflow

Spring boot health endpoint for SOLR - Stack Overflow

Spring Boot's SolrHealthIndicator simply calls ping() on your SolrServer. At the moment, it has no way of knowing what collection it should be pinging (or if it should be pinging multiple collections).

Your best option just now would be to configure your CloudSolrServer instance with a default collection by calling setDefaultCollection(String) in your solrServer() bean method.

If you'd like to see some enhancements to SolrHealthIndicator, for example to allow you to configure the collection(s) to ping in, please open an issue.

Read full article from Spring boot health endpoint for SOLR - Stack Overflow

java - Spring dependency injection in constructor with annotations - Stack Overflow

java - Spring dependency injection in constructor with annotations - Stack Overflow

@Autowired is by-type (in this case); use @Qualifier to autowire by-name, following the example from spring docs:

Read full article from java - Spring dependency injection in constructor with annotations - Stack Overflow

RequestParam (Spring Framework 4.3.5.RELEASE API)

RequestParam (Spring Framework 4.3.5.RELEASE API)

Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a web request parameter.

Supported for annotated handler methods in Servlet and Portlet environments.

If the method parameter type is Map and a request parameter name is specified, then the request parameter value is converted to a Map assuming an appropriate conversion strategy is available.

If the method parameter is Map<String, String> or MultiValueMap<String, String> and a parameter name is not specified, then the map parameter is populated with all request parameter names and values.

Read full article from RequestParam (Spring Framework 4.3.5.RELEASE API)

java - Is it possible to have empty RequestParam values use the defaultValue? - Stack Overflow

java - Is it possible to have empty RequestParam values use the defaultValue? - Stack Overflow

You can keep primitive type by setting default value, in the your case just add "required = false" property:

@RequestParam(value = "i", required = false, defaultValue = "10") int i

Read full article from java - Is it possible to have empty RequestParam values use the defaultValue? - Stack Overflow

java - Registering Spring MVC custom type converters not working when extending WebMvcConfigurationSupport - Stack Overflow

java - Registering Spring MVC custom type converters not working when extending WebMvcConfigurationSupport - Stack Overflow

Converters appear to work fine when extending WebMvcConfigurerAdapter and adding @EnableWebMVC. However, they do not work when extending WebMvcConfigurationSupport (which is needed for some things ConfigurerAdapter doesn't support). How can type converters be properly registered when using WebMvcConfigurationSupport?

I am trying to add a custom Converter for a Spring MVC web application to convert between a string representing microseconds since the UNIX epoch and a Joda DateTime.

Read full article from java - Registering Spring MVC custom type converters not working when extending WebMvcConfigurationSupport - Stack Overflow

Count minimum number of subsets (or subsequences) with consecutive numbers - GeeksforGeeks

Count minimum number of subsets (or subsequences) with consecutive numbers - GeeksforGeeks

Count minimum number of subsets (or subsequences) with consecutive numbers

Given an array of distinct positive numbers, the task is to calculate the number of subsets (or subsequences) from the array such that each subset contains consecutive numbers.

Read full article from Count minimum number of subsets (or subsequences) with consecutive numbers - GeeksforGeeks

Maximum decimal value path in a binary matrix - GeeksforGeeks

Maximum decimal value path in a binary matrix - GeeksforGeeks

Maximum decimal value path in a binary matrix

Given binary square matrix [n*n]. Find maximum integer value in a path from top left to bottom right. We compute integer value using bits of traversed path. We start at index [0,0] and end at index [n-1][n-1]. from index [i, j], we can move [i, j+1] or [i+1, j].

Read full article from Maximum decimal value path in a binary matrix - GeeksforGeeks

Is a Costco Executive Membership Worth an Extra $55 a Year? | Fox Business

Is a Costco Executive Membership Worth an Extra $55 a Year? | Fox Business

By Daniel B. Kline Published December 25, 2016 Continue Reading Below Taking the next step and spending $110, a full extra $55, on an Executive Membership seems like an added risk, but it may actually be a safer choice. That sounds counterintuitive, but the more expensive membership comes with a major perk that may actually make it a better deal than the cheaper $55 Gold Star offer. Shopping at Costco requires a membership. Image source: Costco. All Costco membership levels are risky More From Before you buy any Costco membership, it's worth remembering that just because the chain offers good prices does not mean that you will save money. It's possible to lose out on joining the warehouse club if you buy items you don't use or get tempted into purchases you don't need. It's very easy for that to happen because the chain generally sells in bulk. That means it's possible to get a good price on anything from cereal to ketchup, cleaning supplies, or medicine,

Read full article from Is a Costco Executive Membership Worth an Extra $55 a Year? | Fox Business

Iteratively Reverse a linked list using only 2 pointers (An Interesting Method) - GeeksforGeeks

Iteratively Reverse a linked list using only 2 pointers (An Interesting Method) - GeeksforGeeks

Iteratively Reverse a linked list using only 2 pointers (An Interesting Method)

Given pointer to the head node of a linked list, the task is to reverse the linked list.


Input : Head of following linked list           1->2->3->4->NULL  Output : Linked list should be changed to,         4->3->2->1->NULL    Input : Head of following linked list           1->2->3->4->5->NULL  Output : Linked list should be changed to,         5->4->3->2->1->NULL  

We strongly recommend you to minimize your browser and try this yourself first.

We have seen how to reverse a linked list in article Reverse a linked list. In iterative method we had used 3 pointers prev, cur and next. Below is an interesting approach that uses only two pointers. The idea is to use XOR to swap pointers.


Read full article from Iteratively Reverse a linked list using only 2 pointers (An Interesting Method) - GeeksforGeeks

Find the highest occurring digit in prime numbers in a range - GeeksforGeeks

Find the highest occurring digit in prime numbers in a range - GeeksforGeeks

Given a range L to R, the task is to find the highest occurring digit in prime numbers lie between L and R (both inclusive). If multiple digits have same highest frequency print the largest of them. If no prime number occurs between L and R, output -1.


Input : L = 1 and R = 20.  Output : 1  Prime number between 1 and 20 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19.  1 occur maximum i.e 5 times among 0 to 9.  

We strongly recommend you to minimize your browser and try this yourself first.

The idea is to start from L to R, check if the number is prime or not. If prime then increment the frequency of digits (using array) present in the prime number. To check if number is prime or not we can use Sieve of Eratosthenes.

Read full article from Find the highest occurring digit in prime numbers in a range - GeeksforGeeks

Checking Account Details

Checking Account Details

Pending Transactions The Date column on your Account Activity page shows pending transactions that have not yet posted to your account (reflected with a date of "Pending"), as well as items that have been posted (reflected with the post date, e.g., 07/11/2011). To understand the difference between the two, it's helpful to review the posting process. When you use a debit card to pay a merchant, or you initiate a deposit, withdrawal or transfer to your account, you authorize the transaction amount. These transactions will not be posted to your account until the bank receives and processes them. For most merchant transactions, the merchant knows the exact amount of the transaction and asks you to authorize that amount. For example, if you buy $82.75 worth of groceries, the market would ask you to authorize an $82.75 charge or debit to your account. That amount would then appear as a pending transaction on your Account Summary until it was posted. Sometimes, though,

Read full article from Checking Account Details

Circular primes less than n - GeeksforGeeks

Circular primes less than n - GeeksforGeeks

Find all circular primes less than given number n. A prime number is a Circular Prime Number if all of its possible rotations are itself prime numbers.

Read full article from Circular primes less than n - GeeksforGeeks

Don't bring you shortcuts with you – Hadi Hariri

Don't bring you shortcuts with you – Hadi Hariri

It's a good point. When switching from one tool to another, often having familiar shortcuts help us get up to speed faster.

In IntelliJ IDEA we also have keyboard mappings for Eclipse, but when people ask me about it, I usually recommend they don't use it.

Why? Because I don't think it works. At least not in the long run.

The issue is that IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse work differently in quite a few ways. When someone comes to IntelliJ IDEA from Eclipse, using the keyboard shortcuts they're accustomed to, they normally feel productive straightaway, but often that starts to turn into frustration, because suddenly a few shortcuts are missing or don't behave exactly the same way they'd expect it to in Eclipse.

Read full article from Don't bring you shortcuts with you – Hadi Hariri

Paid time off - Wikipedia

Paid time off - Wikipedia

Paid time off or personal time off (PTO) is a policy in some employee handbooks that provides a bank of hours in which the employer pools sick days, vacation days, and personal days that allows employees to use as the need or desire arises. This policy pertains mainly to the United States, where there are no federal legal requirements for a minimum number of paid vacation days (see also the list of statutory minimum employment leave by country). Instead, U.S. companies determine the amount of paid time off that will be allotted to employees, while keeping in mind the payoff in recruiting and retaining employees. In the United States, paid vacation is typically two weeks or less per year for the first few years of employment in addition to roughly 10 paid federal holidays.[1]

Read full article from Paid time off - Wikipedia

SF debuts first protected intersection - Curbed SF

SF debuts first protected intersection - Curbed SF

Over near the abominable intersection at Ninth and Division, the one next to Fitness SF, things have gotten a little less distressing. Mayor Ed Lee and the SF MTA both unveiled the city's new and very first protected intersection . "Division and Ninth had a clear need for this type of safety improvement," says Paul Rose of SF MTA. "The intersection is on the City's High-Injury Network —the 12 percent of streets where 70 percent of severe and fatal crashes happen—and is a hot spot for collisions between turning drivers and bicyclists. More than 200 bicyclists pass through this intersection in the peak hour, making up 25 percent of all traffic heading in that direction in the morning rush hour." Graphic via SF MTA The new intersection will hopefully lead to lower turning speeds, better visibility of people pedestrians and cyclists, and a buffer between different modes of transportation. The new configuration will feature concrete islands placed at the corners, which, in part,

Read full article from SF debuts first protected intersection - Curbed SF

Intellij vs. Eclipse: Why IDEA is Better - DZone Java

Intellij vs. Eclipse: Why IDEA is Better - DZone Java

I've been working on Eclipse for 5 years, I knew it very well, I wrote plugins for it and sincerely loved Eclipse. Then I switched to another company, and was forced to move to IDEA. After surviving a serious break-up, I finally realized why is IDEA steeper. And now I have been working on IDEA for a couple of years. So I know both IDEs well and can compare them.

Read full article from Intellij vs. Eclipse: Why IDEA is Better - DZone Java

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This Chinese Billionaire Is Moving Production to the U.S. to Cut Costs |

This Chinese Billionaire Is Moving Production to the U.S. to Cut Costs |

Updated: 7:42 PM UTC While it has been said for a long time that the U.S. is bleeding manufacturing jobs overseas, particularly to China, some businesses have been moving operations the other way round . And now, the head of a leading Chinese glass maker making the same move has openly questioned if his country really is such a lucrative destination for offshore factories, reports Hong Kong newspaper the South China Morning Post. "Overall speaking, the tax burden for manufacturers in China is 35% higher than in the U.S.," Cao Dewang told China Business Network in an interview . He added that a combination of cheap land, reasonable energy prices and other incentives means that, despite higher manufacturing costs, he can still make more money by making glass in the U.S. than by exporting Chinese-made panes to the U.S. market. His company, Fuyao Glass, has invested over $1 billion stateside, according to the Post, the most significant move of which is opening its U.S.

Read full article from This Chinese Billionaire Is Moving Production to the U.S. to Cut Costs |

This Chinese Billionaire Is Moving Production to the U.S. to Cut Costs |

This Chinese Billionaire Is Moving Production to the U.S. to Cut Costs |

Updated: 7:42 PM UTC While it has been said for a long time that the U.S. is bleeding manufacturing jobs overseas, particularly to China, some businesses have been moving operations the other way round . And now, the head of a leading Chinese glass maker making the same move has openly questioned if his country really is such a lucrative destination for offshore factories, reports Hong Kong newspaper the South China Morning Post. "Overall speaking, the tax burden for manufacturers in China is 35% higher than in the U.S.," Cao Dewang told China Business Network in an interview . He added that a combination of cheap land, reasonable energy prices and other incentives means that, despite higher manufacturing costs, he can still make more money by making glass in the U.S. than by exporting Chinese-made panes to the U.S. market. His company, Fuyao Glass, has invested over $1 billion stateside, according to the Post, the most significant move of which is opening its U.S.

Read full article from This Chinese Billionaire Is Moving Production to the U.S. to Cut Costs |

Spanish football expert claims Real Madrid will make huge bid for Lionel Messi, fans react - LE BUZZ

Spanish football expert claims Real Madrid will make huge bid for Lionel Messi, fans react - LE BUZZ

0 Shares It seems the most ridiculous transfer report of the year – and that's really saying something – but Spanish football expert Graham Hunter has really got some people concerned by claiming that Real Madrid will make a bid to sign Lionel Messi. It's not the first time that the Barcelona superstar has been linked with a move to Real Madrid, but that is usually from one of the tabloids screaming that a sensational move could be in the offing. This time, however, the report comes from a journalist held up as a Spanish football expert, and he really does try to make the case in his Daily Record column that Real Madrid will genuinely attempt to sign Messi. "Whether you consider that Florentino will succeed … or be laughed out of court, the Real Madrid President almost has no option but to try one last shot at tempting Messi to cross the divide. "My firm opinion is that not only will Messi refuse to contemplate betraying a club about whom he's always said "I owe everything to",

Read full article from Spanish football expert claims Real Madrid will make huge bid for Lionel Messi, fans react - LE BUZZ

Sort an array according to absolute difference with given value - GeeksforGeeks

Sort an array according to absolute difference with given value - GeeksforGeeks

Given an array of n distinct elements and a number x, arrange array elements according to the absolute difference with x, i. e., element having minimum difference comes first and so on.
Note : If two or more elements are at equal distance arrange them in same sequence as in the given array.

Read full article from Sort an array according to absolute difference with given value - GeeksforGeeks

How to Find Costco Clearance Items | Costco Insider

How to Find Costco Clearance Items | Costco Insider

Did you know there's a secret trick to finding Costco clearance items? It's true and we're going to explain to you how to find these Costco markdowns. It all begins by looking at the item price tag. You want to look for items that have a price ending in .97 cents. This is the only way to know it's on clearance. There's no special red price tag that's marked clearance and there's no clearance section with all the marked-down items. Essentially the markdown blends in with all other store items. So, now that we know this little trick we walk through the aisles of the Costco store looking at all the price tags to see which items are clearanced.

There's a few other things to note about clearance items at Costco. First of all, right below the $*.97 price will be a date printed on the price tag. This tells you when the sign was printed, which gives you a good idea of the last time the item was marked down. Secondly, you can also look at the top right corner of the price tag to see if there's an asterisk. If there's an asterisk that means what you see is the last of the item, there are no more pallets on the shelves. If there's not an asterisk that would be an indication that you might want to wait to buy the clearanced item until it's marked down further, because there's still a lot on hand. In that case we'll watch the item over a few weeks to see if the price drops down further, as long as there is still a lot on hand. But, be careful, sometimes the store will return all the items to the manufacturer all of a sudden or liquidate the remaining stock and you'll miss out on the clearanced price all together.

Read full article from How to Find Costco Clearance Items | Costco Insider

Essential Deals At Costco For The Holiday Season

Essential Deals At Costco For The Holiday Season

Kendal Perez, a savings expert from, told Go Banking Rates that gift cards to restaurant are typically discounted by 20 percent at Costco. Plus, you can pick up a 10-pack of gift cards to movie theaters for $8.50 per ticket, which is a super bargain compared to normal prices at theaters across the country.

Read full article from Essential Deals At Costco For The Holiday Season

Eclipse Project Neon.2 (4.6.2) News

Eclipse Project Neon.2 (4.6.2) News

Image files are now opened directly in Eclipse by default. The Internal Web Browser has been registered as default editor for files with the png, jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, and ico extensions.

Read full article from Eclipse Project Neon.2 (4.6.2) News

Enterprise Java technologies like Java EE have evolved with the industry for nearly two decades to support distributed application architectures based on RMI/IIOP, Web Services, and REST. The MicroProfile is the next step in that evolution.

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Smart Save | Eclipse Plugins, Bundles and Products - Eclipse Marketplace

Smart Save | Eclipse Plugins, Bundles and Products - Eclipse Marketplace

Smartsave intelligently saves files after edits.


  • Intelligently saves files after edits.
  • Intelligently saves files when editor loses focus.
  • Option to change save interval.
  • Option to prevent saving if compiler warnings/errors are present.
  • Option to toggle smart saving.
  • Option to toggle smart saving for specific file types.

Read full article from Smart Save | Eclipse Plugins, Bundles and Products - Eclipse Marketplace

autosave - Eclipse save automatically - Stack Overflow

autosave - Eclipse save automatically - Stack Overflow

You can go here and check the box Save automatically before build

Windows > Preferences > General -> Workspace

Read full article from autosave - Eclipse save automatically - Stack Overflow

Eclipse Activator startup sins – Tracing the startup time | vogella blog

Eclipse Activator startup sins – Tracing the startup time | vogella blog

Inspired by the Eclipse start optimisation by Alex Blewitt post, I traced my environment and reworked our Eclipse Tracing tutorial section to enable others to do the same.

On my machine starting the Eclipse IDE (with only the SDK, XML editor and Git installed) takes 4317 ms. Looking at the "bad" guys it looks like Eclipse could start approx. 18 % faster if PDE and JDT would not activating themself. If opened Bug for JDT core and Bug for PDE.

If case you experience long startup time in your setup, I recommend to turn on the tracing option and if you see a slow starting component, to open a bug report or code correction for it. In most cases removing the activator (and moving its logic to another place which is lazy initialized) should speed up the start process.

Read full article from Eclipse Activator startup sins – Tracing the startup time | vogella blog

5 steps to speed up your eclipse as a super fast IDE | David Euler on coding and design

5 steps to speed up your eclipse as a super fast IDE | David Euler on coding and design

Follow these steps to speed up your eclipse as a super fast IDE , it works for 32 & 64 bit version eclipse/jdk on my windows 7 x64.

1.Disable antivirus software, or add your jdk & eclipse & workspace & other related folder to white list in your antivirus software.

2.Disable unecessary validations and startup action in eclipse reference.

For validations: on eclipse menu Windows -> Preferences -> Validation, click "Disable All", and then select the validator which you need. I selected "Classpath Dependency Validator" only.

For startup action: on eclipse menu Windows -> Preferences, type "startup", select "Startup and Shutdown", untick the options you don't need. (Thanks for David's suggest,  I've added the above 2 detail steps for readers)

3.Modify eclipse.ini to set the Xmn(new generation size), Xms and Xmx, enable parallel GC

4.Create a ram disk(virtual disk) on memory, and put your jdk on the ram disk.
You can use imdisk to create ram disk. Firstly download it from:,  and install it.

Then set the ImDisk driver to auto-load at Command Prompt with administrative privileges (for example right-click, start as Administrator), type:

sc config imdisk start= auto
net start imdisk

create a 200m ram disk as driver n by:
imdisk -a -t vm -s 300m -m n:

then you should format the ram disk manually.

later ,if you would like to remove the ram disk, just run the command:
imdisk -D -m n:

5.Make sure you are using sun jdk, not open jdk/gcj nor other jdk on linux.
If you are not satified with the after the above steps, install jrockit instead of sun jdk, and change some of the vm options by jrocket specification,
jrockit is faster than sun jdk.

Read full article from 5 steps to speed up your eclipse as a super fast IDE | David Euler on coding and design





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After Uber defied California’s DMV, the DMV revoked Uber’s registrations | Ars Technica

After Uber defied California's DMV, the DMV revoked Uber's registrations | Ars Technica

Stay logged in Cars Technica — After Uber defied California's DMV, the DMV revoked Uber's registrations Uber said it remains "100 percent committed to California" but will test elsewhere. Dec 22, 2016 2:10 am UTC If these people are in California, this is not a self-driving Uber with an engineer up front. UberPop On Wednesday night, the California DMV issued a statement saying it would revoke the registrations of 16 cars owned by Uber, which the company had been using to test its self-driving system. The DMV said that "the registrations were improperly issued for these vehicles because they were not properly marked as test vehicles." The move from the California DMV comes after a contentious public battle last week, when Uber suddenly announced the launch of its pilot program in San Francisco (the same program had been running in Pittsburgh for a few months already). But Bloomberg noted that the ride-hailing company still hadn't registered with the state's DMV ,

Read full article from After Uber defied California's DMV, the DMV revoked Uber's registrations | Ars Technica

技术光谱 | 四火的唠叨

技术光谱 | 四火的唠叨

Read full article from 技术光谱 | 四火的唠叨

How do you clear Apache Maven's cache? - Stack Overflow

How do you clear Apache Maven's cache? - Stack Overflow

Have you checked/changed the updatePolicy settings for your repositories in your settings.xml.

This element specifies how often updates should attempt to occur. Maven will compare the local POM's timestamp (stored in a repository's maven-metadata file) to the remote. The choices are: always, daily (default), interval:X (where X is an integer in minutes) or never.

Read full article from How do you clear Apache Maven's cache? - Stack Overflow

How do you clear Apache Maven's cache? - Stack Overflow

How do you clear Apache Maven's cache? - Stack Overflow

To clean the local cache try using the dependency plug-in.

  1. mvn dependency:purge-local-repository: This is an attempt to delete the local repository files but it always goes and fills up the local repository after things have been removed.
  2. mvn dependency:purge-local-repository -DreResolve=false: This avoids the re-resolving of the dependencies but seems to still go to the network at times.
  3. mvn dependency:purge-local-repository -DactTransitively=false -DreResolve=false: This was added by Paweł Prażak and seems to work well. I'd use the third if you want the local repo emptied, and the first if you just want to throw out the local repo and get the dependencies again.

Read full article from How do you clear Apache Maven's cache? - Stack Overflow

eclipse - How can I update Maven Index manually? - Stack Overflow

eclipse - How can I update Maven Index manually? - Stack Overflow

  1. Delete the cache from .m2/repository/.cache/m2e.
  2. Open your eclipse
  3. Menu Windows > Preferences > Maven > User Settings > Update Settings

Eclipse will download it again, should work now.

Read full article from eclipse - How can I update Maven Index manually? - Stack Overflow

Cleaning Maven m2e .cache directory - Stack Overflow

Cleaning Maven m2e .cache directory - Stack Overflow

We can do a setting in the eclipse ide to disable .cache folder to increase.

Window->Preferences->Maven->Download repository index updates on startup

Disable this option and you will get rid of .cache problem!

Read full article from Cleaning Maven m2e .cache directory - Stack Overflow

Cleaning Maven m2e .cache directory - Stack Overflow

Cleaning Maven m2e .cache directory - Stack Overflow

In contrast to the other answers, make sure to keep .m2/*.xml (your settings) and .m2/repository (not strictly necessary to keep, but Maven will have to download half the Internet again).

Now, as for that .cache folder: if you open Eclipse, M2Eclipse will sometimes run a job akin to "Downloading repository indexes". These indexes allow you to quickly find an artifact using M2E's "Add dependency" wizard if you only know (part of) its artifact id. It needs to put the downloaded index files somewhere, and according to the .cache folder is where they go:

Read full article from Cleaning Maven m2e .cache directory - Stack Overflow

OptaPlanner - What is the fastest Garbage Collector in Java 8?

OptaPlanner - What is the fastest Garbage Collector in Java 8?

There is a proposal to make G1 the default Garbage Collector in OpenJDK9 for servers. My first reaction is to reject this proposal:

  • G1 is 17.60% is slower on average.

  • G1 is consistently slower on every use case for every dataset.

  • On the biggest dataset (Machine Reassignment B10), which dwarfs any of the other datasets in size, G1 is 34.07% is slower.

  • If the default GC differs between developer machines and servers, then developer benchmarks become less trustworthy.

On the other hand, there are a few nuances to note:

  • G1 focuses on limiting GC pauses, instead of throughput. For these use cases (with heavy calculations) GC pause length mostly doesn't matter.

  • This was an (almost) single threaded benchmark. Further benchmarking with multiple solvers in parallel or multi-threaded solving might influence results.

  • G1 is recommended for a heap size of at least 6 GB. This benchmark used a heap size of only 2 GB and even that size is only needed for the biggest dataset (Machine Reassignment B10).

Heavy calculations is just one of the many things that OpenJDK is used for: it's just 1 stakeholder in this community wide debate. If other stakeholders (such as web services) prove otherwise, maybe it's worth changing the default GC. But show me the benchmarks on real projects first!

Read full article from OptaPlanner - What is the fastest Garbage Collector in Java 8?

What being cloud-native really means | InfoWorld

What being cloud-native really means | InfoWorld

You hear this everywhere these days: Build applications that are cloud-native -- that is, developed specifically for cloud platforms. The trouble is, everyone has his or her own definition of "cloud-native." As a result, cloud-hosted applications are all over the place in their use of native features. Many are not designed properly, and they're worse off in the cloud than when they ran in the data center.

Read full article from What being cloud-native really means | InfoWorld

InstaSearch | Eclipse Plugins, Bundles and Products - Eclipse Marketplace

InstaSearch | Eclipse Plugins, Bundles and Products - Eclipse Marketplace

InstaSearch is an Eclipse plug-in for doing fast text search in the workspace. The search is performed instantly as-you-type and resulting files are displayed in an Eclipse view. It is a lightweight plug-in based on Apache Lucene search engine.

Each file then can be previewed using few most matching and relevant lines. A double-click on the match leads to the matching line in the file.

Main Features

  • Instantly shows search results
  • Shows suggestions using auto-completion
  • Shows a preview using relevant lines
  • Matches partial words
  • Opens and highlights matches in files
  • Searches jar source attachments

Read full article from InstaSearch | Eclipse Plugins, Bundles and Products - Eclipse Marketplace

intellij idea - Eclipse search everywhere - Stack Overflow

intellij idea - Eclipse search everywhere - Stack Overflow

There is a search everywhere shortcut in Intellij IDEA(double clicking shift button), I'm wondering if similiar searching can be done in Eclipse. I did some googling, but it seems I can't search files/code at the same time in Eclipse.

Read full article from intellij idea - Eclipse search everywhere - Stack Overflow

Cold-start Recommendations | Martin Saveski

Cold-start Recommendations | Martin Saveski

Recommender systems suggest to users items that they might like (e.g., news articles, songs, movies) and, in doing so, they help users deal with information overload and enjoy a personalized experience. One of the main problems of these systems is the cold-start, i.e., when a new item or user is introduced in the system and no past information is available, no effective recommendation can be produced. The cold-start is a very common problem in practice: modern online platforms have hundreds of new items and millions of visits from logged-out users every day. Despite the importance of this problem not many solutions have been proposed in the literature. We contribute to closing this gap by studying whether it could be overcome without sacrificing performance. We do so by exploiting two aspects: the combination of the content and collaborative information, and the users' location.

Read full article from Cold-start Recommendations | Martin Saveski

Dealing with the new user cold-start problem in recommender systems: A comparative review

Dealing with the new user cold-start problem in recommender systems: A comparative review

The Recommender System (RS) is an efficient tool for decision makers that assists in the selection of appropriate items according to their preferences and interests. This system has been applied to various domains to personalize applications by recommending items such as books, movies, songs, restaurants, news articles and jokes, among others. An important issue for the RS that has greatly captured the attention of researchers is the new user cold-start problem, which occurs when there is a new user that has been registered to the system and no prior rating of this user is found in the rating table. In this paper, we first present a classification that divides the relevant studies addressing the new user cold-start problem into three major groups and summarize their advantages and disadvantages in a tabular format. Next, some typical algorithms of these groups, such as MIPFGWC-CS, NHSM, FARAMS and HU–FCF, are described. Finally, these algorithms are implemented and validated on some benchmark RS datasets under various settings of the new user cold start. The experimental results indicate that NHSM achieves better accuracy and computational time than the relevant methods.

Read full article from Dealing with the new user cold-start problem in recommender systems: A comparative review

A Unified Approach to Building Hybrid Recommmender Systems - Microsoft Research

A Unified Approach to Building Hybrid Recommmender Systems - Microsoft Research

Content-based recommendation systems can provide recommendationsfor "cold-start" items for which little or no training data is available, but typically have lower accuracy than collaborative filtering systems. Conversely, collaborative filtering techniques often provide accurate recommendations, but fail on cold start items. Hybrid schemes attempt to combine these different kinds of information to yield better recommendations across the board.
We describe unified Boltzmann machines, which are probabilistic models that combine collaborative and content information in a coherent manner. They encode collaborative and content information as features, and then learn weights that reflect how well each feature predicts user actions. In doing so, information of different types is automatically weighted, without the need for careful engineering of features or for post-hoc hybridization of distinct recommender systems.
We present empirical results in the movie and shopping domains showing that unified Boltzmann machines can be used to combine content and collaborative information to yield results that are competitive with collaborative technique in recommending items that have been seen before, and also effective at recommending cold-start items.

Read full article from A Unified Approach to Building Hybrid Recommmender Systems - Microsoft Research

《权力的游戏》曝新片场照:下季将再度上演一场“Shame游行” - NetSmell

《权力的游戏》曝新片场照:下季将再度上演一场"Shame游行" - NetSmell

Read full article from 《权力的游戏》曝新片场照:下季将再度上演一场"Shame游行" - NetSmell

This Alphabet Inc (GOOGL) Moonshot Could Become Its Own Company | InvestorPlace

This Alphabet Inc (GOOGL) Moonshot Could Become Its Own Company | InvestorPlace

As consumers look toward the skies, investors should look toward GOOGL By Chris Katje , InvestorPlace Contributor  |   Dec 21, 2016, 5:45 am EST Alphabet announced plans to create an online exchange named "Wing Marketplace" that would allow customers to get deliveries from selected retailers and restaurants. Drone deliveries aren't new, but they have not been officially approved in all 50 states. Alphabet is but one of several companies that has tested drone deliveries and showcased its successful launches, but it's also highlighted possible concerns. An announcement like this isn't usually that exciting. However, Alphabet named two companies that are actively looking at using this service, which would give the GOOGL Wing project a huge tailwind. Both Whole Foods Market, Inc. (NASDAQ: WFM ) and Domino's Pizza, Inc. (NYSE: DPZ ) are considering using this service in some capacity. While they have already declined to sign on due to concerns over the user experience,

Read full article from This Alphabet Inc (GOOGL) Moonshot Could Become Its Own Company | InvestorPlace


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