反应式宣言 - renfufei的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

反应式宣言 - renfufei的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

Organisations working in disparate domains are independently discovering patterns for building software that look the same. These systems are more robust, more resilient, more flexible and better positioned to meet modern demands.

各个领域的不同组织都在追寻一种相似的软件构建模式。这种系统鲁棒性更好、更有韧性, 更加灵活, 能更好地应对现代化开发的需要。

These changes are happening because application requirements have changed dramatically in recent years. Only a few years ago a large application had tens of servers, seconds of response time, hours of offline maintenance and gigabytes of data. Today applications are deployed on everything from mobile devices to cloud-based clusters running thousands of multi-core processors. Users expect millisecond response times and 100% uptime. Data is measured in Petabytes. Today's demands are simply not met by yesterday's software architectures.

由于系统需求近年来发生了巨大变化, 所以软件开发方式也正在改变。以前的大型应用系统会部署在几十台服务器, 响应时间大多是秒级, 可能还经常需要几个小时的离线维护, 数据量一般是GB级。今天的应用分布在各种移动终端, 服务端会部署到云集群上, 通常有上万个CPU核心在运转。用户需要的是毫秒级的响应时间, 而且期待的是100%的正常服务时间。数据量少则以PB为单位。过去的软件架构再也不能满足今天面临的各种需求。

Read full article from 反应式宣言 - renfufei的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

给马斯克打工是怎样一种体验? | 极客公园

给马斯克打工是怎样一种体验? | 极客公园

马斯克曾用「吞着玻璃同时凝视深渊」来描述自己的创业生活。早在 1999 年,马斯克带领 X.com 与 Confinity 争夺网络支付市场时,他就以极端的工作时间著称。当时的员工说:「我们每天工作 20 个小时,而他工作 23 个小时。」





Read full article from 给马斯克打工是怎样一种体验? | 极客公园

Difference between CSV and XLS files? - Super User

Difference between CSV and XLS files? - Super User

CSV files are intentionally designed to be widely supported; any OS or application that imports or exports data usually has CSV support.

They do nothing else but hold data - no text formatting for example.

Excel files hold the same data, but in binary format. This allows the file to save specifc Excel features - charts, formatting, etc.

Read full article from Difference between CSV and XLS files? - Super User

Advanced Methods Search | Eclipse Plugins, Bundles and Products - Eclipse Marketplace

Advanced Methods Search | Eclipse Plugins, Bundles and Products - Eclipse Marketplace

Search methods and chains of methods both in the Java and Scala sources as well as in the JARs loaded in the workspace based on their names, on their parameters (names and types), and on their return types. Enable programmers to navigate through the API jungle by incrementally navigating from a source object to a target object. This is an extension of the searching capabilities provided by eclipse JDT.

Typical advanced searches address questions like:

  • I have an object representing a 'name', and I need an object representing a 'file'. Give me all methods that take 'names' as one of their parameters and return 'files'.
  • Give me methods chains of length N that lead me from a 'fileName' to an InputStream -- e.g. new FileInputStream(new File(fileName))
  • Give me all methods that return objects of type 'IJavaProject'.
  • Give me all static methods that return objects of type 'IWorkspace'.

Read full article from Advanced Methods Search | Eclipse Plugins, Bundles and Products - Eclipse Marketplace

(11) How do e-commerce shops deal with free shipping abuse? - Quora

(11) How do e-commerce shops deal with free shipping abuse? - Quora

I am expert at Ecommerce for more than 7 years. Since we have spent so much time analyzing different platforms, I think I can help you with the issue. Such issues happenі not often. If you have the customer who rejects the second product with free shipping, he should pay for redelivery. You should think about your brand. You can't catch every cent. And I think it's unprofessional to take money for first free delivery. You can get a lot of quarrels and unhappy reviews from customers. What can ecommerse do? Nothing. All things can do by yourself. Every thought you can be easy bring to life with choosing a platform for your website. If you have a right choice in it, the issue about marketing efforts is solved. I've tried several platforms, which claim to be the best one, and most of them were too tricky for me to install and operate, and some have brought good results. As, an online business owner, I have managed to have a practice with 5 platforms, but only 2 of them brought some results.

Read full article from (11) How do e-commerce shops deal with free shipping abuse? - Quora

打破惯性思维:聊聊一次debug - freephp - 博客园

打破惯性思维:聊聊一次debug - freephp - 博客园

Read full article from 打破惯性思维:聊聊一次debug - freephp - 博客园



在首席架构师眼里,架构的本质是…… 什么是道,什么是术?道是事物发展的本质规律,术是事物发展的具体途径。规律只有一个,途径很多,条条大路通罗马,罗马是道,大路是术。道为本,术为途,如果事先知道罗马在哪里,那么遍地是路,路路相通。架构也是如此,如果能领悟架构的本质,就不会拘泥于现有的实践和理论框框,而以最直接的方式解决问题,无招胜有招。本文的内容包括架构的本质、架构的服务对象、架构师能力模型 、架构境界等。 架构的本质 架构的本质就是对系统进行有序化重构,不断减少系统的"熵",使系统不断进化。 那架构是如何实现无序到有序的呢? 基本的手段就是分和合,先把系统打散,然后重新组合。 举个例子,在Web 1.

Read full article from 在首席架构师眼里,架构的本质是……

每个程序员需掌握的20个代码命名小贴士 �C 码农网

每个程序员需掌握的20个代码命名小贴士 �C 码农网

Read full article from 每个程序员需掌握的20个代码命名小贴士 �C 码农网

[转] 关于数组的几道面试题 | AwezomeNet

[转] 关于数组的几道面试题 | AwezomeNet


1. 如果数组元素个数为0,那么和为0;
2. 如果数组元素个数为n,那么先求出前n-1个元素之和,再加上a[n �C 1]即可;

Read full article from [转] 关于数组的几道面试题 | AwezomeNet

7 Chrome shortcuts you should start using right away - CNET

7 Chrome shortcuts you should start using right away - CNET

7 Chrome shortcuts you should start using right away 7 Chrome shortcuts you should start using right away Get ready to jump from novice to power user in seven easy steps. You won't believe how much time these shortcuts will save you. Whether you've been using Google Chrome for years or you just switched from, say, Firefox or Internet Explorer, there are some shortcuts you should know. Many involve using the keyboard to navigate faster; others put you a mouse-click away from useful features. And no list would be complete without at least one extension -- in this case my favorite extension of all time. Ready to shift your Chrome into overdrive? Here we go... (Note that in the case of any Ctrl-key shortcuts, Mac users should use the Cmd key instead.) 1. Head for Home You know the routine: You've read through to the bottom of a Web page (or well into the bowels of Facebook), and now you want to go back to the top.

Read full article from 7 Chrome shortcuts you should start using right away - CNET

【新提醒】初入Cloudera的一点感受【一亩三分地论坛职场达人版】 - Powered by Discuz!

【新提醒】初入Cloudera的一点感受【一亩三分地论坛职场达人版】 - Powered by Discuz!

简单地说:cloudera的中国人很少,节奏很快,目前处于快速扩张阶段。楼主所在的是enterprise data hub team。

从入职拿到机器的第40分钟,甚至连用户名还没设置好,就马上checkout代码,入职第四天就checkin代码。没有bootcamp,可能会不太适合new grads,比较适合有一定工作经验能立即上手的。
同事的工作能力,解决问题能力都很强,基本上是fix everything,工作内容偏infrastructure,非常handy。

面试的时候几乎全都是system,算法题很少。-google 1point3acres

Read full article from 【新提醒】初入Cloudera的一点感受【一亩三分地论坛职场达人版】 - Powered by Discuz!

YesAdvertising Review - Ad Nets Review

YesAdvertising Review - Ad Nets Review

YesAdvertising is an online advertising network. It is a product of YesUp Media Inc, which is a very well known online and offline advertising company. YesAdvertising provides publishers an opportunity to monetize their blogs or websites with their high paying ads whereas advertisers can reach their targeted audience by promoting their products on top websites.

YesAdvertising provides full control to publishers. As a publisher you can select the campaigns of your choice or you can let the system select it for you. YesAdvertising offers various ad formats for both desktop and mobile devices. You can even customize your ads to improve their performance.

YesAdvertisng uses CPM, CPC and CPA pricing models to pay its publishers which ensure that you will be paid for everything that is, impressions, clicks and conversions. YesAdvertising offers high eCPM rates, provides full control, pays quickly, offers multiple payment options and a great support.

Read full article from YesAdvertising Review - Ad Nets Review

Qadabra Review With Payment Proof - Ad Nets Review

Qadabra Review With Payment Proof - Ad Nets Review

Qadabra's sign up and approval process is very easy. To sign up on Qadabra, you have to fill up a simple registration form and after submitting it you can instantly log in to your account and generate ad tags to place on your site.

Approval is instant, so, you won't have to wait for any specific time to start using Qadabra services.

Ad Formats:

Qadabra offers some innovative ad formats to its publishers. The ad formats offered by Qadabra are Banner ads, Pop Up ads and Mobile ads. Qadabra offers different type of rich media ads, which are Slider banner ads, Stay-on ads and Light Box ads.

Read full article from Qadabra Review With Payment Proof - Ad Nets Review

Google云端大会的十个重要宣布 - 极客头条 - CSDN.NET

Google云端大会的十个重要宣布 - 极客头条 - CSDN.NET

上周,在旧金山举办了GCP(Google Cloud Platform)用户会议,旨在宣传新产品和服务,使用户选择Google云平台。

分析师和云端顾问Sam Cherrington在Twitter总结了这次会议:"GCP团队的观点是:云端领域并没有成熟,相反,才刚刚开始。"

Google一直被认为远远落后于亚马逊、微软Azure甚至IBM IaaS的服务。在德意志银行最新的调查中,GCP已经有4亿美金的总收入,落后AWS 20倍。



Read full article from Google云端大会的十个重要宣布 - 极客头条 - CSDN.NET

SimpleImageInfo - A Java class to get image size without loading the whole data << Jaimon's Blog

SimpleImageInfo – A Java class to get image size without loading the whole data « Jaimon's Blog

SimpleImageInfo is a Java class to find out an image’s size and mime type without reading the whole image data. It doesn’t have any dependency on AWT or any other libraries. Currently it supports the following image types

  • JPG
  • GIF
  • PNG
  • BMP
  • TIFF

Because it only read the first few bytes, in most cases it only takes less than a millisecond to return the values.

Read full article from SimpleImageInfo – A Java class to get image size without loading the whole data « Jaimon's Blog

无敌是多么寂寞,AlphaGo 要在星际 2 再次吊打人类-前沿技术-@中国智慧城市资讯

无敌是多么寂寞,AlphaGo 要在星际 2 再次吊打人类-前沿技术-@中国智慧城市资讯

  与围棋不同,在《星际争霸 2》中 Alpha 将难以推算出下一步应该做什么,所以暴雪的娱乐制作总监 Time Morten 也预言 AlphaGo 将不会在 《星际争霸 2》中战胜人类。但是谁又能说的准呢?毕竟在 AlphaGo 挑战李世石开始之前,人类也是对之后的战局自信满满。

  下次在玩星际争霸的时候,不要喷对面小学生了,也许对面坐着的,可是肩负战胜 AlphaGo 大任的祖国花朵。

Read full article from 无敌是多么寂寞,AlphaGo 要在星际 2 再次吊打人类-前沿技术-@中国智慧城市资讯

谷歌放狠话:全力拼杀企业云服务市场 - OFweek光通讯网

谷歌放狠话:全力拼杀企业云服务市场 - OFweek光通讯网


  谷歌将自身定位为这一新一代大企业的工具提供商,并为此推出了新服务来增强其谷歌云服务平台(Google Cloud Platform)。

  谷歌现在开放了在其Google Now、Google Photos和语音识别中使用的云机器学习(Cloud Machine Learning)工具的访问权限,允许开发人员们在使用REST API的应用程序中结合语音和图像识别等机器学习能力,打造使用谷歌开源TensorFlow机器学习库。

  谷歌的Cloud Speech API可以进行超过80种语言的speech-to-test转换。通过向大众开放这些API,谷歌正在挑战在语音识别领域占据主导地位的Nuance公司。


  这些都是谷歌试图在其尚未取得太大成功的行业细分市场――企业业务占据主导地位所做的努力。谷歌在企业产品方面有着悠久的历史,在近日的会议上,谷歌CEO Sundar Pichai还提到了Google Search Appliance――该公司在2002年推出的首个企业业务产品。该产品与Google Apps取得了一些成功。


Read full article from 谷歌放狠话:全力拼杀企业云服务市场 - OFweek光通讯网

谷歌放狠话:全力拼杀企业云服务市场 - OFweek光通讯网

谷歌放狠话:全力拼杀企业云服务市场 - OFweek光通讯网



  第三个差异点在于易于管理―― "NoOps"部署,谷歌产品管理副总裁Brian Stevens表示。

  与Diane Greene一样,Brian Stevens为谷歌带来了企业业务经验。在2014年加入谷歌之前,Brian Stevens从2001年开始在Red Hat担任执行副总裁和首席技术官长达14年。

  Snapchat是谷歌云服务的大客户之一,在没有雇佣运营团队的情况下已经达到了1亿用户。Diane Greene表示,"该公司工程副总裁说,'只有我和另一名伙伴',但是我们做到了,规模实现了扩大。"

  Brian Stevens说,"我们认为,让开发者们仅专注于代码上是重要的。(但是)他们现在在跟客户打交道,并且在解决业务问题",而不是在数据中心进行服务器设置。

  作为谷歌云管理工具的一部分,谷歌在本周公布了Google Stackdriver的beta版,这是一项用于监控、报警和可视化云部署的服务。由于意识到了很多公司在同时使用多个云服务,Stackdriver同时支持谷歌云平台(Google Cloud Platform)和亚马逊云服务(Amazon Web Services,AWS)。谷歌在2014年收购了Stackdriver。


  谷歌尚未决定是否为Stackdriver提供Microsoft Azure支持,Brian Stevens说。谷歌客户的典型工作负载一直是在亚马逊和AWS上。

Read full article from 谷歌放狠话:全力拼杀企业云服务市场 - OFweek光通讯网

放弃了数百倍于盖茨财富的科学家 - 幽灵雾的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

放弃了数百倍于盖茨财富的科学家 - 幽灵雾的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

        90年代以来国际互联网的发展正如蒂姆所预见的,网景与微软的浏览器之争,被称为万维网第一商战,快速膨胀的网络已有瘫痪之虞。为此在1994年,蒂姆创建了非赢利性的万维网联盟W3C(World Wide Web Consortium),邀集Microsoft、 Netscape、 Sun、Apple、IBM 等共155家互联网上的著名公司,致力达到WWW技术标准化的协议,并进一步推动Web技术的发展。由于蒂姆的坚持,维护了互联网的对等性,让它保有了最起码的秩序。
        当1996年底美国《研究和发展杂志》授予蒂姆Scientist of the Year(年度科学家)称号时,蒂姆·伯纳斯·李认为WWW开启信息时代新纪元,不过是"偶然的因缘""水到渠成而已"。回顾过去,蒂姆这位满怀浪漫理想主义的科学家,以谦和的语气说:"Web倒是可以给梦想者一个启示:你能够拥有梦想,而且梦想能够实现!"。的确,Web是蒂姆在紫丁香和实验室之间的梦想,而伟大的国际互联网正是由无数像蒂姆·伯纳斯·李这样的先驱们的无私耕耘下成长起来的。

        当孤独的奥林匹克聚光灯,照耀在这位朴实的科学家身上时,伴随着简单的音乐,全世界所有的人在为他的伟大而敬畏。不是因为他的发明了万维网这一改变人类的技术,而是能够在键盘上轻松的敲出"This is for Everyone"的气魄

Read full article from 放弃了数百倍于盖茨财富的科学家 - 幽灵雾的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

Top 5 Apps That Will Help Maximize Your Android Phone - Android Community

Top 5 Apps That Will Help Maximize Your Android Phone - Android Community

Views: 7578 The whole Android community will definitely agree that Android as a platform is one of the best things that happened to the mobile industry. Google did the right thing of acquiring Android Inc. It's open source so it's highly customizable, resulting to other mod firmwares like CyanogenMod. We've seen numerous versions already starting from Cupcake to Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop, and the latest Marshmallow--all sugary treats. Android currently dominates global market share capturing more than 80% of the smartphone industry. Numbers may vary in different regions and countries but no doubt Android remains to be the King of the Smartphone Game. With about 1.6 million apps available on the Google Play Store, it can be difficult to choose only a few that will make our lives, both offline and online, easier. While games and media streaming apps entertain,

Read full article from Top 5 Apps That Will Help Maximize Your Android Phone - Android Community

网站要留住用户,先解决这7个因素 | 人人都是产品经理

网站要留住用户,先解决这7个因素 | 人人都是产品经理








网页界面颜色的搭配给用户视觉上的冲击力极强,网站颜色搭配太过耀眼往往会让眼睛感觉疲倦,网站颜色运用太过于杂乱,会把整个页面展示的很脏而且很不专业,网站没有主色,就没有引导性,只会带给用户眼花缭乱的感觉。 建议网站中颜色的运用一定要协调,一要满足网站色彩搭配要符合网站整体的品牌形象。二是网站用色不要超过3中色彩,主色要分明。三对于望着那颜色的对比度、明暗等要选择最佳的度数,网站界面要呈现良好的阅读环境。





Read full article from 网站要留住用户,先解决这7个因素 | 人人都是产品经理

Democrats See Gains as Donald Trump Targets a Wife - NYTimes.com

Democrats See Gains as Donald Trump Targets a Wife - NYTimes.com

SHARE Zach Gibson / The New York Times By AMY CHOZICK and TRIP GABRIEL March 25, 2016 Senator Ted Cruz may have urged Donald J. Trump to leave his wife, Heidi, "the hell alone," but there is one group that is quietly hoping Mr. Trump's attacks on his rival's spouse and other women will continue indefinitely: Democrats. As Hillary Clinton turns her attention to a general election campaign, Mr. Trump's nasty skirmish with Mr. Cruz, including his warning to "spill the beans" about Mrs. Cruz, without offering specifics, and his reposting of a message that mocked her looks, have played into a crucial Democratic strategy to defeat Mr. Trump in November: to portray him as an unabashed sexist. Mrs. Clinton's allies hope to sway suburban and independent women, who will play an outsize role in deciding the fall election, to support her candidacy by pushing this theme. These Democrats say the matchup would be historic:

Read full article from Democrats See Gains as Donald Trump Targets a Wife - NYTimes.com

Publisher Roundtable Analysis: Blog Monetization Tactics By Size of Site - sovrn

Publisher Roundtable Analysis: Blog Monetization Tactics By Size of Site - sovrn

Small Publishers Tend To Focus On Social Sharing

One of the more daunting tasks of a new publisher is bringing in new traffic. You may know how we love to talk about engagement but traffic is just as important when you are starting out. When we asked publishers what monetization tactics they prioritized, the smaller sites (<10,000 monthly uniques) that were controlled by a single person mostly answered Social Sharing and Affiliate content.

Read full article from Publisher Roundtable Analysis: Blog Monetization Tactics By Size of Site - sovrn

每个程序员都应该成为架构师 �C 码农网

每个程序员都应该成为架构师 �C 码农网


  • 关注范围:程序员专注于具体细节,而架构师专注于"宏观视角"。
  •  领导关系:程序员处于被领导地位,架构师则扮演领导角色。
  • 资历背景:架构师的从业时间一般比程序员更长。
  • 气质特性:架构师是重要的梦想家,而程序员则是面向繁琐任务的实干者。
  • 技术取向:架构师做出选择,而程序员提供选项。
  • 技能:架构师的技能水平高于程序员。
  • 代码:架构师需要编写之代码平均少于开发人员。
  • 组织互动:架构师所参与之"业务"会议数量远多于程序员。
  • 薪酬:架构师薪酬水平高于程序员。
  • 自身价值:架构师的价值要高于程序员。

Read full article from 每个程序员都应该成为架构师 �C 码农网

钱说了算:Linux基金会注资R语言 - NetSmell

钱说了算:Linux基金会注资R语言 - NetSmell


Linux基金会支持的R联盟(R Consortium)是为了支持以数学和统计为中心的R语言而设立的,该组织很快就会把资金落到实处。


Read full article from 钱说了算:Linux基金会注资R语言 - NetSmell

Netflix API优化之路 | Silent River

Netflix API优化之路 | Silent River

美国在线视频商Netflix近些年引领着技术潮流,尤其是他们的一系列开源框架Netflix OSS,被整合入Spring Cloud成为新一代开源解决方案Pivotal的分布式系统开发框架。Netflix也是最早成功采用Microservice架构的公司之一,他们的架构演进来自于API平台部门(Netflix API Platform)的不断优化;这篇文章根据Netflix的技术博客,来讲一讲这段演进过程。


Read full article from Netflix API优化之路 | Silent River







Read full article from 我的编程生涯里启发我的15本书

Wrestling With Inclusion at LambdaConf - DZone Agile

Wrestling With Inclusion at LambdaConf - DZone Agile

Wrestling With Inclusion at LambdaConf One of the organizers of LambdaConf makes an open and transparent statement on the recent controversy around a speaker. by Like (2) Comment (0) The Agile Zone is brought to you in partnership with DZone Software . Build your own privately managed community , like Stack Overflow, for your team with AnswerHub, a DZone Software product.  Last year, StrangeLoop rescinded an invitation to a speaker because of the controversy that erupted (nay, exploded) when his talk was announced. The controversy had nothing to do with the talk, which by all accounts was a great fit for the eclectic topics served up every year by the conference. Rather, the controversy surrounded the speaker's political views, which were penned under a pseudonym years prior. I learned about all this quite recently, and for a very unexpected reason: the same speaker submitted a talk to LambdaConf. The gender- and person-anonymized talk was endorsed by the review committee,

Read full article from Wrestling With Inclusion at LambdaConf - DZone Agile

不想成为优秀CTO的三点必备素质 - 51CTO.COM

不想成为优秀CTO的三点必备素质 - 51CTO.COM

韩亮 北京掌上通科技有限公司CTO




李德晨 砾石网技术总监




张矗 蚂蜂窝旅行网技术副总裁



Read full article from 不想成为优秀CTO的三点必备素质 - 51CTO.COM

从「节省内存」到「拯救拖延症」:7 款实用 Chrome 扩展推荐 - 少数派

从「节省内存」到「拯救拖延症」:7 款实用 Chrome 扩展推荐 - 少数派

Read full article from 从「节省内存」到「拯救拖延症」:7 款实用 Chrome 扩展推荐 - 少数派

java - How to show full stack trace on eclipse? - Stack Overflow

java - How to show full stack trace on eclipse? - Stack Overflow

You have the entire stack.

This is only part of a stack trace. Directly before this was another piece. Look at the bottom lines of this one, and the top lines of the previous one. You'll see them match up. The stack trace began with a section that doesn't begin with "Caused by".

The "Caused by" exception is hiding parts of the stack trace that are verbatim copies of stack trace entries in its parent. In other words, Java doesn't show the entire stack up to main() for every cause - it just shows what you haven't seen already. See the Throwable.printStackTrace() documentation.

The "Caused by" is filled when you provide a cause when creating a Throwable. Look at the constructors for it. This is done when a piece of code catches a low-level exception and then wants to rethrow it as a different exception class.

Read full article from java - How to show full stack trace on eclipse? - Stack Overflow

Google is building a better Android camera that can search what it sees - SlashGear

Google is building a better Android camera that can search what it sees - SlashGear

Integration of Google's "Visual Search" and the standard Android camera app may not be far off. You can download Google Goggles on its own - searching for images and their sources using your camera. You can also download the company's own "Google Camera" - the same as you'd find on a Nexus device. That may soon change. You may soon be able to search any item you can see with your camera on your Android device right out of the box. Today we're to understand - from an anonymous source, as it were - that Google may soon be releasing a new camera feature they've had in testing for some time. This feature would allow the user to use their standard Google Camera app to search for information based on what they're able to see - but more than that. The image above comes from the anonymous source as the rest of the information regarding camera features in this article. This newest integration of the tech would allow the user to outline the object they want to capture with their finger.

Read full article from Google is building a better Android camera that can search what it sees - SlashGear

你不得不看的我的实习总结 | 田腾飞的博客,为梦想而奋斗

你不得不看的我的实习总结 | 田腾飞的博客,为梦想而奋斗




写的过程中我对这个资源管理SDK理解越来越深,添加一些自己需要的功能也越来越顺手, 果然看三天不如写一天啊,期间我也问了一些白痴的问题,都是因为没有好好看懂代码,晟哥跟我说:"以后问问题,自己先把代码研究透了,哪里出的错,为什么出错,解决不了再去问他,不要有个问题就去问,浪费我们两个的工作时间"。所以现在我遇到了问题,再不轻易问别人,其实大部分都可以自己解决的,只是自己没有去研究,没有用心去找这个错。




Read full article from 你不得不看的我的实习总结 | 田腾飞的博客,为梦想而奋斗




Read full article from 每周一荐:学习ACE一定要看的书



  • 学习:略读了一遍《Head First数据分析》。


  • 学习:略读了几篇论文。

    《Empirical Analysis of User Data in Game Software Development》 -关于游戏软件开发玩家数据的经验分析的。
    《A Data Mining Approach to Strategy Prediction》- RTS游戏策略识别和预测的。
    《Analysis of revisitations in online games》- 在线游戏回访分析,来提高设计和改善用户体验。

  • Read full article from 每周回顾:代码移植没那么简单



  • 工作:优化数据解析脚本。


  • 学习:略读了一遍《Head First数据分析》。


  • 学习:略读了几篇论文。

    《Empirical Analysis of User Data in Game Software Development》 -关于游戏软件开发玩家数据的经验分析的。
    《A Data Mining Approach to Strategy Prediction》- RTS游戏策略识别和预测的。
    《Analysis of revisitations in online games》- 在线游戏回访分析,来提高设计和改善用户体验。

  • 学习:工具docear的用法。

  • Read full article from 每周回顾:代码移植没那么简单

    Best Google Cardboard rivals: Which cheap VR headset should you buy? - Pocket-lint

    Best Google Cardboard rivals: Which cheap VR headset should you buy? - Pocket-lint

    There's three things you should consider before buying a Cardboard-like viewer: price, materials, and the size of your phone.

    Price: The cheapest headsets, which cost the same as Google Cardboard, are the Goggle Tech C1-Glass, V2, UC 2.0, and Homido Mini, while the most expensive headsets are the VR One Gx and SmartVR. There are of course a handful in the middle-price range, including the View-Master, Knox V2, Powis Viewr, P2, Pop 2.0, and Dscvr. We'd recommend sticking to the low-to-mid range if this is your first go-around with VR.

    Materials: The Knox V2, Powis Viewr, P2, and Pop! 2.0 are all made from cardboard, so if you're looking to get a near-exact experience to Cardboard, these viewers are your best bet. If you want to go a step up and take the plastic route, consider the View-Master VR and Dscvr. The View-Master VR is a modern take on the classic toy that Mattel made for years, so this option might be especially ideal for kids.

    Phone size: Choose a viewer that fits your phone's screen size. Most Cardboard apps work with Android 4.1+ and the latest iOS smartphones. From what we can see, Dscvr works with phones ranging from 4 to 7 inches, while Mattel's offering only works with phones from 5 to 5.99 inches however, so be sure to check each viewer's website for more details and specifications.

    Read full article from Best Google Cardboard rivals: Which cheap VR headset should you buy? - Pocket-lint

    小朋友不要点! 最强成人网站提供免费VR小视频 - NetSmell

    小朋友不要点! 最强成人网站提供免费VR小视频 - NetSmell


    Read full article from 小朋友不要点! 最强成人网站提供免费VR小视频 - NetSmell

    真人真事:在苹果工作是一种什么样的体验? - NetSmell

    真人真事:在苹果工作是一种什么样的体验? - NetSmell

    我们经常听到有人问"在谷歌上班是一种什么样的体验"、"在 Facebook 上班是一种什么样的体验",当然,同样有很多人问"在Apple公司上班是一种什么样的体验"。这个问题,只有在Apple公司上班的员工出来现身说法才有说服力。所以,我们采集了许多Apple公司员工的回答,让大家通过这个窗口看看在Apple公司上班的样子,了解Apple公司公司的企业文化。

    Read full article from 真人真事:在苹果工作是一种什么样的体验? - NetSmell

    重新敲一遍代码,胜过拷贝粘贴 - NetSmell

    重新敲一遍代码,胜过拷贝粘贴 - NetSmell

    如今这个时代,Google 和 Stack Overflow 已经成为了很多开发者不可或缺的工具。但是最近,后者貌似名声坏了。一方面,是因为表面上特别、有时候会偏离适度的原则。说得更中肯些,取笑别人是「十足的 Stack Overflow 式的开发者」的现象,明显增多了。

    说简单点儿,有些人在 Stack Overflow 上扔代码、还大肆拷贝、粘贴回答里的代码示例,他们最应该得到这个称号。他们干起活来可能相当麻利,但是对于他们所面对的问题、以及他们乐于使用的解决方案,缺乏应有的理解。

    当然,代码的拷贝粘贴不应该都被鄙视。我敢肯定,大部分阅读本文的读者(当然包括写本文的我!)耻于把 Stack Overflow 上的代码片段、原封不动地拷贝到他们自己的代码库里。那又能怎样呢,人家的代码为什么要这样写,我们或许根本没有兴趣去了解。从本质上讲,不是每一项技术都让人着迷,毕竟,deadline 有时过于急迫。

    但是,果真如此的话,是不是意味着,我们渐渐就变成了十足的 Stack Overflow 式的开发者?对头!我们肯定不希望走到这一步!


    每当你想把 Stack Overflow 的一段代码拷贝到项目里时,别急着断网,而要考虑下面的技巧。


    是的,这要多花些时间。和你简单地敲击 Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V 相比,这肯定笨拙不堪。或许没有多少意义:如果最终结果是一样的,那么,代码的转移是否通过了剪贴板,又有多大的关系呢?

    Read full article from 重新敲一遍代码,胜过拷贝粘贴 - NetSmell

    How one developer just broke Node, Babel and thousands of projects in 11 lines of JavaScript * The Register

    How one developer just broke Node, Babel and thousands of projects in 11 lines of JavaScript • The Register

    Updated Programmers were left staring at broken builds and failed installations on Tuesday after someone toppled the Jenga tower of JavaScript.

    A couple of hours ago, Azer Koçulu unpublished more than 250 of his modules from NPM, which is a popular package manager used by JavaScript projects to install dependencies.

    Koçulu yanked his source code because, we're told, one of the modules was called Kik and that apparently attracted the attention of lawyers representing the instant-messaging app of the same name.

    According to Koçulu, Kik's briefs told him to rename the module, he refused, so the lawyers went to NPM's admins claiming brand infringement. When NPM took Kik away from the developer, he was furious and unpublished all of his NPM-managed modules. "This situation made me realize that NPM is someone’s private land where corporate is more powerful than the people, and I do open source because Power To The People," Koçulu blogged.

    Read full article from How one developer just broke Node, Babel and thousands of projects in 11 lines of JavaScript • The Register

    The greatest bug I never fixed - The blog of makandra

    The greatest bug I never fixed - The blog of makandra

    Bugs ain't fun. Except when they are. This is the story of the greatest bug I never fixed.

    In an earlier life I wrote addons for World of Warcraft. Aside from being addicted to the game at the time, it was a mindblowing experience for someone obsessed with plugin architectures and the evolution of public APIs. It was also a great excuse to learn Lua, which is a fun language.

    One of the better addons a friend and I built during that period was FriendNet. FriendNet helped to deal with the greatest challenge in the game: Finding people to play with who aren't dicks. The addon took your in-game friend list and shared it with all your friends. In return, they shared their friends with you. As a result the number of people you could trust weren't dicks increased.

    Read full article from The greatest bug I never fixed - The blog of makandra

    Google Makes $150 Photo Software Suite Free - Forbes

    Google Makes $150 Photo Software Suite Free - Forbes

    Formerly available at a cost of $150, the suite of seven professional-grade plugins is now available for download without charge in both Mac and Windows versions. Those who purchased the software in 2016 will receive a full and automatic refund in the next few days, according to Google.

    Read full article from Google Makes $150 Photo Software Suite Free - Forbes

    The Complete Guide to Facebook Ads

    The Complete Guide to Facebook Ads

    No more guesswork. × Learn more about our digital advertising services and publisher tools Company we are sovrn. We exist to foster an ecosystem where independent and influential publishers can thrive. Name Email* Facebook Ads is an incredibly powerful tool. It allows publishers to understand their audiences, push traffic to their websites and increase their email lists. However, Facebook Ads has become a pay-to-play platform. Independent publishers and bloggers now have to pay to receive exposure on Facebook – organic social media is no longer enough. Many publishers are still in the dark when it comes to Facebook Ads. They feel their budgets are too small and that Facebook Ads Manager is too complicated to learn. But with a little know-how, publishers can vastly increase their followings with only a few Facebook Ads. This guide covers the following:

    Read full article from The Complete Guide to Facebook Ads

    WTF is header bidding? - Digiday

    WTF is header bidding? - Digiday

    Digital advertising, despite the massive industry built to streamline it, is still plagued by inefficiency and fragmentation. Programmatic selling may mean automation in theory, but it still requires plenty of behind-the-scenes work to connect the buyers to the sellers. Born out of this reality are techniques such as header bidding, one of the many ways publishers are trying to eke more revenue out of their ad inventory. While the idea has been around for a while, adoption is gaining steam as more ad tech companies create products around it and publishers are looking for more ways to make cash. WTF is header bidding? Header bidding, also known as advance bidding or pre-bidding, is an advanced programmatic technique wherein publishers offer inventory to multiple ad exchanges simultaneously before making calls to their ad servers (mostly DoubleClick for Publishers). The idea is that by letting multiple demand sources bid on the same inventory at the same time,

    Read full article from WTF is header bidding? - Digiday

    Why Do Header Bidders Make More Money Than Waterfalls?

    Why Do Header Bidders Make More Money Than Waterfalls?

    No more guesswork. × Learn more about our digital advertising services and publisher tools Company we are sovrn. We exist to foster an ecosystem where independent and influential publishers can thrive. Name Email* Video: Why Do Header Bidders Make More Money Than Waterfalls? For this #asksovrn, we wanted to explain how publishers can make more money with header bidding than with a traditional waterfall. This video covers: how a traditional waterfall works An breakdown of how header bidding allows exchanges to compete laterally, while in waterfalls exchanges compete sequentially The optimal number of header bidding partners we recommend To get started with header bidding, check out headersuite.com or head to meridian to create a sovrn account. And if you have any questions, feel free to contact us on Facebook or Twitter . Related Resources Share this resource Make more money. With over one billion ad requests a day,

    Read full article from Why Do Header Bidders Make More Money Than Waterfalls?

    Ph.D. or Professional Programmer? | Henrik Warne's blog

    Ph.D. or Professional Programmer? | Henrik Warne's blog

    Narrow problems vs. broad problems. A researcher typically studies a very narrow problem. For example: what is the optimal congestion control strategy given a certain arrival distribution and goodness criteria? While these are important to study and understand, I am more interested in the broad problem of "what makes software successful". In the telephone switch example, it must perform acceptably well in many dimensions in order to be successful. It must have enough capacity, it must not crash, it must be easily configurable, it must be easy to trouble shoot etc. Congestion control is one part of many, but a rudimentary solution is probably good enough.

    I realized that I enjoy the challenge of working on large software system that must work acceptably in every dimension, rather than studying a very narrow problem in detail.

    Thrill of having users. I only discovered the importance of having users once I started the Ph.D. program. Doing research on a problem of my own choosing, without anybody eagerly awaiting the result really paled compared to the excitement of working on a system with lots of users. The features I added and bugs I fixed had an immediate impact on lots of people, and I really missed that feeling.

    Value of options. Since I had worked in industry before starting the Ph.D. program, I knew what the alternative was. My sense is that most people who do a Ph.D. do it immediately after getting their M.Sc. This means they don't know what it is like working in the non-academic world. In most cases that probably doesn't matter, but sometimes it is important to know what you are missing.


    Read full article from Ph.D. or Professional Programmer? | Henrik Warne's blog

    从程序员到CTO所要培养的六种能力 丨 伊成Blog

    从程序员到CTO所要培养的六种能力 丨 伊成Blog


    好了,就说这些吧,这都是小编(DF)这些年做程序员以来总结的经验吧,希望能给上嵌的同学们带来帮助吧,相信自己,你总有一天会是CTO !

    Read full article from 从程序员到CTO所要培养的六种能力 丨 伊成Blog

    我为什么想并且要学习 Scala >> Topics >> 中国软件匠艺小组

    我为什么想并且要学习 Scala » Topics » 中国软件匠艺小组


    • 表示值对象、领域事件等元素更直观。值对象、领域事件在DDD里都应该是immutable的,以往多采取POCO形式表示,现在改用Scala里的val以及case class表示,在语法层面就直观地表明是不可修改的。
    • 在类的方法层面实现CQRS时有语法支持。用Scala里的Function(返回类型为非Unit)对应CQRS里的Query,保证类的方法没有副作用;用Procedure(返回类型为Unit)对应CQRS里的Command,明确表明这一类方法会产生修改状态等副作用。这同样从语法层面就能对二者进行明确区分。
    • 模式匹配丰富了函数操作。除了正则表达式,Scala形式多样的模式匹配语法,为提取数据、完成数据分组聚合等运算、实现逻辑判断提供了强大支持。比如定义def sum_count(ints:Seq[Int) = (ints.sum, ints.size)这样一个函数后,我们可以这样调用,以得到一个1至6的整数序列的整数值合计,及该序列的尺寸: val(sum, count) = sum_count(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))
    • 为实现DSL提供有力支持。Scala自带有解析框架,加上灵活的函数语法支持,要自己实现一套DSL及其相应的语法解析器将不再困难。比如在配置文件里这样的一条配置语句,表示退休条件为年龄达到60周岁或者工龄届满30年:retire = (Age >= 60) || (ServiceLength >= 30)。以往的方式是自己写一个语法解析器,把这条文本转换成相应的Specification对象,然后扔给聚合去使用。现在有了Scala的帮助,就使编写语法解析器这一环节的工作量大大减少。
    • 合理的高阶函数设计,使规则编写得到简化。比如打折规则、费用报销规则,以往可能需要若干层的if-else嵌套,现在则将通过高阶函数得到大幅简化。对此,我强烈推荐刘光聪先生的视频Refactoring to Functions,你会在刘先生的重构过程中发现高阶函数的强大。
    • Actor为高效并发打下基础。Actor内部完全自治,自带用于存储消息的mailbox,与其他Actor只能通过消息进行交互,每个Actor都是并发的一个基本单位。这些特点,非常适合于采取Event Sourcing方式实现的DDD。每个聚合都好比一个Actor,在聚合内部始终保持数据的强一致性,而在聚合之间交互的领域事件则好比Actor之间的消息,聚合之间借由领域事件和Saga保证数据的最终一致性。
    • Trait成为AOP利器。Trait是Scala的另一大特色,它就象AOP织入一样,能动态地给某个类型注入方法或者结构。比如配合类Circuit和with后面那4个Trait的定义,val circuit = new Circuit with Adders with Multiplexers with Flipflops with MultiCoreProcessors这样就创建了一个带有加法器、乘法器、触发器和多核处理器的元件。
    • 隐式实现为类型扩展提供支持。对应C#里的静态扩展方法,Scala通过implicit为实现数据类型的方法扩展提供了便捷,成为Trait之外的另一个功能扩展手段。
    • 能降低常见BDD框架的学习成本。尽管这一点可能比较牵强,但我正在努力摸索如何将BDD与DDD结合,而常见的Cucumber、Spock等一些BDD框架,其语法与Scala比较相近,所以我才有如此一说。

    Read full article from 我为什么想并且要学习 Scala » Topics » 中国软件匠艺小组

    Amazon.com: Customer Discussions: Transfer gift card balance

    Amazon.com: Customer Discussions: Transfer gift card balance

    While gift card/gift certificate funds may not be used to purchase a gift card on our site, you're welcome to give your unused gift card to anyone you'd like. As long as they have the claim code, they will be able to redeem it on our site.

    Once a gift card has been redeemed onto an account, it can no longer be transferred to anyone else.

    Read full article from Amazon.com: Customer Discussions: Transfer gift card balance

    Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes - ACM Queue

    Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes - ACM Queue

    Though widespread interest in software containers is a relatively recent phenomenon, at Google we have been managing Linux containers at scale for more than ten years and built three different container-management systems in that time. Each system was heavily influenced by its predecessors, even though they were developed for different reasons. This article describes the lessons we've learned from developing and operating them.

    The first unified container-management system developed at Google was the system we internally call Borg.7 It was built to manage both long-running services and batch jobs, which had previously been handled by two separate systems: Babysitter and the Global Work Queue. The latter's architecture strongly influenced Borg, but was focused on batch jobs; both predated Linux control groups. Borg shares machines between these two types of applications as a way of increasing resource utilization and thereby reducing costs. Such sharing was possible because container support in the Linux kernel was becoming available (indeed, Google contributed much of the container code to the Linux kernel), which enabled better isolation between latency-sensitive user-facing services and CPU-hungry batch processes.

    Read full article from Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes - ACM Queue



    当应用在生产过程中,日志通常处于开发周期的次要位置,但实际上高性能的日志可能成为开发团队的重要生命线。在此我们假设读者已熟悉了各种日志框架,如 Log4j 、 SLF4J 等,所以不再详细介绍,本文旨在为「真实」的生产日志提供指南,检测其对应用质量的影响,同时还为大家介绍了一个被遗忘已久的高性能的智能日志技术。

    Read full article from 高性能的智能日志

    图灵社区 : 阅读 : 《算法问题实战策略》作者具宗万:陪你一起设计算法(图灵访谈)

    图灵社区 : 阅读 : 《算法问题实战策略》作者具宗万:陪你一起设计算法(图灵访谈)






    Read full article from 图灵社区 : 阅读 : 《算法问题实战策略》作者具宗万:陪你一起设计算法(图灵访谈)









    Read full article from 从32岁的一无所有到硅谷首富,他靠谎言和抄袭成就了世界第二大软件公司-虎嗅网

    Google interview(Software engineer) | allenlipeng47

    Google interview(Software engineer) | allenlipeng47

    Jan, 9th. Phone call interview.
    I did the coding in google doc. It was similar to amazon interview. It was just 1 question. I was asked to code within 45 minutes. I was a bit nervous. At the beginning, I didn't fully get the question and rushly coded. Interviewer told me it was not right. So I checked the question again, and made 2nd version. It was quite rush to me. Fortunately, I came up with the solution.

    Feb, 5th. On-site interview.
    Google doesn't has any open questions. All you do is to code, and discuss with technical questions. I have 5 interviews on that day. 3 of them are normal coding question. 1 is Big O discussion. Last one is about coding correction and coding test. I perfectly solved 2 out of 5. With other 3, I couldn't think up the solution at first glance, but still gave out my acceptable solution. Interviewer are very nice.
    At noon, I had great opportunity to lunch with a Googler. He was very nice, and told me his experience in google. I had a great talk with him! I was told Google is such a cool company that many problem could exist only in Google. There are so many talents people out there.

    Read full article from Google interview(Software engineer) | allenlipeng47

    Solidot | Google公布软件网络负载均衡器Maglev

    Solidot | Google公布软件网络负载均衡器Maglev

    Google在NSDI '16会议上公开了它的软件网络负载均衡器Maglev。Maglev是一个运行在Linux服务器上的大型分布式软件系统,不同于传统的硬件网络负载均衡设备,它的部署不需要特定物理机架,可以很方便的通过添加或移除服务器进行调整。Maglev被Google的云计算平台Google Compute Engine使用,不需要预热就能应付每秒100万次请求。它使用 Equal-Cost Multi-Path routing (ECMP)将进入的数据包分散到所有Maglev机器上。

    Read full article from Solidot | Google公布软件网络负载均衡器Maglev

    说说抽奖程序的那些事 - 简书

    说说抽奖程序的那些事 - 简书







    Read full article from 说说抽奖程序的那些事 - 简书

    为什么程序员要参加开源项目? - 简书

    为什么程序员要参加开源项目? - 简书


    如果是在一个开源项目,你的代码是要给项目里面的几十个人看的,而且相互之间改动代码的几率会非常大,如果你的代码不规范,文档不完善,大家就会跟你讲,说你的代码写的太烂。而且你也会看别人的代码,将心比心你会有同样的感受。另外,如果你有幸参加的是比较大型的项目,说不定有成千上万的new guy fork你们的项目,拿去学习,如果写的太烂,你自己也觉得不好意思吧。

    Read full article from 为什么程序员要参加开源项目? - 简书

    Hadoop ecosystem | allenlipeng47

    Hadoop ecosystem | allenlipeng47

    From hadoop 2.0, yarn is introduced. Yarn is a resource management, similar to JobTracker. On yarn, different calculation model can be implemented. Such as MapReduce, Tez, Storm, Spark. Database like hbase, hive are supported on yarn.
    MapReduce, use Map, Reduce, <Key, Value> to calculate.
    Storm, there is constant input to the calculation model. Once there is new input, the calculation will change. It is a real time calculation model.
    Spark, a memory calculation model
    Tez, a DAG calculation model

    Read full article from Hadoop ecosystem | allenlipeng47

    window.opener only works on server, but not on local machine | allenlipeng47

    window.opener only works on server, but not on local machine | allenlipeng47

    Today, I tried ckeditor function. But the window.opener.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction always doesn't work. I found out it works in IE, but not in chrome. It's weird. After hours research, I put it in tomcat server, and started tomcat server, it works. So the conclustion is that window.operner only works in server, but not in local machine.

    Read full article from window.opener only works on server, but not on local machine | allenlipeng47

    学习:最终是一个人的修行 - 简书

    学习:最终是一个人的修行 - 简书



    5年过去了,从薪水来看,刚满10K;从技术水平来看,还停留在5年前;管理水平,几乎没有。是不是很惊讶?这段期间很多时候感觉还是自己在摸索,利用之前的工作经验来处理现在碰到的问题。其实牛人是有的,可是不是时时有机会接触,牛人也不会总有时间陪在你身边。我在公司参加过各种不错的培训,主讲的老师都是在我心中有专长的人,比如Big Nerd Ranch公司的Christian Keur。可是不是参加了几次培训,你就掌握了一门开发语言,不是Architect跟你提了一个有建设性的意见就可以立刻变得和Architect一样有经验、一样有见地。很多时候,对知识浅显的了解让不够踏实的很多人变成了一个表演者――只是将听来的似模似样的对他们进行转述,其实并没有经过实践和推敲,看似懂而非真懂。我不想做这样的人,我正在努力修行中。


    以前我买了很多技术类的书籍回来,有Struts2、Spring、Hibernate、JQuery、JSF、JavaScript……包括Big Nerd Branch的经典书籍。我总是喜欢从书的第一页开始读,一字不漏的一页一页看,然后要把里面的所以例子都做一遍才觉得自己掌握了这门技术。如果是这样,你一定觉得我已经掌握了很多,可是恰恰相反,上面的书籍我没有一本是按照我喜欢的方式都看完的,总是半途而废。



    如今我全力投入到Android开发的学习和实践中。我买了一本Big Nerd Branch发行的Android编程权威指南作为再一次入门和参考书籍(第一次入门时Android手机一下子进入了人们的视野,没有什么学习类的书籍)。GitHub上找最佳实践,Google的Android开发平台查看最新的信息。为期一个月不到的时间,我已经可以开发出颇具功能的Android手机应用,能与设计进行合作、能够安排开发的优先级并将待优化的内容列入TODO列表。如果有新的开发成员加入,我能够让他们在既有的框架下独立开发并不影响全局。昨天我利用一个下午的时间成功将Zxing的二维码扫描功能集成到自己的应用当中,并计划下周进行SignalR与服务器通信的功能实现。当然,在这个月当中我也碰到了很多困难,一开始适应新的IDE(Android Studio而不是熟悉的Eclipse),在开发功能的优先顺序上做过有过思考,开发初期也在Activity和Fragment的使用当中纠结过,在集成Zxing的时候也是举步维艰,但都很快柳暗花明。还有,对于不同Android手机的适配问题上、测试机的选择上都有了初步的解决方案。


    Read full article from 学习:最终是一个人的修行 - 简书

    APP登录设计,你真的会吗? - 简书

    APP登录设计,你真的会吗? - 简书










    Read full article from APP登录设计,你真的会吗? - 简书

    这是我看过最精彩的回答 - ForrestWoo - 博客园

    这是我看过最精彩的回答 - ForrestWoo - 博客园


    其实我的心一直因为现在的工作【餐饮服务】而动摇,忽而想学网站,忽而c语言根基,忽而c#忽而java Android方向,然而当读到这个问答时,我坚定我所喜欢的iOS,不管结局如何(一辈子餐饮服务,一辈子底层,一辈子没法从事软件行业)





    编程语言,《程序设计语言-实践之路》《concepts of programming languages》




    软件工程,这个词大家理解不同,我以为,《人月》《代码大全》《the pragmatic programmer》《sicp》、讲测试讲重构的都是软件工程,其实上面设计模式也是软件工程,哈哈















    方向定下,然后就是做事了,一大误区就是 【追求最好的东西】,于是非得弄清楚:

    • php是最好的语言吗?
    • OpenGL比directx差吗?
    • 程序员要先学数学吗?
    • 最好的c语言书是谭浩强写的吗?
    • 放屁要先脱裤子吗?
    • linux发行版那么多该选哪个?
    • 某大牛说IDE不如编辑器
    • 听说黑客都是用记事本写程序的
    • C#是升调记号应该读csharp而java不应念 [加wa(轻声)]
    • 。。。

    如果你是一个*nix世界的玩家的话,你应该知道有一个jargon来上面的毛病,叫yak-shaving,我以前提过几次yak-shaving,但是很多人看不懂,它的字面意思是Any seemingly pointless activity which is actually necessary to solve a problem which solves a problem which, several levels of recursion later, solves the real problem you're working on.



























    有人明明技术实力强,但是由于没有包装好,或被埋没了才能,或被贴上了各种不应该有的标签,或被人偏见看待。比如 赵�� 的c#和 vczh 的微软标签







    Read full article from 这是我看过最精彩的回答 - ForrestWoo - 博客园

    面试感悟:3年工作经验程序员应有的技能 - 博客 - 伯乐在线

    面试感悟:3年工作经验程序员应有的技能 - 博客 - 伯乐在线

    1、阿里巴巴B2B事业部的面试,两轮技术面试都过了,最后一轮面试是对方的主管,由于听说技术面试过了基本上90%都面试成功了,所以LZ在和主管的交谈中也是毫无顾忌,说得天花乱坠,很多自己介于知道和不知道的东西都直接脱口而出了,结果多次被对方一反问就问得哑口无言。事后想来,模棱两可的答案是面试中最忌讳的,这次的失败也让LZ认真地对待后面的每一次面试 2、另外一家失败的是一家小公司,也就20来个人吧,整个团队是支付宝出来创业的,非常厉害。面试完LZ多方了解了一下,对方认为我基本功什么的都不错,但是实际项目经验还是欠缺一些,因为对方是创业型公司,需要人上手就能干活,因此我在这个时候还不是特别适合他们团队 至于其他成功的四家公司,给LZ的面试评价都挺高的貌似,但LZ也不想记流水账,因此就不一一列举每家公司的面试过程了,下面LZ主要谈谈作为一名工作三年左右的Java程序员应该具备的一些技能以及个人的一些其他感悟。 第一阶段:三年 第二阶段:五年 第三阶段:十年 第一部分总结一下,我认为,随着你工作年限的增长、对生活对生命认识的深入,应当不断思考三个问题: 1、我到底适不适合当一名程序员? 2、我到底应不应该一辈子以程序员为职业? 关于项目经验,我认为并发编程网的创始人方腾飞老师讲的一段话非常好: 1、明确你的项目到底是做什么的,有哪些功能 最深入的一次,LZ记得面试官直接问到了我volatile关键字的底层实现原理(顺便插一句,面试和被面试本身就是相对的,面试官能问这个问题同时也让面试者感觉到面试官也是一个喜爱研究技术的人,增加了面试者对公司的好感,LZ最终选择的就是问了这个问题的公司),不要觉得这太吹毛求疵了―-越简单的问题越能看出一个人的水平,别人对你技术的考量绝大多数都是以深度优先、广度次之为标准的,切记。 集合要掌握的是ArrayList、LinkedList、Hashtable、HashMap、ConcurrentHashMap、HashSet的实现原理,能流利作答,当然能掌握CopyOnWrite容器和Queue是再好不过的了。另外多说一句,ConcurrentHashMap的问题在面试中问得特别多,大概是因为这个类可以衍生出非常多的问题,关于ConcurrentHashMap,我给网友朋友们提供三点回答或者是研究方向: (1)ConcurrentHashMap的锁

    Read full article from 面试感悟:3年工作经验程序员应有的技能 - 博客 - 伯乐在线

    Jason Dalton, Man Charged in Kalamazoo Shooting Spree, Sues Uber - NBC News

    Jason Dalton, Man Charged in Kalamazoo Shooting Spree, Sues Uber - NBC News

    Jason Dalton, Man Charged in Kalamazoo Shooting Spree, Sues Uber by The Associated Press Editor's note: An Associated Press report about a lawsuit supposedly filed by Kalamazoo, Michigan, shooting suspect Jason Brian Dalton on March 15 was a hoax, Kalamazoo County Undersheriff Pali Matyas told NBC News on March 17. For more information, click here . DETROIT — A man who police say told investigators that "a devil figure" on Uber's app was controlling him when he allegedly killed six people in western Michigan is suing the ride-sharing company. In his handwritten complaint filed Tuesday, Jason Dalton doesn't mention the shootings directly, but said: "I am currently in prison because of Uber." Dalton is accused of fatally shooting six people and wounding two others between picking up passengers for Uber in Kalamazoo on Feb. 20. In his lawsuit, Dalton seeks $10 million from Uber. He claims that the company "ripped" him off and failed to pay him back wages and overtime.

    Read full article from Jason Dalton, Man Charged in Kalamazoo Shooting Spree, Sues Uber - NBC News

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    Six questions to ask at the end of a tech job interview - - Zartis Tech Recruiting

    Six questions to ask at the end of a tech job interview - - Zartis Tech Recruiting

    It might not always feel like it, but job interviews are a two-way conversation. You should be 'interviewing' your prospective employer as much as they're interviewing you.

    You've sailed through all the software development questions and impressed the panel with the details of your tech career to date.

    Now, they want to know if YOU have any questions for THEM. Instead of mumbling something about how you think they've told you everything you needed to know, view this as an opportunity to seal the deal and show them you not only understand their company, but you're engaged enough to find out more. Most IT recruiters will expect you to have at least two questions, but it's always good to have something in reserve, not least because there's a chance that they'll have answered some questions before you can ask. Here are some ideas.

    Read full article from Six questions to ask at the end of a tech job interview - - Zartis Tech Recruiting

    Android N for phones is promising, but not for the faint of heart

    Android N for phones is promising, but not for the faint of heart

    Android N's multi-window mode is a big deal. It's one of those features that makes more sense on bigger screens, but the whole thing feels surprisingly elegant even on smaller devices like the 5X. Tapping the Recent Apps button brings up a familiar stack of cards, but grabbing one and dragging it to the top of the resizes the app window to half its normal height, leaving the app switcher active in the bottom pane. Tap another app et voilà, you're split-screen multitasking on an Android phone. Even third-party apps -- Twitter, Spotify, Weather Underground -- that haven't been reconfigured to work in split-screen usually work as intended. (Although the system does throw up a warning just in case things are a little wonky). There's a catch, though! While you can drag the divider to peek at more information in either app window, you can't resize those windows all willy-nilly. The best you can do is make one of the apps use two-thirds of the screen. Curiously, this limited resizing works when the phone is vertical -- resizing in either orientation works fine on tablets.

    Read full article from Android N for phones is promising, but not for the faint of heart

    Italy changes law to make all supermarkets give unsold food to needy | Europe | News | The Independent

    Italy changes law to make all supermarkets give unsold food to needy | Europe | News | The Independent

    We use cookies to enhance your visit to our site and to bring you advertisements that might interest you. Read our Privacy and Cookies policies to find out more. Italy changes law to make all supermarkets give unsold food to needy 'We are making it more convenient for companies to donate than to waste' Tuesday 15 March 2016 09:30 BST Food waste in the home accounts for about half of national waste Getty Images Italy is set to pass a law that will make supermarkets donate their waste food to charities. It will become the second European country to pass such laws after the French introduced a bill  in February which bans supermarket throwing away or spoiling unsold food. The bill has recieved widespread bipartisan support and is expected to pass the lower house of the parliament on Monday before a final vote in the Senate of the Republic. Read more Unlike France, which fines supermarkets found wasting food,

    Read full article from Italy changes law to make all supermarkets give unsold food to needy | Europe | News | The Independent

    PC Virus Cleaner: Get Rid of Ads.pubmatic.com Redirect

    PC Virus Cleaner: Get Rid of Ads.pubmatic.com Redirect

    Ads.pubmatic.com is a redirect infection created and developed by the malware developers to collect money. In general, Ads.pubmatic.com can come along with insecure free downloads from the Internet without any permission and notice, such as software update, multimedia players, download tool, or utilities to speed up the Internet. Once gets into the computer, Ads.pubmatic.com will change the computer browser setting and begin to replace your hoempage and new tab. Ads.pubmatic.com changes the home page of your Web browser to point to a specific Web site such as Yahoo Search. As soon as you open the browser, Ads.pubmatic.com will pop up to redirect you to its own domain and block you from accessing online or using IE,Firefox and Chrome.

    Read full article from PC Virus Cleaner: Get Rid of Ads.pubmatic.com Redirect

    Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes to Hold Hillary Clinton Fundraiser | Re/code

    Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes to Hold Hillary Clinton Fundraiser | Re/code

    Re/code Event Updates Re/code Product Updates http://on.recode.net/1pjLDHA Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes Is Holding a Hillary Fundraiser With Chelsea Clinton Getty Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes (l), Chelsea Clinton (m) and Hillary Clinton (r) Elizabeth Holmes, CEO of the embattled blood-testing startup Theranos, has struggled with commercial partners , shed board members and a lot of credibility over the last few months. Prize-winning reporting from the Wall Street Journal indicates that her multibillion dollar startup's highly publicized blood-testing technology isn't as successful as Theranos has made it seem. One person Holmes hasn't lost? Hillary Clinton, apparently. Next Monday, Holmes is hosting a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign in Palo Alto. The event includes a conversation with former First Family member Chelsea Clinton, and participants who pay $2,700 get to go to a "host reception" with Chelsea. Related By Noah Kulwin , Oct 29, 2015, 5:

    Read full article from Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes to Hold Hillary Clinton Fundraiser | Re/code

    Donald Trump Ties Man Arrested at Rally to ISIS With Apparently Doctored Video - ABC News

    Donald Trump Ties Man Arrested at Rally to ISIS With Apparently Doctored Video - ABC News

    By EMILY SHAPIRO 0 Shares 0 Shares Donald Trump apparently used a doctored video to allege the suspect accused of rushing on the stage at his rally in Ohio had ties to ISIS. Thomas Dimassimo was arrested and charged Saturday with disorderly conduct and inducing panic after the incident. He had hopped over a guardrail and was grabbed by Secret Service agents before he could reach the stage Trump was speaking from. "Then one of my people said, wow. They found his name, and it was probably ISIS or ISIS-related. Do you believe it?" Trump told supporters at a later rally in Kansas City, Missouri. Trump also tweeted a video appearing to show Dimassimo, 22, dragging an American flag across a sidewalk, saying he had "ties to ISIS." USSS did an excellent job stopping the maniac running to the stage. He has ties to ISIS. Should be in jail! https://t.co/tkzbHg7wyD ?ssr=true The video Trump tweeted has since been removed from YouTube . It's unclear who doctored or uploaded the video.

    Read full article from Donald Trump Ties Man Arrested at Rally to ISIS With Apparently Doctored Video - ABC News

    The macabre truth of gun control in the US is that toddlers kill more people than terrorists do | Lindy West | Opinion | The Guardian

    The macabre truth of gun control in the US is that toddlers kill more people than terrorists do | Lindy West | Opinion | The Guardian

    change edition: Sunday 13 March 2016 09.00 EDT Last modified on Sunday 13 March 2016 21.02 EDT This week, in my country, considered by some of its more embarrassing denizens to be the "greatest country in the world", an outspoken Florida "gun rights" advocate left a loaded .45 calibre handgun in the back seat of her car and was promptly shot and wounded by her four-year-old child . Truly a pinnacle of human potential, much like the invention of paper in second-century BC China, or Aristotle holding forth in the Lyceum, or whoever first pointed out that Florida looks like America's penis. What do you say about the outspoken Florida "gun rights" advocate who left a loaded .45 calibre handgun in the back seat of her car and was promptly shot and wounded by her four-year-old child? I take no pleasure in violence and pain. I'm not happy that Jamie Gilt, 31 – who has built a thriving web presence on the argument that guns are not only perfectly safe around kids,

    Read full article from The macabre truth of gun control in the US is that toddlers kill more people than terrorists do | Lindy West | Opinion | The Guardian


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