


resilience4j是受Hystrix启发而做的熔断器,通过管理远程调用的容错处理来帮助实现一个健壮的系统。resilience4j提供了更好用的API,并且提供了很多其他功能比如Rate Limiter(限流器),Bulkhead(舱壁隔离)。

Read full article from 高可用架构

谈 Kubernetes 的架构设计与实现原理

谈 Kubernetes 的架构设计与实现原理

Kubernetes 基本上是这两年最热门、最被人熟知的技术了,它为软件工程师提供了强大的容器编排能力,模糊了开发和运维之间的边界,让我们开发、管理和维护一个大型的分布式系统和项目变得更加容易。


这篇文章是整个 Kuberentes 架构设计与实现原理的开篇,文章会先简单介绍 Kuberentes 的背景、依赖的技术,它的架构以及设计理念,最后会提及一些关键概念和实现原理。

Read full article from 谈 Kubernetes 的架构设计与实现原理

How to Create a Good MCVE (Minimal Complete Verifiable Example) – Java, SQL and jOOQ.

How to Create a Good MCVE (Minimal Complete Verifiable Example) – Java, SQL and jOOQ.

Reporting a bug takes time, and trust me, every vendor appreciates your reporting of a bug! Your voice counts as many voices, for all the other customers of a product who do not want to or cannot take the time to report the same bug are numerous.

Read full article from How to Create a Good MCVE (Minimal Complete Verifiable Example) – Java, SQL and jOOQ.

Why Do You Want To Work Here? (Sample Answers Included)

Why Do You Want To Work Here? (Sample Answers Included)

"I saw a story a few months ago on the news about the outreach your company does with the community.  Giving back is a big part of my personal philosophy and I was excited to see that there was a company that felt the same way.  You can imagine how excited I was when I found out there was a job opening in my skill set here.  I would really hope to be able to come to work every day to a place where I knew not only are my technical skills valuable, but my personal philosophies are as well."

Read full article from Why Do You Want To Work Here? (Sample Answers Included)

Sum题总结,大家一起来总结哇 - AcWing

Sum题总结,大家一起来总结哇 - AcWing


刚刚又做了4sum,发现sum题的规律就是:如果是2sum,最优解时间复杂度是o(n), 3sum最优解时间复杂度是o(n^2), 4sum最优解时间复杂度是o(n^3).



Read full article from Sum题总结,大家一起来总结哇 - AcWing

人生如戏,全靠演技 -- 《日常生活中的自我呈现》读后感 - Jiajun的编程随想

人生如戏,全靠演技 -- 《日常生活中的自我呈现》读后感 - Jiajun的编程随想


当人进入到一个场合时,就会自发的触发出他的表演,表演通常是为了呈现出某种状态,从而达到某种目的。表演需要一个场景,场地或者说 场合,例如庄重的某种仪式,举个例子,婚礼的仪式,仪式的前后两个人的感情会发生巨大的变化吗?对此我持怀疑态度。

日常生活中,我们想要表演,有时候也不得不表演。例如,服务性行业中,表演尤其多。如果是银行的柜员,面对顾客的刁难和无礼,是否 仍然需要脸上笑嘻嘻?作为一名教师,是想要先发制人,从见面开始就树立一种严肃严格的教学风格,或者是一种好说话,温柔的风格呢? 需要注意到,这些表演,后面是都有其目的所在,例如,如果教师相信,严格有利于自身之后的教学工作,那么从最开始便会先发制人, 让学生感受到威严,而学生通常也会配合表演,当这名教师某一天突然风格变得温柔时,学生们也许会十分"配合"的笑。

非服务性行业的人们同样会并且需要表演,为了达到某种目的。举个例子,如果一个人完全没有表达欲,为什么会发朋友圈?朋友圈是一个 表演的平台,借助表演,会让别人对你形成某种印象。这种印象,也可以说是一种标签,例如"上进","幼稚","激进","有爱","聪明", "机灵","漂亮","胸大","腿长"等等。

表演者通常自己会相信自己的表演并且同时也希望观察者相信自己的表演。作为观察者时,我们明白,表演者用言行表达出来的,并不一定是 其内心真正所想,这也就是为什么很多人感叹,再也回不到儿时的纯洁的原因之一。而作为表演者,我们可以肯定,没有人能够比自身更加 清楚自己真实的目的。我们的行为追根到底,都有其目的性,但是需要注意的是,作为观察者,我们只需要思考这些表演真正的目的是什么, 并不需要每次都进行评论或者批判,因为无此必要。

Read full article from 人生如戏,全靠演技 -- 《日常生活中的自我呈现》读后感 - Jiajun的编程随想




  • 实时监控:系统必须要做好全链路的实时监控,才能保证限流的及时检测和处理。

  • 手动开关:除系统自动限流以外,还需要有能手动控制的开关,以保证随时都可以人工介入。

  • 限流的性能:限流的功能理论上是会在一定程度影响到业务正常性能的,因此需要做到限流的性能优化和控制。

Read full article from 不止思考



HTTP/2.0 还没有普及,HTTP/3.0 标准就要被制定了。

据 IETF 透露,HTTP-over-QUIC 实验协议将被重命名为 HTTP/3,并成为 HTTP 协议的第三个正式版本

IETF 是 Internet Engineering Task Force 的缩写,意思是互联网工程任务小组,主要负责互联网标准的开发和推动。被他们"钦定",HTTP-over-QUIC 成为HTTP/3.0 算是没跑了。

Read full article from 承香墨影

[推荐]时间管理文章:Do it now - 网站架构札记

[推荐]时间管理文章:Do it now - 网站架构札记


为了实现这个目标,我决心每个学期得到30到40个学分,而其他学生平均只要12到15个学分。显而易见,我必须合理安排时间才能实现目标。我开始阅读我所能找到的所有关于时间管理的资料,并学以所用。正好三个学期,我完成了目标:两个理科学士学位(计算机科学和数学),而且没有参加暑期的补课。我每天晚上睡七到八个小时,处理好我的日常杂务(购物,做饭等等),参与社交活动,每天早晨锻炼30分钟。在最后一学期我完成了高级计算机和数学两门总共37学分的课程,我甚至拥有一份游戏程序员的全职工作(每周工作40小时),还是当地ACM学会(Association of Computing Machinery)的副主席。我的同学把他们完成功课要花的时间加到一起,结论是我的一周有250小时。我以3.9GPA的成绩毕业并且获得每年颁发给最优秀计算机专业学生的特别奖。我的一个教授后来告诉我当他们知道我所做所为之后,选择奖项的候选人就变得很简单了。

Read full article from [推荐]时间管理文章:Do it now - 网站架构札记

A Comment Is An Invitation For Refactoring

A Comment Is An Invitation For Refactoring

A comment is an apology for not choosing a more clear name, or a more reasonable set of parameters, or for the failure to use explanatory variables and explanatory functions. Apologies for making the code unmaintainable, apologies for not using well-known algorithms, apologies for writing 'clever' code, apologies for not having a good version control system, apologies for not having finished the job of writing the code, or for leaving vulnerabilities or flaws in the code.

Read full article from A Comment Is An Invitation For Refactoring

Coding Without Comments

Coding Without Comments

If peppering your code with lots of comments is good, then having zillions of comments in your code must be great, right? Not quite. Excess is one way good comments go bad:

Read full article from Coding Without Comments

Persistence vs. Durability in Messaging. Do you know the difference? - RHD Blog

Persistence vs. Durability in Messaging. Do you know the difference? - RHD Blog

So what do we need to prevent message loss?  If you are using both queues and topics, then using both persistent messaging and durable subscriptions is your best bet. This will ensure you have a back up of the message in case of broker failure and that your subscriptions will always receive the proper messages. Just remember that certain messaging systems, such as Amazon's SQS and SNS, may not support durable subscriptions.

Read full article from Persistence vs. Durability in Messaging. Do you know the difference? - RHD Blog

Apache Helix - Home

Apache Helix - Home

Apache Helix is a generic cluster management framework used for the automatic management of partitioned, replicated and distributed resources hosted on a cluster of nodes. Helix automates reassignment of resources in the face of node failure and recovery, cluster expansion, and reconfiguration.

What Is Cluster Management?

To understand Helix, you first need to understand cluster management. A distributed system typically runs on multiple nodes for the following reasons:

  • scalability
  • fault tolerance
  • load balancing

Each node performs one or more of the primary functions of the cluster, such as storing and serving data, producing and consuming data streams, and so on. Once configured for your system, Helix acts as the global brain for the system. It is designed to make decisions that cannot be made in isolation. Examples of such decisions that require global knowledge and coordination:

  • scheduling of maintainence tasks, such as backups, garbage collection, file consolidation, index rebuilds
  • repartitioning of data or resources across the cluster
  • informing dependent systems of changes so they can react appropriately to cluster changes
  • throttling system tasks and changes

While it is possible to integrate these functions into the distributed system, it complicates the code. Helix has abstracted common cluster management tasks, enabling the system builder to model the desired behavior with a declarative state model, and let Helix manage the coordination. The result is less new code to write, and a robust, highly operable system.

Read full article from Apache Helix - Home

Improving performance of lockless data structures

Improving performance of lockless data structures

As multi-core computer systems grow in number of processors and processor cores one of the largest challenges in software is to scale the performance of data structures to properly utilize the potential concurrent performance that modern hardware offers. To tap into this potential performance data structures need to be able to execute multiple operations at the same time with minimal synchronization between threads or else the hot path of the code risks stalling threads and wasting processor cycles. Below is probably the most common solution you'll find.

Read full article from Improving performance of lockless data structures



我们今天要来讲一个非常细节的小知识,这个知识被大多数 Go 语言的开发者无视了,它就是切片的三种特殊状态 —— 「零切片」、「空切片」和「nil 切片」。

Read full article from 码洞

不改一行代码定位线上性能问题 | crossoverJie's Blog

不改一行代码定位线上性能问题 | crossoverJie's Blog

最近时运不佳,几乎天天被线上问题骚扰。前几天刚解决了一个 HashSet 的并发问题,周六又来了一个性能问题。

Read full article from 不改一行代码定位线上性能问题 | crossoverJie's Blog

Pinpoint | Leading Open-Source APM

Pinpoint | Leading Open-Source APM

Pinpoint is an APM (Application Performance Management) tool for large-scale distributed systems written in Java / PHP. Inspired by Dapper, Pinpoint provides a solution to help analyze the overall structure of the system and how components within them are interconnected by tracing transactions across distributed applications.

Read full article from Pinpoint | Leading Open-Source APM

设置超时时间真的很重要 - Sam哥哥聊技术 - CSDN博客

设置超时时间真的很重要 - Sam哥哥聊技术 - CSDN博客



Read full article from 设置超时时间真的很重要 - Sam哥哥聊技术 - CSDN博客

一种计算用户留存的方法 - 木东居士 - CSDN博客

一种计算用户留存的方法 - 木东居士 - CSDN博客



0x01 简介


Read full article from 一种计算用户留存的方法 - 木东居士 - CSDN博客

搜索框出现故障-又是一个通宵的晚上 - Sam哥哥聊技术 - CSDN博客

搜索框出现故障-又是一个通宵的晚上 - Sam哥哥聊技术 - CSDN博客






Read full article from 搜索框出现故障-又是一个通宵的晚上 - Sam哥哥聊技术 - CSDN博客



在介绍volatile之前,先简单了解一下Java内存模型。在Java虚拟机规范中试图定义一种Java内存模型(Java Memory Model,JMM)来屏蔽各个硬件平台和操作系统的内存访问差异,以实现让Java程序在各种平台下都能达到一致的内存访问效果,笔者认为是定义了程序中变量的访问规则。

Read full article from JavaQ

1.6W star 的 JCSprout 阅读体验大提升 | crossoverJie's Blog

1.6W star 的 JCSprout 阅读体验大提升 | crossoverJie's Blog

年初时创建这个 repo 原本只是想根据自己面试与被面试的经历记录一些核心知识点,结果却是越写越多。

在我自己宣传和其他技术大佬(包括阮大)的助攻之下连续两个月都在 GitHub trending Java片区的榜首。

Read full article from 1.6W star 的 JCSprout 阅读体验大提升 | crossoverJie's Blog

程序员的修炼-05-了解你的用户 · Android Performance

程序员的修炼-05-了解你的用户 · Android Performance

本文是 <程序员的修炼-从优秀到卓越> 的读书笔记的第五篇,这本书的作者是 Jeff Atwood,StackOverflow 的创始人之一,Jeff 的文章涉及面很广,他是一个经验老道的程序员、管理者、创业者,这本书谈到了编程之外的很多东西,不管你是初级工程师,还是资深工程师,本书都值得一读。随着你的阅历的增加,每一次重读这本书,都会有不一样的感悟,正如书名"从优秀到卓越",作者为你指明了道路,至于是否能成功,则要看自己的修炼了。

Read full article from 程序员的修炼-05-了解你的用户 · Android Performance



主动full gc的流程应该如下:

  1. 检查是否快满足full gc条件,若到达临界点,进入2;

  2. 主动把服务给注册下线;

  3. 调用System.gc();

  4. 主动把服务注册上线;

Read full article from Java杂谈

java - Setting custom request header using SolrJ - Stack Overflow

java - Setting custom request header using SolrJ - Stack Overflow

You can extend HttpSolrClient creating your own class MyHttpSolrClient and customise the behaviour of executeMethod adding your custom request headers.

Read full article from java - Setting custom request header using SolrJ - Stack Overflow




Read full article from 何俊林

Why is scheduling in construction broken? – ALICE Technologies – Medium

Why is scheduling in construction broken? – ALICE Technologies – Medium

Construction scheduling is broken — just think of any project you know that is on time and on budget. The reasons for this are myriad, and certainly the ability to plan and schedule a project lies near the heart of them all.

This article is the first of a series that dives into why planning and scheduling needs an update for the 21st century, and how Artificial Intelligence can play a role in helping solve its issues.

Read full article from Why is scheduling in construction broken? – ALICE Technologies – Medium

过去这几十年,分布式系统的「数据一致性」精华都在这了! - Zachary_Fan - 博客园

过去这几十年,分布式系统的「数据一致性」精华都在这了! - Zachary_Fan - 博客园

  事务只是一个计算机术语,而事务的体现形式其实在我们生活中也无处不在。任何我们认为应该是这样的事情,去确保它达到预期的过程就是「事务」。 往小了说,我们平时在走路的时候,向前摆动左手的同时抬右腿,如果不是这样的话就是不一致,别人会说你走路不协调。所以我们小时候父母会通过各种方式教会我们这个,这些各式各样的方式就好比我们在软件开发中去实施「事务」一样,一题是多解的。

Read full article from 过去这几十年,分布式系统的「数据一致性」精华都在这了! - Zachary_Fan - 博客园

分布式系统中的必备良药 —— RPC - Zachary_Fan - 博客园

分布式系统中的必备良药 —— RPC - Zachary_Fan - 博客园


    这是微软在2015开源的构建分布式应用的框架。(什么意思?那它是RPC框架么?)我想这是大部分对Orleans不熟悉的同学的疑问,实际上Orleans的层次比RPC框架更高,它不仅仅解决了远程调用问题,其内部还包含了服务发现、负载均衡、高可用等一些处理机制。一般用Akka(有.net版本 Akka.net)和它对标,都是基于Actor模型设计的分布式框架,顺手附上一篇经典的对比文章:https://github.com/akka/akka-meta/blob/master/ComparisonWithOrleans.md 。Orleans最大的特点就是微软一向的风格,高度封装,提高生产力。面向OOP的设计,便于使用,大家可以在文末下载Demo感受一下,手感和WCF比较类似。

Read full article from 分布式系统中的必备良药 —— RPC - Zachary_Fan - 博客园

就简单聊聊沟通效率问题 - Zachary_Fan - 博客园

就简单聊聊沟通效率问题 - Zachary_Fan - 博客园






Read full article from 就简单聊聊沟通效率问题 - Zachary_Fan - 博客园

由散列表到BitMap的概念与应用(三):面试中的海量数据处理 | Aoho's Blog

由散列表到BitMap的概念与应用(三):面试中的海量数据处理 | Aoho's Blog



  • 首先我们最常想到的方法是读取文件a,建立哈希表,然后再读取文件b,遍历文件b中每个url,对于每个遍历,我们都执行查找hash表的操作,若hash表中搜索到了,则说明两文件共有,存入一个集合。
  • 但上述方法有一个明显问题,加载一个文件的数据需要50亿*64bytes = 320G远远大于4G内存,何况我们还需要分配哈希表数据结构所使用的空间,所以不可能一次性把文件中所有数据构建一个整体的hash表。

Read full article from 由散列表到BitMap的概念与应用(三):面试中的海量数据处理 | Aoho's Blog

MYSQL On Kubernetes(IPVS)引发的TCP超时问题定位 | 君莫笑的博客

MYSQL On Kubernetes(IPVS)引发的TCP超时问题定位 | 君莫笑的博客

  • 以下数据库上Kubernetes都是研发、测试环境,非生产环境

我们研测测试环境的数据库如 Mysql ,redis ,rabbitmq都以容器的方式在我们自研的paas平台上创建;

但是当我们把mysql已到k8s上时, 我们经常发现MYSQL 的error日志爆出如下错误:

Read full article from MYSQL On Kubernetes(IPVS)引发的TCP超时问题定位 | 君莫笑的博客

Linux Run Command As Another User - nixCraft

Linux Run Command As Another User - nixCraft


Read full article from Linux Run Command As Another User - nixCraft

What is the difference between primary group and secondary group in Ubuntu? - Ask Ubuntu

What is the difference between primary group and secondary group in Ubuntu? - Ask Ubuntu

If you are talking about file system groups, they are pretty well explained here cyberciti article. The primary group is used by default when creating a new file. You can test this

touch foo  ls -la foo  

The file will be owned by you and be in your primary group. Users who are also in your primary group will have group level permissions on those files.

You can check your secondary groups with

groups $(whoami)  

It also possible to share files with people who are not in your primary group by setting Set Group ID on a directory. This is explained here: shared folder with SetGID.

Read full article from What is the difference between primary group and secondary group in Ubuntu? - Ask Ubuntu

航美在线集团聚焦中国航空移动互联网发展 _ 东方财富网

航美在线集团聚焦中国航空移动互联网发展 _ 东方财富网


Read full article from 航美在线集团聚焦中国航空移动互联网发展 _ 东方财富网

Apache Solr 5.3.x 'LoadAdminUiServlet.java' Clickjacking Weakness | Tenable™

Apache Solr 5.3.x 'LoadAdminUiServlet.java' Clickjacking Weakness | Tenable™

The remote web server contains a Java application that is affected by a clickjacking weakness in the admin interface.


Versions of Apache Solr 5.3.x are affected by a clickjacking weakness. This flaw exists due to a flaw in 'LoadAdminUiServlet.java' in the admin interface that is due to the program failing to set 'X-Frame-Options' to deny. This may allow a context-dependent attacker to conduct a clickjacking attack.

Read full article from Apache Solr 5.3.x 'LoadAdminUiServlet.java' Clickjacking Weakness | Tenable™

Apache Solr 5.3.x 'LoadAdminUiServlet.java' Clickjacking Weakness | Tenable™

Apache Solr 5.3.x 'LoadAdminUiServlet.java' Clickjacking Weakness | Tenable™

The remote web server contains a Java application that is affected by a clickjacking weakness in the admin interface.


Versions of Apache Solr 5.3.x are affected by a clickjacking weakness. This flaw exists due to a flaw in 'LoadAdminUiServlet.java' in the admin interface that is due to the program failing to set 'X-Frame-Options' to deny. This may allow a context-dependent attacker to conduct a clickjacking attack.

Read full article from Apache Solr 5.3.x 'LoadAdminUiServlet.java' Clickjacking Weakness | Tenable™

jvm - Java Heap dump permissions - Stack Overflow

jvm - Java Heap dump permissions - Stack Overflow

The java heap dumps generated in a Linux Machine (and most probably Unix machines as well) have restricted access. The heap can only be read by the owner of the process (ACL mask is set to 600). I understand that this is for security reasons. However, I was not able to find any documentation referencing or explaining the behavior. Can anyone point me to the documentation (if any)? Also, is there any way to override this behavior?

Read full article from jvm - Java Heap dump permissions - Stack Overflow

jvm - Java Heap dump permissions - Stack Overflow

jvm - Java Heap dump permissions - Stack Overflow

The java heap dumps generated in a Linux Machine (and most probably Unix machines as well) have restricted access. The heap can only be read by the owner of the process (ACL mask is set to 600). I understand that this is for security reasons. However, I was not able to find any documentation referencing or explaining the behavior. Can anyone point me to the documentation (if any)? Also, is there any way to override this behavior?

Read full article from jvm - Java Heap dump permissions - Stack Overflow


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