今際の国の呵呵君: [System Design]Location Based Service

今際の国の呵呵君: [System Design]Location Based Service

Problem: Design a location based service like Uber?

Rider should be able to request a service, an available driver should be matched
We should be able to keep track of driver's location->drivers report location every 4 seconds(based on this article)


Geo Service: stores drivers location information, handle queriers like "give me drives within 2kms of this location". Since drivers report location information every 4 seconds, it will be write heavy. Assume 0.2M active drivers per day, QPS will be 200000 / 4 = 50K, Peak QPS might be 50 * 3 = 150K, writes need to be efficient

Dispatch Service: To handle riders request, matches the driver and keep track of the trip information

Read full article from 今際の国の呵呵君: [System Design]Location Based Service

今際の国の呵呵君: [System Design]TypeAhead

今際の国の呵呵君: [System Design]TypeAhead

Scenario: Design a typeahead service which support following functionalities:

  • Be able to collect the data and keep track of the sentences users has typed recently
  • For every word user typed, return the top k hot sentences start with this prefix

Data Collection Service: collect the data form users and do preprocessing to get frequency of each service

Query Service: Store hot words for every prefix and return the top k hot words for given query request. Let's assume there are 1B active user and each of them do 10 searches daily and average sentence length is 10(every time user type a char we may need to search for the new prefix), QPS = 1B * 10 * 10 / 86400 = 1M, peak QPS = 2 * 1M = 2M. It is a pretty ready heavy service.


Where do we get the data?

We can get the data by logging, each time user typed a full sentence and send a request, we will log the data in the disk, like <user_id, sentence, timestamp>. The log information can be stored in distributed file system like GFS, since usually the new generated data every day is really large. Let's use the estimated number above, assume each log entry will be 20 bytes the data generated every day will be 1B * 10 * 20 Bytes =  200G. And if we want to the data for past two weeks, it will be 200G * 14 = 2.8 T.
After we have the log data, we can perform the map reduce to get the <sentence, frequency> pair we  want, since it is a simple key-value pair, we can store it in distributed nosql database like BigTable
It will still be pretty expensive to store this large amount of data, actually we don't want the service to be that accurate, we just want to know the general trend. This is why we need to bring up probabilistic logging, every time we can generate a random number between [0, 1000) and if the number equals to 0, we log this data, so generally we are logging with 1 / 1000 probability. And the data generate every day can be reduced from 200G to 200M.

Read full article from 今際の国の呵呵君: [System Design]TypeAhead

LeetCode862. Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K - f91og - 博客园

LeetCode862. Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K - f91og - 博客园


B[i] - B[d.getFirst()]


res = Math.min(res, i - d.pollFirst());

然后是队列要keep indexes of increasing B[i],索引判断当前的B[i]是否大于队列尾部的索引处的

B[i] <= B[d.getLast()


Read full article from LeetCode862. Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K - f91og - 博客园

LeetCode691. Stickers to Spell Word - f91og - 博客园

LeetCode691. Stickers to Spell Word - f91og - 博客园

We are given N different types of stickers. Each sticker has a lowercase English word on it.

You would like to spell out the given target string by cutting individual letters from your collection of stickers and rearranging them.

You can use each sticker more than once if you want, and you have infinite quantities of each sticker.

What is the minimum number of stickers that you need to spell out the target? If the task is impossible, return -1.

Example 1:


["with", "example", "science"], "thehat"




We can use 2 "with" stickers, and 1 "example" sticker. After cutting and rearrange the letters of those stickers, we can form the target "thehat". Also, this is the minimum number of stickers necessary to form the target string.

Example 2:


["notice", "possible"], "basicbasic"




We can't form the target "basicbasic" from cutting letters from the given stickers.




利用数组下标与值的映射关系来存储每个sticker以及target string中的字符及其数目,并且使用回溯来遍历所有的可能。

看了下递归遍历的代码,还是不是很懂,还是去看了下dp的解法。利用dp加上回溯递归的方法遍历求解所有的可能。对于每一个sticker,应用到组成target string的话,组成了一部分,还剩下了一部分,这样递归求解即可。

利用一个map存储dp数组,key是要组成的target string,值是最优解,也就最少使用多少个sticker。

dp[s] is the minimum stickers required for string s (-1 if impossible). Note s is sorted. clearly, dp[""] = 0, and the problem asks for dp[target].


dp[s] = min(1+dp[reduced_s]) for all stickers,  here reduced_s is a new string after certain sticker applied

Read full article from LeetCode691. Stickers to Spell Word - f91og - 博客园

Math related problems on LeetCode – Algorithms and Leetcode – Medium

Math related problems on LeetCode – Algorithms and Leetcode – Medium

  • Greatest Common Dividor (GCD)
  • Prim Numbers
  • Ugly Number
  • The Smallest Larger Number

1. Greatest common divisor (GCD)

GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) or HCF (Highest Common Factor) of two numbers is the largest number that divides both of them.

Read full article from Math related problems on LeetCode – Algorithms and Leetcode – Medium

Zhiwen's Technical Note: [Leetcode] 483. Smallest Good Base

Zhiwen's Technical Note: [Leetcode] 483. Smallest Good Base

For an integer n, we call k>=2 a good base of n, if all digits of n base k are 1.
Now given a string representing n, you should return the smallest good base of n in string format.
Example 1:
Input: "13"
Output: "3"
Explanation: 13 base 3 is 111.
Example 2:
Input: "4681"
Output: "8"
Explanation: 4681 base 8 is 11111.
Example 3:
Input: "1000000000000000000"
Output: "999999999999999999"
Explanation: 1000000000000000000 base 999999999999999999 is 11.
  1. The range of n is [3, 10^18].
  2. The string representing n is always valid and will not have leading zeros.

Read full article from Zhiwen's Technical Note: [Leetcode] 483. Smallest Good Base

[leetcode]710. Random Pick with Blacklist Problem Solving Report - Programmer Sought

[leetcode]710. Random Pick with Blacklist Problem Solving Report - Programmer Sought

Given N, and a blacklist array, each time a random number is selected from [0, N), the random number cannot exist in the blacklist.
The number of random numbers in the final result is definitelyN-len(blacklist), so we have to choose the last random value, one is to map the value in the blacklist to the whitelist
The number of random numbers in the result isN-len(blacklist), then we must first take the array [0, N] beforeN-len(blacklist)Elements, but before thisN-len(blacklist)What if there are elements in the blacklist? We use a pointer to scan the array from back to front. If the latter value is not in the blacklist and the previous value is in the blacklist, replace the previous one with the following value.
After the above operation, we will range from randomNShrinked toN- len(blacklist)In the range of size, save it with a map, the key is1~N-len(blacklist), the value is the number in the white list

Read full article from [leetcode]710. Random Pick with Blacklist Problem Solving Report - Programmer Sought

微软笔试题3:Demo Day - martinmateng的博客 - CSDN博客

微软笔试题3:Demo Day - martinmateng的博客 - CSDN博客

You work as an intern at a robotics startup. Today is your company's demo day. During the demo your company's robot will be put in a maze and without any information about the maze, it should be able to find a way out.

The maze consists of N * M grids. Each grid is either empty(represented by '.') or blocked by an obstacle(represented by 'b'). The robot will be release at the top left corner and the exit is at the bottom right corner.

Unfortunately some sensors on the robot go crazy just before the demo starts. As a result, the robot can only repeats two operations alternatively: keep moving to the right until it can't and keep moving to the bottom until it can't. At the beginning, the robot keeps moving to the right.

Read full article from 微软笔试题3:Demo Day - martinmateng的博客 - CSDN博客

城市里的间谍(A Spy in the Metro UVa 1025)最详细题解 - Monica - CSDN博客

城市里的间谍(A Spy in the Metro UVa 1025)最详细题解 - Monica - CSDN博客


Read full article from 城市里的间谍(A Spy in the Metro UVa 1025)最详细题解 - Monica - CSDN博客

774. Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station | NOEY

774. Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station | NOEY

题意为:给定一些坐标点,表示坐标轴上已有的gas sta­tion,同时给定K,表示将要再插入K个gas sta­tion,插完以后使gas sta­tion之间的最大距离最小。

首先要从离散的点抽象出In­ter­val的概念,其实已有的gas sta­tion就是一个个In­ter­val。更为关键的是,这些in­ter­val可以视为永远不变,唯一变化的就是他们里边可能插入多少个K。基于这些in­ter­val,我们每次选择插入K的时候,只要选择插入当前所有in­ter­val中dist最大的那个,一直插入直到它比第二大小为止。插完所有的K,我们就得到了最后的解。


1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  
struct Interval {      int length, k, dist;        Interval(int i) : length(i), k(1), dist(i) {}        bool operator< (const Interval& other) const {          return dist < other.dist;      }        void addK() {          k++;          dist = length/k;      }  };    priority_queue<Interval> buildQueue(const vector<int>& v) {      vector<int> ret(v.size());      adjacent_difference(v.begin(), v.end(), ret.begin());      ret.erase(ret.begin());      return priority_queue<Interval>(ret.begin(), ret.end());  }    int minMaxDist(const vector<int>& v, int k) {      auto pq = buildQueue(v);      int maxDist = (v.back() - v.front())/(k+1); // just for optimization        while(k) {          Interval top = pq.top();          pq.pop();            while(pq.top() < top || top.dist > maxDist) {              top.addK();              k--;          }          pq.push(top);      }        return pq.top().dist;  }  


  • 由于最早给定的gas station,随着K的插入,变化的并不是interval,而是每个interval内部的dist。
  • 只关注最后的最大距离,并不关心每个gas station插在了哪里

Read full article from 774. Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station | NOEY

leetcode按题目总结(十五)—— 贪心法

leetcode按题目总结(十五)—— 贪心法

738. Monotone Increasing Digits


452. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons


605. Can Place Flowers


621. Task Scheduler


253. Meeting Rooms II


Read full article from leetcode按题目总结(十五)—— 贪心法

Bipartite Matching — amoshyc's CPsolution 1.0 documentation

Bipartite Matching — amoshyc's CPsolution 1.0 documentation

Bipartite Matching

Read full article from Bipartite Matching — amoshyc's CPsolution 1.0 documentation



算法原理就不多说了,就讲一讲实现 代码采用邻接矩阵的数据结构,a(i,j)代表第i个节点到第j个节点的距离,不能到达为无穷,代码中设为10000000。 另外数组len代表节点0到每个节点到最短路程,每循环一次就更新一次,vis数组表示访问情况,1表示访问过,0表示未访问。 算法分为2步: (1)置len数组的值,直接将矩阵的第一行给len赋值即可 vis[0] = 1; (2)n-2次循环,每次加入一个节点(为什么不是n-1次呢?最后一次就一个点了,没什么好更新的) 每次循环做的事: 1)找到下一个节点(next_node函数) 2)将找到节点的后继的len值进行更新

Read full article from 有向图的Dijakstra算法

Dynamic Programming | 酷狗的小窝

Dynamic Programming | 酷狗的小窝


Policy Evaluation (Prediction)

police evalution(prediction problem):We consider how to compute the state-value function vπ for an arbitrary policy π.

For our purposes, iterative solution methods are most suitable. The initial approximation, v0, is chosen arbitrarily (except that the terminal state, if any, must be given value 0), and each successive

Read full article from Dynamic Programming | 酷狗的小窝

Aizu - 0531 Paint Color(离散化+imos) - MeloのblogMeloのblog

Aizu - 0531 Paint Color(离散化+imos) - MeloのblogMeloのblog



第一个数是宽w(1 ≤ w ≤ 1000000),第二个数是高h(1 ≤ h ≤ 1000000)。
第二行是护板的数量n(1 ≤ n ≤ 1000),接着n行是每个护板的左下角坐标 (x1 , y1 )和右上角坐标 (x2 , y2 ),用空格隔开: x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 (0 ≤ x1< x2 ≤ w, 0 ≤ y1 < y2 ≤ h 都是整数)
招牌的坐标系如下,左下角是 (0, 0) ,右上角是(w, h) , 测试集中的30%都满足w ≤ 100, h ≤ 100, n ≤ 100。




Read full article from Aizu - 0531 Paint Color(离散化+imos) - MeloのblogMeloのblog

USACO Training "Fence Loops" and the Workings of Floyd-Warshall's Algorithm

USACO Training "Fence Loops" and the Workings of Floyd-Warshall's Algorithm

Floyd-Warshall's is an algorithm for computing all-pairs shortest paths, taking a DP approach: selct any "middle node" K and two nodes I and J in which you'd like to calculate the shortest path for, and then define the shortest path between I and J as whichever is smaller, the current shortest path betwen I and J OR the current shortest path between I and K plus the current shortest path between K and J.

At first this may seem obvious. Let's delve into why it works.
If we iterate K from the beginning (1 to N), at any given point in time whilst K is strictly less than a definite number X, we can say that the current shortest path between any two nodes I and J (regardless of whether I=X or J=X) that the current shortest path will NOT include X. The start and end nodes may include X, but no node in between will be X.

The DP approach - 3 parameter version

Of course we need to understand the three-parameter version!

Let D(i, j, k) represent the shortest path between i and j passing only through vertices between 1 and k, inclusive.

Assume that we have an oracle, knowing all the shortest paths.
Let us define D recursively:

Case 1: the shortest path between i and j does not pass through k
The answer will be D(i, j, k-1) since we can shorten the vertice set to between 1 and k-1, inclusive - the shortest path will not pass through k.

Case 2: the shortest path between i and j will pass through k.
Since using Floyd-Warshall's for SP implies there are no negative weight loops, it is optimal to pass through k exactly once. In other words, the shortest path between i and k as well as the shortest path between k and j will not pass through k. Let us cut the shortest path into two shortest paths that share a endpoint k. The length of the shortest path between i and j can be defined as the shortest path between i and k plus the shortest path between k and j. As such, the answer is D(i, k, k-1) + D(k, j, k-1). 

Read full article from USACO Training "Fence Loops" and the Workings of Floyd-Warshall's Algorithm

[POJ] 3258. River Hopscotch — amoshyc's CPsolution 1.0 documentation

[POJ] 3258. River Hopscotch — amoshyc's CPsolution 1.0 documentation

最小值最大化,標準的二分搜。 二分搜教學請參


bool C(int d) = 移除 M 個石頭後,可否能使相鄰石頭間的最短距離 >= d。 

該函式明顯有單調性,相鄰石頭間的最短距離 d 越小越容易達成。

這個函式可以用 Greedy 實作:

從左至右迭代「起點終點外」的每個石頭 rocks[i], 若該石頭與前一個石頭的距離 < d,我們必需移除該石頭,才能使相鄰石頭的距離 >= d。 我們計算總共有多少個石頭要移除,該個數必需 <= M。 


1. 若 rocks[i - 1], rocks[i], rocks[i + 1] 中,rocks[i] 被移除了,    那 rocks[i + 1] 的前一顆石頭是 rocks[i - 1],而不是 rocks[i]。  2. 上述演算法沒考慮到終點與其前一個石頭。    設中間那 N 個石頭中,最後面的那個石頭為 rocks[-2],若與終點那石頭的距離 < d,    則要移除的是 rocks[-2],而不是終點的石頭,因為終點那個石頭是不能移除的。 

解的空間 [0, L]。 下界即為在還沒移除任何石頭前,相鄰石頭間最短距離,但要計算出此值還得多打一些程式碼, 而我們知道此值必大於 0,反正 C(0) = 1,所以可以直接將下界設為 0。 上界發生在 M = N 時,相鄰石頭間最短距離即為 L。

C(d) 在解的空間 [0, L] 上的分佈為:

... 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 ... 

我們的目標是求左邊數來的最後一個 1 在哪?

另外,存在全部都為 1 的情況,我們可以預判掉這情形。

Read full article from [POJ] 3258. River Hopscotch — amoshyc's CPsolution 1.0 documentation

求数组中若干个元素之和等于给定值 - Virtual_Func的博客 - CSDN博客

求数组中若干个元素之和等于给定值 - Virtual_Func的博客 - CSDN博客





数组为: [1,2,3,4,5,6]。找给定值 12 。元素个数不限定,只要找到的元素之和=12即可

Read full article from 求数组中若干个元素之和等于给定值 - Virtual_Func的博客 - CSDN博客

[Poj]1236——最小点基 - PerSeAwe - 博客园

[Poj]1236——最小点基 - PerSeAwe - 博客园

  • 给定一张图,求最小点基

  •  我是来卖萌的。
  • 最小点基其实很好求,就是极高强连通分量的数目。
  • 但是要注意:只有一个强连通分量的情况呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!WA了无数次。

Read full article from [Poj]1236——最小点基 - PerSeAwe - 博客园

[Algorithm]Splay(1) - PerSeAwe - 博客园

[Algorithm]Splay(1) - PerSeAwe - 博客园




1.splay的旋转操作与Treap是完全相同的(或者说二叉平衡树都是相同的), 唯一的不同就是Splay有其独特的操作"伸展"。这也就意味着Splay的代码量稍微大一些,速度也稍微慢一些,但是其功能比treap强大而且不需要维护额外的随机值。如果题目仅仅需要进行一下非常基本,如插入,查找,删除之类的基本平衡树操作。那treap应该还是首选,因为treap的维护实在是太简单了。不过一旦涉及到一下较为特殊的操作,那就只能用splay了。



Read full article from [Algorithm]Splay(1) - PerSeAwe - 博客园

POJ 2976 Dropping tests 题解 《挑战程序设计竞赛》-码农场

POJ 2976 Dropping tests 题解 《挑战程序设计竞赛》-码农场


依然需要确定一个贪心策略,每次贪心地去掉那些对正确率贡献小的考试。如何确定某个考试[a_i, b_i]对总体准确率x的贡献呢?a_i / b_i肯定是不行的,不然例子里的[0,1]会首当其冲被刷掉。在当前准确率为x的情况下,这场考试"额外"对的题目数量是a_i – x * b_i,当然这个值有正有负,恰好可以作为"贡献度"的测量。于是利用这个给考试排个降序,后k个刷掉就行了。



这题吃了点亏,开始没看清楚题目,给主循环的跳出逻辑写为while (cin >> n >> k && (n && k)),后来看到上面的测试用例里有1 0才恍然大悟,整个人表情变成下面这样:

Read full article from POJ 2976 Dropping tests 题解 《挑战程序设计竞赛》-码农场

[Algorithm]01分数规划——Update:2012年7月27日 - PerSeAwe - 博客园

[Algorithm]01分数规划——Update:2012年7月27日 - PerSeAwe - 博客园
























显然,d数组是随着L的增大而单调减的。也就是说,存在一个临界的L使得不存在一种方案,能够使F(L)>0. 我们猜想,这个时候的L就是我们要求的最优解。之后更大的L值则会造成无论任何一种方案,都会使F(L)<0.类似于上面的那个变形,我们知道,F(L)<0是没有意义的,因为这时候的L是不能够被取得的。当F(L)=0使,对应方案的R值恰好等于此时的L值。


Read full article from [Algorithm]01分数规划——Update:2012年7月27日 - PerSeAwe - 博客园

LintCode/LevelReviewPage.md at master · awangdev/LintCode · GitHub

LintCode/LevelReviewPage.md at master · awangdev/LintCode · GitHub

第一步: 生题型, 理解题意需要时间: 从字面和画图而言, 就是定住房子一个个过,房子左右的distance需要足够达到heater. 目标是招尽可能小的radius, 所以house和heater紧贴着是必要的. 在for loop里面定下house,把heater当作一个区间移动, 达到的第一个合适区间,这就是当下最小的理想radius,取这个值跟既定radius作比较。 比较之后,继续移动house,再试着移动heater区间去match。

Read full article from LintCode/LevelReviewPage.md at master · awangdev/LintCode · GitHub

LintCode-2/KnowledgeHash.md at master · pxu/LintCode-2 · GitHub

LintCode-2/KnowledgeHash.md at master · pxu/LintCode-2 · GitHub

  • Arrays.asList([1,2,3]);
  • Partial sort: Arrays.sort(arr, 0, arr.length())
  • Copy: Arrays.copyOf(arr, arr.length())
  • Arrays.toString(int[] arr) => string representation: "[1,2,3,4]"
  • 见到数组要想到: 是否可以/需要先排序?

Honorable Problems

  • Median of two sorted arrays: find kth element of two sorted array where k = n/2. Recursive findKth(A[],indexA, B[], indexB, k)

Read full article from LintCode-2/KnowledgeHash.md at master · pxu/LintCode-2 · GitHub

野球拳刷刷刷: 938. Range Sum of BST

野球拳刷刷刷: 938. Range Sum of BST

Given the root node of a binary search tree, return the sum of values of all nodes with value between L and R (inclusive).

The binary search tree is guaranteed to have unique values.

Example 1:

Input: root = [10,5,15,3,7,null,18], L = 7, R = 15
Output: 32

Example 2:

Input: root = [10,5,15,3,7,13,18,1,null,6], L = 6, R = 10
Output: 23


The number of nodes in the tree is at most 10000.
The final answer is guaranteed to be less than 2^31.


Generally for a tree problem, we can think of either using a recursive traversal, or bfs.

We choose to use recursion here.

Knowing the property of BST and given a root node.
1. The exit condition is that when root is null, we return 0.
2. If root.val < L, we know all nodes in its left subtree are smaller than L. So we do not need to count that. We only consider its right subtree.
3. If root.val > R, we know all nodes in its right subtree are larger than R. So we do not need to count that. We only consider its left subtree.
4. If root.val is between L and R, we need to count this value. And we need to count both its left and right subtrees recursively.

The time complexity is O(n), assume n is the total number of nodes, since each node will be traversed only once.

Read full article from 野球拳刷刷刷: 938. Range Sum of BST

Copy Books (LintCode) – I fly

Copy Books (LintCode) – I fly

Given an array A of integer with size of n( means n books and number of pages of each book) and k people to copy the book. You must distribute the continuous id books to one people to copy. (You can give book A[1],A[2] to one people, but you cannot give book A[1], A[3] to one people, because book A[1] and A[3] is not continuous.) Each person have can copy one page per minute. Return the number of smallest minutes need to copy all the books.


Given array A = [3,2,4], k = 2.

Return 5( First person spends 5 minutes to copy book 1 and book 2 and second person spends 4 minutes to copy book 3. )


Could you do this in O(n*k) time ?


dynamical programming; dp[ia][ib] represents the smallest minutes needed for ia people to copy ib books. Initially dp[ia][ib] = min(dp[ia][ib], max(dp[ia-1][ic], sum(pages[ic], …, pages[ib])) ) for ia <= ic <= ib-1.

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leetcode 410. Split Array Largest Sum - 淡然坊 - CSDN博客

leetcode 410. Split Array Largest Sum - 淡然坊 - CSDN博客

Given an array which consists of non-negative integers and an integer m, you can split the array into m non-empty continuous subarrays. Write an algorithm to minimize the largest sum among these m subarrays.

If n is the length of array, assume the following constraints are satisfied:

  • 1 ≤ n ≤ 1000
  • 1 ≤ m ≤ min(50, n)


Input:  nums = [7,2,5,10,8]  m = 2    Output:  18    Explanation:  There are four ways to split nums into two subarrays.  The best way is to split it into [7,2,5] and [10,8],  where the largest sum among the two subarrays is only 18.
这道题很明显又是一道递归 with memo 或者 DP 的题。

这道题又一次印证了 map 没有 int[][]数组 快的结论!因为我使用 HashMap<Integer,HashMap<Integer,Integer> 华丽丽地TLE了,但是改成 int[][] 就AC了。

我的思路是:int[row][column] :row存储了当前数组的开始索引 left,column 存储了当前的 m。因此 memo[i][j] 就是:从 i 开始的数组要被划分为 j 个子数组时的结果值。

Read full article from leetcode 410. Split Array Largest Sum - 淡然坊 - CSDN博客

巧用二分的一些题目 | gjxhlan's blog

巧用二分的一些题目 | gjxhlan's blog



Read full article from 巧用二分的一些题目 | gjxhlan's blog

LeetCode – 875. Koko Eating Bananas

LeetCode – 875. Koko Eating Bananas

Koko loves to eat bananas. There are N piles of bananas, the i-th pile has piles[i] bananas. The guards have gone and will come back in H hours.

Koko can decide her bananas-per-hour eating speed of K. Each hour, she chooses some pile of bananas, and eats K bananas from that pile. If the pile has less than K bananas, she eats all of them instead, and won't eat any more bananas during this hour.

Koko likes to eat slowly, but still wants to finish eating all the bananas before the guards come back.

Return the minimum integer K such that she can eat all the bananas within H hours.

Example 1:
Input: piles = [3,6,7,11], H = 8
Output: 4

Example 2:
Input: piles = [30,11,23,4,20], H = 5
Output: 30

Example 3:
Input: piles = [30,11,23,4,20], H = 6
Output: 23

1 <= piles.length <= 10^4
piles.length <= H <= 10^9
1 <= piles[i] <= 10^9


Koko是一只喜欢吃香蕉的大猩猩。现在有N堆香蕉,第i堆有piles[i]个香蕉。管理员现在离开了,会在H(H >= piles.length)小时之后回来。Koko可以决定吃香蕉的速度,即每小时吃K个香蕉。每个小时它选择一堆香蕉,并吃掉其中的K个香蕉。如果某一堆里剩下的香蕉少于K个,它会吃完这一堆剩下的所有香蕉,但它这一小时内不会吃更多的其他堆的香蕉。


例如,有4堆香蕉,每堆香蕉的数目为[3, 6, 7,11],如果管理员在8小时后回来,那么Koko每小时吃4个香蕉。




如果Koko以(1+M)/2的速度能够在H小时内吃完所有的香蕉,那么我们来判断这是不是最慢的速度。可以尝试一下稍微慢一点的速度,(1+m)/2 - 1。如果Koko以这个速度不能在H小时之内吃完所有香蕉,那么(1+M)/2就是最慢的可以在H小时吃完香蕉的速度。如果以(1+m)/2 - 1的速度也能在H小时内吃完香蕉,那么接下来Koko尝试更慢的速度,1和(1+M)/2的平均值。


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算法笔记: 领扣#852 山脉数组的峰顶索引 - Memogrocery

算法笔记: 领扣#852 山脉数组的峰顶索引 - Memogrocery


  • A.length >= 3
  • 存在某个i,满足0 < i < A.length - 1 且 A[0] < A[1] < … A[i-1] < A[i] > A[i+1] > … > A[A.length - 1]

给定一个符合上面条件的数组,返回任何一个满足A[0] < A[1] < … A[i-1] < A[i] > A[i+1] > … > A[A.length - 1] 的i。

例子 1:

输入: [0,1,0]
输出: 1

例子 2:

输入: [0,2,1,0]
输出: 1


  1. 3 <= A.length <= 10000
  2. 0 <= A[i] <= 10^6
  3. A 是一个山,满足上面所述的条件。


解法 1



Read full article from 算法笔记: 领扣#852 山脉数组的峰顶索引 - Memogrocery

Algorithm Notes: Leetcode#852 Peak Index in a Mountain Array - Memogrocery

Algorithm Notes: Leetcode#852 Peak Index in a Mountain Array - Memogrocery

Let's call an array A a mountain if the following properties hold:

  • A.length >= 3
  • There exists some 0 < i < A.length - 1 such that A[0] < A[1] < … A[i-1] < A[i] > A[i+1] > … > A[A.length - 1]

Given an array that is definitely a mountain, return any i such that A[0] < A[1] < … A[i-1] < A[i] > A[i+1] > … > A[A.length - 1].

Example 1:

Input: [0,1,0]
Output: 1

Example 2:

Input: [0,2,1,0]
Output: 1


  1. 3 <= A.length <= 10000
  2. 0 <= A[i] <= 10^6
  3. A is a mountain, as defined above.


Solution 1

Basic idea

The peak is the maximum value of the array. So, we can find the maximum first and then return its index.

Read full article from Algorithm Notes: Leetcode#852 Peak Index in a Mountain Array - Memogrocery

Data-Structures-and-Algorithms/problem-solving.md at master · cormacpayne/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms · GitHub

Data-Structures-and-Algorithms/problem-solving.md at master · cormacpayne/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms · GitHub

Problem solving is the ability to reach a solution for a defined problem by, potentially, using mathematical or systematic operations (algorithms).

Not only an important skill to have in competitive programming, but also in the real world where problems arise everyday at jobs; being able to attack a problem quickly and efficiently is a skill desired by all companies.

The following steps should serve as a general timeline for solving a problem:

  1. Define the problem
  2. Come up with all possible cases
  3. Implement the solution

In competitive programming, having a strong problem solving ability is just as important as having a strong programming background.

  • Even if you've been programming your entire life, if you don't know how to attack a problem, coding isn't going to help you

Being able to identify edge cases and worst case scenarios for a problem are also important in competitive programming.

  • If you just rely on the input/output given to you in the problem statement, your code might not handle ALL cases (which is necessary for an accepted solution)

How do we break a problem down?

If we are given a problem to work on, what are the steps we must take in order to get an accepted solution? Here are the basic steps to follow:

  1. Read the problem
  2. Manually solve the problem
  3. Take note of the constraints
  4. Implement a solution
  5. Optimize your solution
  6. Handle edge cases

Step 1: Read the problem

Yes, this is an obvious step in solving a problem, but it is a step that can cause turmoil in the long run.

Even if the background story behind a problem is silly or boring, you must read the problem all the way through to make sure that you didn't miss any important details that are critical to solving the problem.

If you spent 45 minutes solving a problem with some algorithm, but realize later that the problem asked you to do something completely different, you don't get that time back.

Step 2: Manually solve the problem

You will be given input and output for a problem, so you should take a few minutes to grab pen and paper and figure out how they got their answer.

Writing out how they derived their output from the given input will give you a general algorithm for your solution; start by taking the steps you took and turning those into lines of code.

This will also stop you from jumping into the problem straight away and saying "how did they get that answer?" when debugging your code down the road.

Step 3: Take note of the constraints

Step 3: Take note of the constraints These are the size of the input variables that are given to you by the problem (e.g., X <= 1,000,000).

Knowing the sizes of the variables that are given can eliminate possible algorithms that you chose to use.

In order to know what is a good algorithm for a given constraint, you will need to understand Big O Notation.

For most problems, you can assume that your program will be able to process ~100,000,000 operations per second.

Additionally, most problems will have a time limit between 0.5 and 3 seconds, so the number of "steps" your algorithm takes cannot exceed ~300M.

Step 4: Implement a solution

Use the algorithm/pseudocode you came up with when manually solving the test cases to implement a basic solution.

Remember: this algorithm you came up with does not need to be optimal; as long as you can come up with something that will get you the correct answer, you can worry about optimizing afterwards.

Step 5: Optimize your solution

Making sure that your code can handle the constraints of the input is key to getting AC on a problem; if you don't take this step into account, you won't be able to get anything but Time Limit Exceeded on a problem.

Thinks of ways to eliminate unnecessary loops and operations within your code in order to trim off some time so that you can efficiently solve the problem.

Step 6: Handle edge cases

Being able to come up with tricky test cases that the judge possibly came up with can save you trouble in the long run (as well as avoid a Wrong Answer). Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Did you handle the minimum and maximum cases?
  • Did you handle potential negative numbers?
  • Is the problem using longs instead of ints?
  • Is there potential for your code to throw a runtime error? (e.g., array out of bounds, stack overflow, etc.)

Read full article from Data-Structures-and-Algorithms/problem-solving.md at master · cormacpayne/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms · GitHub

47. Permutations II - LeetCode Solution

47. Permutations II - LeetCode Solution



输入: [1,1,2] 输出: [   [1,1,2],   [1,2,1],   [2,1,1] ]


求解关键:找到重复的原因,对树进行剪枝。 1、首先将数组排序,这一步很关键,是后面剪枝的基础; 2、只处理第 1 次遇到的那个数,举个具体的例子画个图。重点理解:(1) i > 0 ,(2) nums[i] == nums[i - 1] ,(3)之前那个数还没有使用,即 marked[i-1] = false


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[LeetCode] 47. Permutations II

[LeetCode] 47. Permutations II

[LeetCode] 47. Permutations II

Given a collection of numbers that might contain duplicates, return all possible unique permutations.
For example,
[1,1,2] have the following unique permutations:
[    [1,1,2],    [1,2,1],    [2,1,1]  ]

Thought process:
If the collection contains duplicate, I cannot only use the original method I used in "46. Permutations", because it will produce duplicate permutations. For example, if the collection is [0, 1, 1], the result will contain two [0, 1, 1]s.
The idea is to maintain a rule about which one of the duplicate numbers can appear in the permutations. To do this, I can sort the array and make sure that only the number with a smaller index can appear in a duplicate permutation.
For example, as I add numbers to the permutation list, if I found that I'm adding the second 1 while the first 1 is not in the list, that means the first 1 has already been used to make the exact same permutation. So I continue to the next iteration.

Read full article from [LeetCode] 47. Permutations II

LeetCode 63. Unique Paths II – 小虾大蟹

LeetCode 63. Unique Paths II – 小虾大蟹

A robot is located at the top-left corner of a m x n grid (marked 'Start' in the diagram below).

The robot can only move either down or right at any point in time. The robot is trying to reach the bottom-right corner of the grid (marked 'Finish' in the diagram below).

Now consider if some obstacles are added to the grids. How many unique paths would there be?

An obstacle and empty space is marked as 1 and 0 respectively in the grid.

Read full article from LeetCode 63. Unique Paths II – 小虾大蟹

Interview Questions 5: Successor with delete – Sigmainfy – Learn, Share, Inspire

Interview Questions 5: Successor with delete – Sigmainfy – Learn, Share, Inspire

We try to relate the solution to the problem of Successor with delete to Union-Find algorithm here and discuss how to relate them and make it more straightforward in the first place from two different angles: 1) Analyze it in a recursive way and give an informal proof; 2)  Draw it out by hand.

Problem Definition:

Note this problem is from the "Algorithm Part 1″ on Coursera. The detailed description is as follows:

Successor with delete. Given a set of N integers S={0,1,…,N−1} and a sequence of requests of the following form:

  • Remove x from S
  • Find the successor of x: the smallest y in S such that y >= x.

Design a data type so that all operations (except construction) should take logarithmic time or better.


Well, I think the Union-Find approach to solve this problem should already be known to quite a number of people, the challenge would be how to relate the solution to Union-Find approach at the first place without any hints about Union-Find. I first directly give the approach and then discuss how to relate it to Union-Find from two different angles to help consider the approach in Union-Find way more naturally.

Read full article from Interview Questions 5: Successor with delete – Sigmainfy – Learn, Share, Inspire

LeetCode 解题报告(684,685,721)-并查集介绍及应用 | 吴良超的学习笔记

LeetCode 解题报告(684,685,721)-并查集介绍及应用 | 吴良超的学习笔记

有两个经典的算法可用来解决 最小生成树 问题: Kruskal 算法Prim 算法。其中 Kruskal 算法中便应用了并查集这种数据结构,该算法的步骤如下

  1. 新建图G,G中拥有原图中相同的节点,但没有边
  2. 将原图中所有的边按权值从小到大排序
  3. 从权值最小的边开始,如果这条边连接的两个节点于图G中不在同一个连通分量中,则添加这条边到图G中
  4. 重复3,直至图G中所有的节点都在同一个连通分量中



Kruskal 算法很简单,实际上 Kruskal 算法是一种贪心算法,并且已被证明最终能够收敛到最好结果。而在实现 Kruskal 算法时,则需要用到并查集这种数据结构来减小算法的时间复杂度。下面将详细介绍这种数据结构。

在介绍并查集前,顺便介绍一下 Prime 算法,Prime 算法也是一种贪心算法,而且也被证明了最终能够得到最好的结果,只是两者的侧重点不同, Kruskal 算法维护的是一个边的集合,而 Prime 算法则同时维护了一个边的集合和一个点的集合,Prim 算法的过程如下

  1. 输入:一个加权连通图,其中顶点集合为V,边集合为E;
  2. 初始化:Vnew = {x},其中x为集合V中的任一节点(起始点),Enew = {};
  3. 重复下列操作,直到Vnew = V:
    1. 在集合E中选取权值最小的边(u, v),其中u为集合 Vnew 中的元素,而v则是V中没有加入Vnew的顶点(如果存在有多条满足前述条件即具有相同权值的边,则可任意选取其中之一);
    2. 将v加入集合Vnew中,将(u, v)加入集合Enew中;
  4. 输出:使用集合Vnew和Enew来描述所得到的最小生成树。

Read full article from LeetCode 解题报告(684,685,721)-并查集介绍及应用 | 吴良超的学习笔记

Leetcode 685. Redundant Connection II | Coding.Siskon

Leetcode 685. Redundant Connection II | Coding.Siskon

685. Redundant Connection II

  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Total Accepted: 11.2K
  • Total Submissions: 39.7K

In this problem, a rooted tree is a directed graph such that, there is exactly one node (the root) for which all other nodes are descendants of this node, plus every node has exactly one parent, except for the root node which has no parents.

The given input is a directed graph that started as a rooted tree with N nodes (with distinct values 1, 2, …, N), with one additional directed edge added. The added edge has two different vertices chosen from 1 to N, and was not an edge that already existed.

The resulting graph is given as a 2D-array of edges. Each element of edges is a pair [u, v] that represents a directed edge connecting nodes u and v, where u is a parent of child v.

Return an edge that can be removed so that the resulting graph is a rooted tree of N nodes. If there are multiple answers, return the answer that occurs last in the given 2D-array.

Example 1:

Input: [[1,2], [1,3], [2,3]]  Output: [2,3]  Explanation: The given directed graph will be like this:    1   / \  v   v  2-->3  

Example 2:

Input: [[1,2], [2,3], [3,4], [4,1], [1,5]]  Output: [4,1]  Explanation: The given directed graph will be like this:  5 <- 1 -> 2       ^    |       |    v       4 <- 3  


  • The size of the input 2D-array will be between 3 and 1000.
  • Every integer represented in the 2D-array will be between 1 and N, where N is the size of the input array.

Read full article from Leetcode 685. Redundant Connection II | Coding.Siskon

【省内训练2018-12-21】Connection - 代码先锋网

【省内训练2018-12-21】Connection - 代码先锋网

  • 首先考虑某一种颜色,若该颜色在各连通块中的出现次数为 {x1,x2,...,xm}\{x_1,x_2,...,x_m\} ,则该颜色对答案的贡献应为 i=1mj=i+1mxixj=(i=1mxi)2i=1mxi22\sum_{i=1}^{m}\sum_{j=i+1}^{m}x_i*x_j=\frac{(\sum_{i=1}^{m}x_i)^2-\sum_{i=1}^{m}x_i^2}{2} ,因此我们只需要考虑各连通块各颜色出现次数平方的和即可。
  • 考虑一棵树的做法,显然直接启发式合并 mapmap 或是线段树合并即可计算每一棵子树中各颜色出现次数平方的和。
  • 对原图建一棵圆方树,套用树的做法即可。
  • 时间复杂度为 O(M+NLog2N)O(M+NLog^2N)O(M+NLogN)O(M+NLogN)

Read full article from 【省内训练2018-12-21】Connection - 代码先锋网


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