HTTP vs AJP in Apache and Tomcat | The Coding Craftsman

HTTP vs AJP in Apache and Tomcat | The Coding Craftsman


  • Simple
  • Already provided by all servers
  • Easily configured in Apache
  • The most likely target of a security breach


  • Well supported
  • More compact a protocol
  • Easily configured in Apache and Tomcat

AJP looks slightly ahead for two reasons:

  • You're not opening up HTTP on Tomcat (in fact you should close it for security)
  • As it's a more compact protocol, there's less traffic between the front server and the back server

Except… if the front server is on the same network segment, or even on the same machine, then there's no advantage from the compactness of the protocol unless you have a huge number of tiny requests to serve.

Similarly, if the whole server is not visible to the whole internet because it's behind a load balancer, then it doesn't matter whether http is open on Tomcat as nobody could get there to use it.

Simple is better, so I declare HTTP the winner.

Read full article from HTTP vs AJP in Apache and Tomcat | The Coding Craftsman

Start an Apache Web Server in Mac OS X Mavericks & Mountain Lion

Start an Apache Web Server in Mac OS X Mavericks & Mountain Lion

Setting Up and Starting the Apache Web Server in OS X

Versions of OS X prior to Mountain Lion and Mavericks can simply turn on "Web Sharing", but from 10.8 and 10.9 onward you'll need to do the following to use a local web server:

  • Launch Terminal, located in /Applications/Utilities/
  • Type the following command, replacing USERNAME with the user account short name:
  • nano /etc/apache2/users/USERNAME.conf

  • Enter the admin password when requested, then paste the following into the nano text editor:

Read full article from Start an Apache Web Server in Mac OS X Mavericks & Mountain Lion

How Apache Hadoop YARN HA Works | Cloudera Engineering Blog

How Apache Hadoop YARN HA Works | Cloudera Engineering Blog

YARN, the next-generation compute and resource management framework in Apache Hadoop, until recently had a single point of failure: the ResourceManager, which coordinates work in a YARN cluster. With planned (upgrades) or unplanned (node crashes) events, this central service, and YARN itself, could become unavailable.

This post details Cloudera's recent work in the Hadoop community (YARN-149) to make the ResourceManager (and thus YARN) highly available. We'll also explain the high-level design for how the ResourceManager's active state is preserved (state store), and how ResourceManagers fail-over to achieve high availability (HA). We also outline how to deploy an HA cluster, and review some important configuration options.


CDH 5 (and Apache Hadoop 2.x) ship YARN as the vehicle to manage cluster resources, and share the said resources among compute frameworks like MapReduce, Impala, and Apache Spark. In previous posts, you have learned the high-level architecture of YARN, and how to migrate from MR1 to MR2/YARN for users and cluster admins.

To briefly re-cap, YARN has a master/worker architecture (see below); the master (the ResourceManager) manages the resources on the workers and schedules work in the cluster. Furthermore, the ResourceManager handles all client interactions.

Read full article from How Apache Hadoop YARN HA Works | Cloudera Engineering Blog

漫谈大数据之一:怎样才算大数据?(转) | Hello, Data!

漫谈大数据之一:怎样才算大数据?(转) | Hello, Data!





当然从基本概念说起。大数据4个V:Volume(体量大),Velocity(快速化),Variety(类型杂),Value(价值大)。关于前3个V,很多人以讹传讹说是IBM首创的,其实是METAGroup(现为Gartner的一部分)的一个分析师Doug Laney早在2001年提出的(这位老兄专门写了一个博文吐槽他人冒功)。当然,IBM也不是全无贡献,它去掉了Value,加上Veracity(真实性),也算是自成一派。而其它公司只能暗恨字典里V字头的单词太少。



IDC对于每年创建和复制的信息之体量做了预测:2011年1.8ZB(ZB有多大,可以戳这里),2012年2.8ZB,按照每两年翻一番(摩尔定律是一切类似规律的滥觞)的速度,2020年达到40ZB。这个数据怎么算出来的?IDC秘而不宣。这个研究是在EMC赞助下的,EMC笑而不语。如果说对静态数据(data at rest)体量的预测有助于存储的销售,动态数据(data in motion)的体量无疑跟网络需求绑在一起。于是Cisco一个类似的预测说道:2016年数据移动的总量达到1.3ZB。其实所有这些数据加起来都不如谷歌Eric Schmidt的说法有感染力:从人类文明曙光到2003年数以万计的时间长河里人类一共产生了5EB(天知道他怎么算出来的),而到2010年每两天人类就能产生5EB的数据(这个有可能是从IDC的数据里推知的)。

这是不是业界巨擘们自我实现的预言?我觉得是。克里斯.安德森2008年在《连线》做了个专题"拍字节时代(The Petabyte Age)",显然作为数字时代预言家的老安胆子不够大。

数据总量的增长主要归功于非结构化数据的增长。广义的非结构化数据也包括了半结构化和多结构化数据,目前普遍被认为占到总量的85%以上,而且增速比结构化数据快得多(有说法是快10-50倍)。低信息密度的非结构化数据是大数据的一大挑战,以后在Variety这一专题中会细细阐述。挑战就是机会,业界巨擘们创造了很多新的概念来迎接非结构化数据,NoSQL数据库是其中最亮丽的一个。对此,数据库界的老法师Mike Stonebraker对此耿耿于怀,不惜力推"血统"更纯正的NewSQL数据库;Sybase的CTO Irfan Khan甚至说大数据(这个新概念)根本就是个大谎言,声称他们的数据仓库工具早就能分析包括非结构化数据在内的大数据。



Read full article from 漫谈大数据之一:怎样才算大数据?(转) | Hello, Data!

Redis作者:深度剖析Redis持久化 | Hello, Data!

Redis作者:深度剖析Redis持久化 | Hello, Data!





  • 客户端向服务端发送写操作(数据在客户端的内存中)。
  • 数据库服务端接收到写请求的数据(数据在服务端的内存中)。
  • 服务端调用write这个系统调用,将数据往磁盘上写(数据在系统内存的缓冲区中)。
  • 操作系统将缓冲区中的数据转移到磁盘控制器上(数据在磁盘缓存中)。
  • 磁盘控制器将数据写到磁盘的物理介质中(数据真正落到磁盘上)。



  • 当数据库系统故障时,这时候系统内核还是完好的。那么此时只要我们执行完了第3步,那么数据就是安全的,因为后续操作系统会来完成后面几步,保证数据最终会落到磁盘上。
  • 当系统断电时,这时候上面5项中提到的所有缓存都会失效,并且数据库和操作系统都会停止工作。所以只有当数据在完成第5步后,才能保证在断电后数据不丢失


  • 数据库多长时间调用一次write,将数据写到内核缓冲区?
  • 内核多长时间会将系统缓冲区中的数据写到磁盘控制器?
  • 磁盘控制器又在什么时候把缓存中的数据写到物理介质上?

对于第一个问题,通常数据库层面会进行全面控制。而对第二个问题,操作系统有其默认的策略,但是我们也可以通过POSIX API提供的fsync系列命令强制操作系统将数据从内核区写到磁盘控制器上。对于第三个问题,好像数据库已经无法触及,但实际上,大多数情况下磁盘缓存是被设置关闭的,或者是只开启为读缓存,也就是说写操作不会进行缓存,直接写到磁盘。建议的做法是仅仅当你的磁盘设备有备用电池时才开启写缓存




  • 第一种是最粗糙的处理,就是不通过数据的组织形式保证数据的可恢复性。而是通过配置数据同步备份的方式,在数据文件损坏后通过数据备份来进行恢复。实际上MongoDB在不开启操作日志,通过配置Replica Sets时就是这种情况。
  • 另一种是在上面基础上添加一个操作日志,每次操作时记一下操作的行为,这样我们可以通过操作日志来进行数据恢复。因为操作日志是顺序追加的方式写的,所以不会出现操作日志也无法恢复的情况。这也类似于MongoDB开启了操作日志的情况。
  • 更保险的做法是数据库不进行旧数据的修改,只是以追加方式去完成写操作,这样数据本身就是一份日志,这样就永远不会出现数据无法恢复的情况了。实际上CouchDB就是此做法的优秀范例。


Redis支持将当前数据的快照存成一个数据文件的持久化机制。而一个持续写入的数据库如何生成快照呢。Redis借助了fork命令的copy on write机制。在生成快照时,将当前进程fork出一个子进程,然后在子进程中循环所有的数据,将数据写成为RDB文件。

我们可以通过Redis的save指令来配置RDB快照生成的时机,比如你可以配置当10分钟以内有100次写入就生成快照,也可以配置当1小时内有1000次写入就生成快照,也可以多个规则一起实施。这些规则的定义就在Redis的配置文件中,你也可以通过Redis的CONFIG SET命令在Redis运行时设置规则,不需要重启Redis。



但是,我们可以很明显的看到,RDB有它的不足,就是一旦数据库出现问题,那么我们的RDB文件中保存的数据并不是全新的,从上次RDB文件生成到 Redis停机这段时间的数据全部丢掉了。在某些业务下,这是可以忍受的,我们也推荐这些业务使用RDB的方式进行持久化,因为开启RDB的代价并不高。 但是对于另外一些对数据安全性要求极高的应用,无法容忍数据丢失的应用,RDB就无能为力了,所以Redis引入了另一个重要的持久化机制:AOF日志。


AOF日志的全称是Append Only File,从名字上我们就能看出来,它是一个追加写入的日志文件。与一般数据库不同的是,AOF文件是可识别的纯文本,它的内容就是一个个的Redis标准命令。比如我们进行如下实验,使用Redis2.6 版本,在启动命令参数中设置开启AOF功能:

Read full article from Redis作者:深度剖析Redis持久化 | Hello, Data!

Base64原理与实现 - 可笑痴狂 - 博客园

Base64原理与实现 - 可笑痴狂 - 博客园

  Base64编码要求把3个8位字节(3*8=24)转化为4个6位的字节(4*6=24),之后在6位的前面补两个0,形成8位一个字节的形式。 如果剩下的字符不足3个字节,则用0填充,输出字符使用'=',因此编码后输出的文本末尾可能会出现1或2个'='。


  转前: s 1 3
  先转成ascii:对应 115 49 51
  2进制: 01110011 00110001 00110011
  6个一组(4组) 011100110011000100110011
  然后才有后面的 011100 110011 000100 110011
  然后计算机是8位8位的存数 6不够,自动就补两个高位0了
  所有有了 高位补0
  科学计算器输入 00011100 00110011 00000100 00110011
  得到 28 51 4 51
  查对下照表 c z E z

Read full article from Base64原理与实现 - 可笑痴狂 - 博客园

Isotonic Regression | Algorithms Notes

Isotonic Regression | Algorithms Notes

Given a sequence A of n integers, design an algorithm to find an non-decreasing sequence B of n integers, such that \sum_{i=1}^n |A_i - B_i| is minimized.


This problem can be solved by minimum cost flow. Here we use dynamic programming.

Let F(k, z) be the optimal objective value for the first k elements with B[k] = z. Then, we have a recurrence relation: F(k, z) = min F(k-1, x) + |zA[k]|. Thus, the problem becomes how to efficiently find the z minimizing F(k, z) for all fixed k. It can be showed that F(k, z) is a piecewise linear convex function in z and the minimizing value must be in A. Thus, the dynamic programming can be speed up by using slope optimization and find the solution in O(n lg n) time.

Read full article from Isotonic Regression | Algorithms Notes

Class Design - S.O.L.I.D | miafish

Class Design – S.O.L.I.D | miafish

SRP The Single Responsibility Principle A class should have one, and only one, reason to change. OCP The Open Closed Principle You should be able to extend a classes behavior, without modifying it. LSP The Liskov Substitution Principle Derived classes must be substitutable for their base classes. ISP The Interface Segregation Principle Make fine grained interfaces that are client specific. DIP The Dependency Inversion Principle Depend on abstractions, not on concretions.

Read full article from Class Design – S.O.L.I.D | miafish

Open/Close Principle | miafish

Open/Close Principle | miafish

The Open Close Principle states that the design and writing of the code should be done in a way that new functionality should be added with minimum changes in the existing code. The design should be done in a way to allow the adding of new functionality as new classes, keeping as much as possible existing code unchanged.

Software entities like classes, modules and functions should be open for extension but closed for modifications.

Based only on the schema above, one can deduce that any class directly using another class would actually violate the Open/Closed Principle. And that is right, strictly speaking. I found it quite interesting to find the limits, the moment when you draw the line and decide that it is more difficult to respect OCP than modify existing code, or the architectural cost does not justify the cost of changing existing code.

Read full article from Open/Close Principle | miafish

Liskov Substitution Principle | miafish

Liskov Substitution Principle | miafish

what is Liskov Substitution principle

Child classes should never break the parent class' type definitions. In other way, sub-types must be substitutable for their base types. As simple as that, a subclass should override the parent class' methods in a way that does not break functionality from a client's point of view

Rectangle and Square Examples:

Read full article from Liskov Substitution Principle | miafish

The Interface Segregation Principle | miafish

The Interface Segregation Principle | miafish

The interface-segregation principle (ISP) states that no client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use.

Work example:

there are worker and super worker, they both eat and work. so the class will be defined like this way.

Read full article from The Interface Segregation Principle | miafish

Redis and its C# implementation | miafish

Redis and its C# implementation | miafish

When we use Redis?

Redis is a fantastic choice if you want a highly scalable data store shared by multiple processes, multiple applications, or multiple servers. As just an inter-process communication mechanism it is tough to beat(such as dictionary). The fact that you can communicate cross-platform, cross-server, or cross-application just as easily makes it a pretty great choice for many use cases. Its speed also makes it great as a caching layer.

How does Redis work?

Redis is key value cache and store. why it is highly scalable and can be shared by multiple processes, multiple applications or multiple servers? Let us see the design of Redis.

Redis Cluster data sharding

hash slot: there are 16384 hash slots in Redis Cluster.

Eg: Every node in a Redis Cluster is responsible of a subset of the hash slots, so for example you may have a cluster with 3 nodes, where:

  • Node A contains hash slots from 0 to 5500.
  • Node B contains hash slots from 5501 to 11000.
  • Node C contains hash slots from 11001 to 16384.

Redis Cluster mater-slave model

when the cluster is created (or at a latter time) we add a slave node to every master, so that the final cluster is composed of A, B, C that are masters, and A1, B1, C1 that are slaves, the system is able to continue if node B fails(B1 will become master and has copy data of B).

Internal work

A,B,C nodes. B with foo inside

  1. Client => A : Cluster Hints
  2. A => Client: a map of hash slots with nodes
  3. Client => B: get foo
  4. B => Client: bar

Fault tolerance

A guesses B is failing, as the latest PING request timed out. A will not take any action without any other hint.

C sends a PONG to A. with the gossip section containing  about B; C also think B is failing.

At this point  A marks B as failed, and notifies the information to all the other nodes in the cluster, that will mark the node as failing.

If B will ever return back, the first time he will PING any nodes of the cluster. It will be notified to shut down ASAP. As intermitting clients are not good for the clients.

Note: only way to rejoin a Redis cluster after massive crash is : Redis-trib by hand

Redis Partitioning

  • Redis Cluster (internal system)
  • Twemproxy (mid layer)
  • Clients supporting consistent hashing (client side)

How Redis expires keys

Redis keys are expired in two ways: a passive way, and an active way.

A key is actively expired simply when some client tries to access it, and the key is found to be timed out.

Of course this is not enough as there are expired keys that will never be accessed again. This keys should be expired anyway, so periodically Redis test a few keys at random among keys with an expire set. All the keys that are already expired are deleted from the keyspace.

Specifically this is what Redis does 10 times per second:

  1. Test 100 random keys from the set of keys with an associated expire.
  2. Delete all the keys found expired.
  3. If more than 25 keys were expired, start again from step 1.

This is a trivial probabilistic algorithm, basically the assumption is that our sample is representative of the whole key space, and we continue to expire until the percentage of keys that are likely to be expired is under 25%

This means that at any given moment the maximum amount of keys already expired that are using memory is at max equal to max amount of write operations per second divided by 4.

Read full article from Redis and its C# implementation | miafish

The Dependency Inversion Principle | miafish

The Dependency Inversion Principle | miafish

what is the dependency inversion principle?

A. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
B. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.

Read full article from The Dependency Inversion Principle | miafish

Dependency Injection Pattern | miafish

Dependency Injection Pattern | miafish

James Shore has said that "Dependency Injection" is a 25-dollar term for a 5-cent concept. yeah, it is really simple concept.

What is for?

In order to solve one of principles in S.O.L.I.D – Inversion of Control.

What is it?

Dependency injection is basically providing the objects that an object needs (its dependencies) instead of having it construct them itself.

Read full article from Dependency Injection Pattern | miafish

Big table | miafish

Big table | miafish

A Bigtable is a sparse, distributed, persistent multidimensional sorted map. The map is indexed by a row key, column key, and a timestamp; each value in the map is an uninterpreted array of bytes.

Map: Big Table is a collection of (key, value)pairs where the key identifies a row and the value is the set of columns.

Persistent: the data is stored persistently on disk.

Distributed: Big table's data is distributed among many independent machines. The table is broken up among rows, with groups of adjacent rows managed by a server. A row itself is never distributed.

Sparse: the table is sparse, meaning that different rows in a table may use different columns, with many of the columns empty for a particular row.

multidimensional: A table is indexed by rows. Each row contains one or more named column families. Column families are defined when the table is first created. Within a column family, one may have one or more named columns. All data within a column family is usually of the same type. The implementation of BigTable usually compresses all the columns within a column family together. Columns within a column family can be created on the fly. Rows, column families and columns provide a three-level naming hierarchy in identifying data. For example:

edu.rutgers.cs" : { // row "users" : { // column family "watrous": "Donald", // column "hedrick": "Charles", // column "pxk" : "Paul" // column } "sysinfo" : { // another column family "" : "SunOS 5.8" // column (null name) } }

To get data from BigTable, you need to provide a fully-qualified name in the form column-family:column. For example, users:pxk or sysinfo:. The latter shows an null column name.

time-based: time is another dimension in Big Table data. Every column family may keep multiple versions of column family data. if an application does not specify a time-stamp. it will retrieve the latest version of the column family. Alternatively, it can specify a time-stamp and get the latest version that is earlier than or equal to that time-stamp.

Data Model

The map is indexed by a row key, column key and a time stamp.

Read full article from Big table | miafish

Lamport & Vector Clocks | miafish

Lamport & Vector Clocks | miafish

They are two algorithms used to determine the order of events in a distributed computer system.

Why do we need it?

Now, imagine process 1 sends a message to the disk asking for access to write, and then sends a message to process 2 asking it to read. Process 2 receives the message, and as a result sends its own message to the disk. Now, due to some timing delay, the disk receives both messages at the same time: how does it determine which message happened-before the other?

two synchronized servers that write timestamps to the same system. If one server falls behind by even a few milliseconds, it would quickly be impossible to know the actual order of events.

Lamport Timestamps

It follows some simple rules:

  • A process increments its counter before each event in that process;
  • When a process sends a message, it includes its counter value with the message;
  • On receiving a message, the receiver process sets its counter to be greater than the maximum of its own value and the received value before it considers the message received.

lamport clocks

if  A -> B, then L(A) < L(B). so we know who happened first.

Vector clock

It follows rules:

  • Initially all clocks are zero.
  • Each time a process experiences an internal event, it increments its own logical clock in the vector by one.
  • Each time a process prepares to send a message, it sends its entire vector along with the message being sent.
  • Each time a process receives a message, it increments its own logical clock in the vector by one and updates each element in its vector by taking the maximum of the value in its own vector clock and the value in the vector in the received message (for every element).

Read full article from Lamport & Vector Clocks | miafish

Dynamo DB | miafish

Dynamo DB | miafish

Techniques Used in Dynamo Systems

Problem Technique Advantage
dataset partitioning Consistent Hashing Incremental, possibly linear scalability in proportion to the number of collaborating nodes.
highly available writes Vector Clock or Dotted-Version-Vector Sets, reconciliation during reads Version size is decoupled from update rates.
handling temporary failures Sloppy Quorum and Hinted Handoff Provides high availability and durability guarantee when some of the replicas are not available.
recovering from permanent failures anti-entropy using Merkle tree Can be used to identify differences between replica owners and synchronize divergent replicas pro-actively.
membership and failure detection gossip-based membership protocol and failure detection Avoids having a centralized registry for storing membership and node liveness information, preserving symmetry.

Consistent hashing: See memcached, they used the same hashing algorithm.

Vector Clock: see here for more information.

Sloppy Quorum and Hinted handoff:

In this method during writes if we find that the destination nodes are down we store a "hint" of the updated value on one of the alive nodes. Then when these down nodes come back up the "hints" are pushed to them thereby making the data consistent

anti-entropy using Merkle tree:

Each node maintains a separate Merkle tree for each key range (the set of keys covered by a virtual node) it hosts. This allows nodes to compare whether the keys within a key range are up-to-date. In this scheme, two nodes exchange the root of the Merkle tree corresponding to the key ranges that they host in common. Subsequently, using the tree traversal scheme described above the nodes determine if they have any differences and perform the appropriate synchronization action. The disadvantage with this scheme is that many key ranges change when a node joins or leaves the system thereby requiring the tree(s) to be recalculated

gossip-based membership protocol:

Read full article from Dynamo DB | miafish

System Scalability notes | miafish

System Scalability notes | miafish

1. server scale: every server contains exactly the same codebase and does not store any user-related data, like sessions or profile pictures, on local disc or memory.

way to do: this user-related data need to be stored in a centralized data store which is accessible to all your application servers. It can be an external database or an external persistent cache, like Redis

2. Database scale: if there is no much join in query, try NOSql.

way to do: more database servers, sharding, change to NOSql.

3. cache: do not touch database if you can

A cache is a simple key-value store and it should reside as a buffering layer between your application and your data storage. Whenever your application has to read data it should at first try to retrieve the data from your cache. Only if it's not in the cache should it then try to get the data from the main data source

4. cache object instead of database query

when your class has finished the "assembling" of the data array, directly store the data array, or better yet the complete instance of the class, in the cache! This allows you to easily get rid of the object whenever something did change and makes the overall operation of your code faster and more logical.

5. async: implement it as much as you can

Hadoop would be a good desgin

  • Can't use just one database. Use many databases, partitioned horizontally and vertically.
  • Because of partitioning, forget about referential integrity or cross-domain JOINs.
  • Forget about 100% data integrity.
  • At large scale, cost is a problem: hardware, databases, licenses, storage, power.
  • Once you're large, spammers and data-scrapers come a-knocking.
  • Cache!
  • Use asynchronous flows.
  • Reporting and analytics are challenging; consider them up-front when designing the system.
  • Expect the system to fail.
  • Don't underestimate your growth trajectory.

Read full article from System Scalability notes | miafish

Find number of bits to be flipped to get maximum 1’s in array | miafish

Find number of bits to be flipped to get maximum 1's in array | miafish

We have a bit array like below

{1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1}  

Number of bits in above array is 8

If we take range from [1,5] then number of bits in [1,5] range is [0 1 0 0 1].
If we flip this range then after flipping it will be [ 1 0 1 1 0]
So total number of 1's after flipping [1,5] range is [1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1] = 5

If we take range from [1,6] then number of bits in [1,6] range is [0 1 0 0 1 0].
If we flip this range then after flipping it will be [ 1 0 1 1 0 1]
So total number of 1's after flipping [1,5] range is [1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1] = 6

So the answer is range [1,6] and after flipping we can get 6 1's in array

Read full article from Find number of bits to be flipped to get maximum 1's in array | miafish

Codility Challenges: Future training - TreeHeight

Codility Challenges: Future training - TreeHeight

Here is another codility problem solution from the codility lessons (TreeHeight -Compute the height of a binary tree.) due to the copy rights I can't copy the content of the problem here so to view the problem description click here.

Read full article from Codility Challenges: Future training - TreeHeight

Time Complexity of Loop with Powers - GeeksforGeeks

Time Complexity of Loop with Powers - GeeksforGeeks

What is the time complexity of below function?

void fun(int n, int k)
    for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
      int p = pow(i, k);
      for (int j=1; j<=p; j++)
          // Some O(1) work

Time complexity of above function can be written as 1k + 2k + 3k + … n1k.

Let us try few examples:

k=1  Sum = 1 + 2 + 3 ... n       = n(n+1)/2       = n2 + n/2    k=2  Sum = 12 + 22 + 32 + ... n12.      = n(n+1)(2n+1)/6      = n3/3 + n2/2 + n/6    k=3  Sum = 13 + 23 + 33 + ... n13.      = n2(n+1)2/4      = n4/4 + n3/2 + n2/4       

In general, asymptotic value can be written as (nk+1)/(k+1) + Θ(nk)

Note that, in asymptotic notations like Θ we can always ignore lower order terms. So the time complexity is Θ(nk+1 / (k+1))

Read full article from Time Complexity of Loop with Powers - GeeksforGeeks

Java 理论与实践: JDK 5.0 中更灵活、更具可伸缩性的锁定机制

Java 理论与实践: JDK 5.0 中更灵活、更具可伸缩性的锁定机制

ReentrantLock 类

java.util.concurrent.lock 中的 Lock 框架是锁定的一个抽象,它允许把锁定的实现作为 Java 类,而不是作为语言的特性来实现。这就为 Lock 的多种实现留下了空间,各种实现可能有不同的调度算法、性能特性或者锁定语义。 ReentrantLock 类实现了 Lock ,它拥有与 synchronized 相同的并发性和内存语义,但是添加了类似轮询锁、定时锁等候和可中断锁等候的一些特性。此外,它还提供了在激烈争用情况下更佳的性能。(换句话说,当许多线程都想访问共享资源时,JVM 可以花更少的时候来调度线程,把更多时间用在执行线程上。)

reentrant 锁意味着什么呢?简单来说,它有一个与锁相关的获取计数器,如果拥有锁的某个线程再次得到锁,那么获取计数器就加1,然后锁需要被释放两次才能获得真正释放。这模仿了 synchronized 的语义;如果线程进入由线程已经拥有的监控器保护的 synchronized 块,就允许线程继续进行,当线程退出第二个(或者后续) synchronized 块的时候,不释放锁,只有线程退出它进入的监控器保护的第一个 synchronized 块时,才释放锁。

Read full article from Java 理论与实践: JDK 5.0 中更灵活、更具可伸缩性的锁定机制

生产者/消费者问题_2 | 指尖的舞客

生产者/消费者问题_2 | 指尖的舞客



Read full article from 生产者/消费者问题_2 | 指尖的舞客

Unbounded Searching Problem | Algorithms Notes

Unbounded Searching Problem | Algorithms Notes

Let A[n] be an array with n elements sorted in ascending order. It is simple to construct an O(n lg n) algorithm to find the position k in A[n] for a given value v. Assume that k is much less than n (i.e., k << n). Write an O(lg k) time algorithm to search for k.
(Note: you do not know the value of k in advance, only v is known)


This is an application of binary search. Although we do not know k in advance, we can find the range of k. That is, find an integer i such that 2^ik < 2^{i+1}. Using linear search to find i costs O(i) = O(lg k). Then applying the binary search on the subarray A[2^i]~A[2^{i+1}-1] requires O(\lg (2^{i+1} - 2^i)) = O(i) = O(lg k) time, so the total time complexity is O(lg k).

This idea can also be generalized to higher dimension space.


這是一個二分搜尋法的應用。雖然事先不知道k的大小,但是可以利用演算法找出k的範圍,也就是找一個整數i使得2^i ≤ k < 2^{i+1}。利用線性搜尋只需要花O(i) = O(lg k)的時間。接著只要在子陣列A[2^i]~A[2^{i+1}-1]中做二分搜尋即可,需要花O(\lg (2^{i+1} - 2^i)) = O(i) = O(lg k)時間,所以整體時間還是O(lg k)。

Read full article from Unbounded Searching Problem | Algorithms Notes

Saddleback Search | Algorithms Notes

Saddleback Search | Algorithms Notes

M is an n * n integer matrix in which the entries of each row are in increasing order (reading left to right) and the entries in each column are in increasing order (reading top to bottom). Give an efficient algorithm to find the position of an integer x in M, or determine that x is not there. Tell how many comparisons of x with matrix entries your algorithm does in the worst case.


If M[i][j] > x, then M[i][k] ≠ x for all j ≤ kn and M[k][j] ≠ x for all 1 ≤ ki. Likewise, M[i][j] < x reveals corresponding information. Hence, let i = 1 and j = n initially, if M[i][j] = x, report it; if M[i][j] > x or M[i][j] < x, compare x with M[i][j-1] or M[i+1][j] respectively in the next iteration, unless j-1 < 1 or i+1 > n, which implies that x is not in M. Since the increments and decrements of i and j are O(n), the total running time is O(n).

For m time n sorted matrix, finding an element can be done in O(m lg (n / m)) [1], where m is the number of rows and n is the number of columns, m ≤ n. First do binary in the middle row M[mid] to find the index i, such that M[mid][i] < x < M[mid][i+1]. Then, the submatrix in the top-left of M[mid][i] and the submatrix in the bottom-right of M[mid][i+1] cannot have x. We can recursively solve the problem in the remaining two submatrices.

Note: This technique can be generalized to 3D [2]

[1] Richard S. Bird, "Improving Saddleback Search: A Lesson in Algorithm Design," Mathematics of Program Construction Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 4014, 2006, pp 82-89

[2] N Linial, M Saks, "Searching ordered structures," Journal of Algorithms Volume 6, Issue 1, March 1985, Pages 86–103


如果 M[i][j]大於x,那M[i][k]不等於x對於所有j ≤ k ≤ nM[k][j]不等於x對於所有1 ≤ k ≤ i。相同的,如果M[i][j]小於x也能得到類似的資訊。因此,令i為1、jn,如果M[i][j]等於x,那就找到了解答。如果M[i][j]大於或是小於x,在下一輪中就要拿xM[i][j-1]或M[i+1][j]來比較,除非j-1小於1或是i+1大於n,這代表x不在M中。因為ij頂多只能被遞增或是遞減O(n)次,所以時間複雜度為O(n)。

Read full article from Saddleback Search | Algorithms Notes

The Duplicate Detection Problem | Algorithms Notes

The Duplicate Detection Problem | Algorithms Notes

Given an integer array A of length n, such that each integer is in the range [1, n-1]. Array A is read-only. Design an linear time algorithm to find one duplicate element using O(1) variables.


Since each element has a value in [1, n-1], we can consider each element as a node in the linked list, that is, element i points to element A[i]. Since no node can point to node n, we can consider node n as the head of this linked list. If node i is pointed by more than one element, then i is a duplicate value in the array. Thus, we can use classical cycle detection algorithm to find the head of the cycle, which is a duplicate element.


因為每個元素的值都在[1, n-1]之中,我們可以把每個元素當作是一個串列的結點,意即元素i指向元素A[i]。 因為沒有一個元素可以指向結點n,我們可以把節點n視為串列的頭部。此外,如果節點i被超過一個以上的結點所指向的話,那就代表i在陣列中是重複的元素。因此,我們可以使用迴圈偵測演算法來找出迴圈的頭部,此元素必為陣列中的重複元素。

Read full article from The Duplicate Detection Problem | Algorithms Notes

The Duplicate Detection Problem | Algorithms Notes

The Duplicate Detection Problem | Algorithms Notes

Given an integer array A of length n, such that each integer is in the range [1, n-1]. Array A is read-only. Design an linear time algorithm to find one duplicate element using O(1) variables.


Since each element has a value in [1, n-1], we can consider each element as a node in the linked list, that is, element i points to element A[i]. Since no node can point to node n, we can consider node n as the head of this linked list. If node i is pointed by more than one element, then i is a duplicate value in the array. Thus, we can use classical cycle detection algorithm to find the head of the cycle, which is a duplicate element.


因為每個元素的值都在[1, n-1]之中,我們可以把每個元素當作是一個串列的結點,意即元素i指向元素A[i]。 因為沒有一個元素可以指向結點n,我們可以把節點n視為串列的頭部。此外,如果節點i被超過一個以上的結點所指向的話,那就代表i在陣列中是重複的元素。因此,我們可以使用迴圈偵測演算法來找出迴圈的頭部,此元素必為陣列中的重複元素。

Read full article from The Duplicate Detection Problem | Algorithms Notes

Shortest Subarray with Sum is at least k | Algorithms Notes

Shortest Subarray with Sum is at least k | Algorithms Notes

Given an integer array A of length n and a number k, design a linear time algorithm to find the shortest subarray whose sum is at least k.


Let P[i] be the sum of A[1..i]. For an ending index e, we want to compute the largest index b, such that the sum of A[b..e] = P[e+1] – P[b] is at least k. If there exists i and j, such that i < j and P[i] > P[j], then i cannot be the answer for any ending index at least j. Hence, we can maintain a queue q initialized empty. The queue stores indices increasing by position and also by P value. When processing A[i], dequeue all elements x, such that P[i+1] – P[x] is at least k. The last dequeued element is the optimal solution ending at i and we can update the current optimal solution. Then, enqueue i if P[i] is larger than the P value of the tail of the queue. Since every index will be considered as a starting index and an ending index only once, this algorithm runs in linear time.


P[i]為A[1..i]的總和。對於一結尾索引e而言,我們想要計算最大的索引b使得A[b..e] = P[e+1] – P[b]至少為k。如果存在ij,使得i < jP[i] > P[j],那麼i不可能是至少為j的結尾的最佳解。 因此,我們維護一個佇列q初始為空。此佇列儲存的陣列的索引值,且依照索引以及P值的大小遞增。當處理到A[i]時,把所有x使得P[i+1] – P[x] ≥ k從佇列中移除。最後一個移除的元素即是在i結尾的最佳解。所以我們可以依此更新當前最佳解。接著,如果P[i]大於佇列尾端索引的P值,那麼就把i enque。因為每個索引只會被考慮為開始和結束各一次,此演算法時間為線性。

Read full article from Shortest Subarray with Sum is at least k | Algorithms Notes

Maximum Sum and Distance | Algorithms Notes

Maximum Sum and Distance | Algorithms Notes

Given an array A of n integers, design a linear time algorithm to find i and j such that A[i] + A[j] + (ij) is maximized subject to i > j.


The optimal solution ending at i is to pair with j such that A[j] – j is maximized over all j < i. Thus we can scan the array from beginning and remember the current maximum of A[j] – j in all previous locations. Then, we can find optimal solution easily.

Read full article from Maximum Sum and Distance | Algorithms Notes

Maximum Sum and Distance | Algorithms Notes

Maximum Sum and Distance | Algorithms Notes

Given an array A of n integers, design a linear time algorithm to find i and j such that A[i] + A[j] + (ij) is maximized subject to i > j.


The optimal solution ending at i is to pair with j such that A[j] – j is maximized over all j < i. Thus we can scan the array from beginning and remember the current maximum of A[j] – j in all previous locations. Then, we can find optimal solution easily.

Read full article from Maximum Sum and Distance | Algorithms Notes

九章算法面试题26 方格取数

九章算法面试题26 方格取数





初阶:采用动态规划算法。F[i][j]代表从左上角到(i,j)这个位置的最大路径和。有F[i][j] = max{F[i-1][j], F[i][j-1]} + A[i][j]。其中A[i][j]为(i,j)这个格子中的数值。答案为F[n][m]。时间复杂度O(n*m)。




Read full article from 九章算法面试题26 方格取数

实用算法的分析与程序设计――递推法(倒推法) - 梦里水乡的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

实用算法的分析与程序设计――递推法(倒推法) - 梦里水乡的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET


贮油点 一辆重型卡车欲穿过1000公里的沙漠,卡车耗油为1升/公里,卡车总载油能力为500公升,显然卡车装一次油是过不了沙漠的,因此四级必须设法在沿途建立几个贮油点,使卡车能顺利穿越沙漠,试问司机如何建立这些贮油点?每一贮油点应存多少汽油,才能使卡车以消耗最少汽油的代价通过沙漠?

Read full article from 实用算法的分析与程序设计――递推法(倒推法) - 梦里水乡的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

几本信息学竞赛算法书 - smallgyy的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

几本信息学竞赛算法书 - smallgyy的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

(1)实用算法的分析与程序设计   作者:吴文虎  王建德


(2)算法艺术和信息学竞赛      作者:刘汝佳 黄亮


(3)算法竞赛入门经典   作者:刘汝佳


(4)算法竞赛入门经典--训练指南   作者:刘汝佳  


(5)新编实用算法分析与程序设计    作者: 王建德 吴永辉


Read full article from 几本信息学竞赛算法书 - smallgyy的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

ACM书籍推荐 - 疯狂算法~ - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

ACM书籍推荐 - 疯狂算法~ - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

算法 算法 还是算法!!!

程序设计导引及在线实践  作者: 李文新
ACM程序设计培训教程 吴昊

算法艺术与信息学竞赛 第二版 刘汝佳
算法设计与分析  王晓东
算法设计与试验题解 王晓东
组合数学 第三版 冯舜玺 译
计算几何-算法设计与分析 周培德
国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛指导― ― 实用算法的分析与程序设计   吴文虎 王建德
网络算法与复杂性理论  谢政 李建平
《Concrete Mathematics --- A Foundation For Computer Science》 Ronald L. Graham , Donald E. Knuth , Oren Patashnik《具体数学》(能买到中文版最好)
《计算机程序设计艺术》三卷  Knuth
《程序设计中的组合数学》 吴文虎

国际大学生程序设计竞赛辅导教程  郭嵩山 崔昊

C算法(第2卷图算法第3版中文版)译者:周良忠 (美国)塞奇威克著  
国际大学生程序设计竞赛例题解 四本  郭嵩山

Read full article from ACM书籍推荐 - 疯狂算法~ - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

四边形不等式优化 << Yangff's Blog

四边形不等式优化 « Yangff's Blog

a<b<c<d => w[a][c]+w[b][d]<=w[a][d]+w[b][c]









k=s[i][j - 1]..s[i+1][j]







dp[i][j] = min{dp[k][m-1]+w[k+1][m]}



Read full article from 四边形不等式优化 « Yangff's Blog

四边形不等式优化 << Yangff's Blog

四边形不等式优化 « Yangff's Blog

a<b<c<d => w[a][c]+w[b][d]<=w[a][d]+w[b][c]









k=s[i][j - 1]..s[i+1][j]







dp[i][j] = min{dp[k][m-1]+w[k+1][m]}



Read full article from 四边形不等式优化 « Yangff's Blog

Calculating Document Distance

Calculating Document Distance

Previously we looked at the first part in my Back to Basics series where we understood and implemented Peak-Finding. This time we are going to talk about something slightly different; Calculating Document Distance. I really recommend you to take a look at the MIT course on Introduction to Algorithms, for this post I really recommend watching the part about document distance.

Practicing algorithms is both fun and educating, even if you are 20 years into your career you will most certainly always learn something new when analyzing algorithms. There's no greater feeling than when you've tackled a problem for a long time and suddenly you understand it deeply enough to optimize it and play with the edge cases.

What is Document Distance?

Consider that you have two documents containing a huge amount of text in them, be it essays or websites. Now you want to know how similar these documents are, in the sense of: how many words overlap in these documents. Conceptual the algorithm is really simple there's just a few steps that you'll have to go through:

  1. Open and read both documents that you are going to compare. Only read words and numbers, skip special characters (spaces, dots, etc..) and convert the words to lower case
  2. Calculate the word frequency in both collections of words, this means how many times each word occur in each document
  3. Compare the frequencies from both computations and calculate the distance

The distance itself is calculated using a predefined formula that you don't really have to pay too much attention too at this moment, unless you really fancy computations on vectors

Read full article from Calculating Document Distance

Understanding Peak-Finding

Understanding Peak-Finding

No matter how far we are in our careers as professional developers, it's great to freshen up on our fundamentals. Be it the importance of Memory Access Patterns or algorithms in general, it's really beneficial. I find it quiet interesting that it's been a pretty long time since I sat in the algorithms and data structures course on my technical institute and I tend to understand it completely different now. I heard a really great thing from a professor at MIT who said the following:

You can practice really hard for two years to become a great programmer and you can practice for 10 years to become an excellent programmer. Or you can practice for two years and take an algorithms course and become an excellent programmer

A lot of us might not think about the daily algorithms and data structures that we use, in fact, we hide behind ORMs and such that hides complexity and introduces behavior that we might not be aware of. Which is one of the reasons I personally like to read up on algorithms from time to time. This time though, I've decided to share some of the things I learn and like, hopefully you'll like it and it will help you to become an excellent programmer.

If you haven't seen this, MIT has a website called Open Courseware where they have video recordings, lecture notes, assignments and exams from their courses. There is one in particular which I recently found and it's excellent so far, it's called Introduction to Algorithms. If it's been a while since you looked into these topics, have a look at their content. Some of the examples and snippets here are from the lectures in this particular course.

Read full article from Understanding Peak-Finding

cresspahl: simple algorithm for 2D-Peakfinding

cresspahl: simple algorithm for 2D-Peakfinding

When it comes to analyzing data, a common task is to identify peaks in an x-y dataset. There are several ways to do that. Maybe the first idea that would come into one's mind is to look for zeros in the derivatives. This works fine for smooth theoretical curves but fails when noise is present (as it is certainly all kinds of experimental data).
To get rid of noise you can apply a low-pass filter on your data, but in some cases this is not desired. A simple approach is to use an algorithm that can does

  1. find peak candidates that are above some user-defined threshold level
  2. find out for each candidate whether it is the local maximum of a user defined environment
  3. return the valid peaks

Read full article from cresspahl: simple algorithm for 2D-Peakfinding

把二元查找树转变成排序的双向链表 | kiddy

把二元查找树转变成排序的双向链表 | kiddy

/ \
6 14
/ \ / \
4 8 12 16

Read full article from 把二元查找树转变成排序的双向链表 | kiddy

arithmetic expression validation | kiddy

arithmetic expression validation | kiddy

Write code to do arithmetic expression validation:
digits: 0..9
operators: +, -, (, )

1+2-3 valid
1+(2-(3+4)) valid
-2 not valid

Read full article from arithmetic expression validation | kiddy

cpp_projects/mitbbs at master ・ xqian/cpp_projects

cpp_projects/mitbbs at master ・ xqian/cpp_projects

1. 近似字符串匹配。比如给定一个长串(10G以上的量级),再给定一个短串(比如长 度为10),然后允许最多有两个字符的匹配误差,让找出长串中所有的匹配位置。(自 己觉得是�u在了这题。面试过程中一直没找到正确的思路,面试官开始试图给了一些引 导,但无奈没找到他所想的方向,后来他也有些不知道如何引导,因为他觉得除了答案 好像也无法给其它提示了。感觉就是两人都很无奈:他觉得都提示得那么明显了,你怎 么还不能想到呢,我自己也很着急,觉得某个点没想到,想到了就会简单,但到底是哪 个点呢。。。面试官也看他的code review去了 /* 【 在 novice (novice) 的大作中提到: 】 : 能说说第一题: : 1. 近似字符串匹配。比如给定一个长串(10G以上的量级),再给定一个短串(比如长 : 度为10),然后允许最多有两个字符的匹配误差,让找出长串中所有的匹配位置。 : 面试官是如何引导的吗? 我的想法是滚动hash 比如短串是abcd 那么把它本身和误差为一个或两个char的短串的滚动hash值都算出来放到一个set里面 e.g. abcd bbcd cbcd ... zbcd aacd ... azcd 一共有26*10+45*26*26个备选的短串。 然后在长串里match就行了 hash function随便找个小的质数就ok 比如abcd ==>> a*7^4+b*7^3+c*7^2+d*7 */ 2. 设计 api 并用 mutex 实现一个读写锁。 3. 6. 用 C/C++ 的基本语言特性判断某个系统上栈的生长方向。 4. 给一堆点, 找一条线穿过最多的点 第四题: 任选两个点都能组成一条线y=ax+b,所以可以有个Pair (a,b) 然后我就弄个Map<Pair, Set<point>> ,找所有两点组合算它们的(a, b) pair, 把两 个点加到map.get(pair)中。 最后看map中所有的set谁的size最大, return这个对应的(a, b).

Read full article from cpp_projects/mitbbs at master ・ xqian/cpp_projects

谷歌面经 - 未名空间(

谷歌面经 - 未名空间(

在国内面试的,两轮电面 + 四轮onsite,已挂


电面一: 安排的是硅谷的面试官,时间为北京早8点。结果从7点多开始等到9点都没有
然后直接扔了一道题过来。 题目是:给两个以字符串形式表示的大整数,求其和。现



题(算是leetcode的原题,虽说我是第一次电面后才开始看 待字闺中,并知道
leetcode 的,当时还没刷到这一题)。最后还有几分钟的时间就是问了些问题。

onsite 四轮,分为两次,每次两轮。中间间隔了半个多月。因为签了协议,就不细说

onsite 一 & 二
1. 近似字符串匹配。比如给定一个长串(10G以上的量级),再给定一个短串(比如长
个点呢。。。面试官也看他的code review去了)
2. 找出两链表的交叉节点。(经典老题,但因为前一轮的题目没时间做完,这时心里
3. 在一个正整数的数组中找出不在数组中的最小正整数。(leetcode原题,但我又是

onsite 三 & 四
4. 设计 api 并用 mutex 实现一个读写锁。
5. 设计 api 并实现所有操作都为O(1)的 LRUCache.
6. 用 C/C++ 的基本语言特性判断某个系统上栈的生长方向。

是担心可能无法挽回 onsite 1& 2 的一般表现,果然两天之后收到了拒信。

case 都要花不少时间。不过好像这也是当前的风气以及大势所趋,所以想去这些公司



payment 相关的。自己毕业后在国内ms做传统软开,两年多了,之前项目比较动荡,接

Read full article from 谷歌面经 - 未名空间(

Android 6.0 Marshmallow new features | BGR

Android 6.0 Marshmallow new features | BGR

By Brad Reed on Aug 28, 2015 at 4:40 PM Both iOS 9 and Android 6.0 Marshmallow have been tagged as incremental upgrades that are mostly looking to add stability improvements without overwhelming us with new features. But Android fan  Salman Ahmad  makes the case that Marshmallow is actually a bigger deal than a lot of people — including Google — are giving it credit for being. • Now on Tap • Android Pay • Automatic app data backups • App Links (you're going to see less of those "what do you want to open this in?" prompts) • Doze and App Standby • Dark theme(removed, uncertain future) • Visual Voicemail Support • New "Memory" Section in Settings(it was there before,

Read full article from Android 6.0 Marshmallow new features | BGR

传说中的华为面试题(8分钟写出代码) - Tour大咸鱼 - 博客园

传说中的华为面试题(8分钟写出代码) - Tour大咸鱼 - 博客园


  1. 对两个数字值进行累加,设差值 A = sum(a) - sum(b)
  2. a的第i个元素和b的第j个元素交换后,a和b的和之差为:A' = sum(a) - a[i] + b[j] - (sum(b) - b[j] + a[i]) = sum(a) - sum(b) - 2 (a[i] - b[j]) = A - 2 (a[i] - b[j])
  3. 设x = a[i] - b[j],带入上式得,|A| - |A'| = |A| - |A-2x|
  4. 假设A > 0,当x 在 (0,A)之间时,做这样的交换才能使得交换后的a和b的和之差变小,x越接近A/2效果越好,如果找不到在(0,A)之间的x,则当前的a和b就是答案。


Read full article from 传说中的华为面试题(8分钟写出代码) - Tour大咸鱼 - 博客园

Google V8 引擎运用了哪些优秀的算法? - Milo Yip 的回答 - 知乎

Google V8 引擎运用了哪些优秀的算法? - Milo Yip 的回答 - 知乎

在1980年之前,许多C语言标准库中的 printf() 都会产生「不正确」的结果。Coonen在那时候做了相关的博士研究[1],但并没有受到广泛的知悉和应用。1990年Steele等人发表了名为Dragon4的算法[2],通过使用大数运算来确保精确的转换。而这个算法应用在大部分C程序语言库的 printf(),以及其他用 printf() 来实现这功能的语言之中。




// 除+/-inf及NaN外的浮点数都应该传回true。 bool Verify(double d) {     assert(!isnan(d) && !isinf(d));     char buffer[32]; // 足够大么?     dtoa(buffer, d); // 双精度浮点数转换至字符串,是double-to-ascii,不是dota     char* end;     double d2 = strtod(buffer, &end); // 字符串转换至双精度浮点数     return *end == '\0' && d == d2; } 

如前所述,Dragon4使用大数运算,还涉及动态内存分配(你知道printf()里可能会做malloc()么?)。而Grisu则不需要,只需要用到64位整数运算便可以实现转换!所以那篇文章题目就以"... with integers"作结尾。

Grisu 的算法非常简单,但它有一个缺点,就是其结果并不像是给人看的。如文中的例子,Grisu 把 0.3 的打印成 29999999999999998e-17。这是「正确的」转换结果,它可以通过 Verify() 验证。

虽然该算法非常快,但一般人大概不会接受这样的结果。作者也因此研发出改进版本Grisu2,在使用64位整数实现 double 的转换时,可以利用额外的 64 - 53 = 11 位去缩减转换的结果(53为double的尾数位数)。Grisu2可以把>99.9%的浮点数转换成最短的「正确」字符串,其馀<0.1%的浮点数仍然是「正确」的,但不是最短的答案。

也许一般人就见好就收了,不竟已证明算法的正确性,只是有那么<0.1%情况未达至最完美的结果。不过该作者还是继续研究出 Grisu3。Grisu3并不能解决那一小撮麻烦制造者,但它能在计算期间侦查到哪些 double 在这算法中未能得出最优的结果。既然办事快捷的小部门搞不定,就可以把它交给Dragon4或其他较慢的算法。

V8 里实现了 Grisu3 以及大整数的算法(我不肯定是Dragon4还是其他),后来Google也把它分离成为一个独立的C++程序库

为了优化 RapidJSON (miloyip/rapidjson 路 GitHub) 的浮点数转换,也由于 RapidJSON 是仅需头文件的JSON库,我就按 Loitsch 的实现编写了一个 Grisu2 的头文件库,可以在 miloyip/dtoa-benchmark ・ GitHub 取得,那里还比较了多个 dtoa() 实现的性能。因为 Grisu3 需要另一个更庞大的大数实现,而暂时 RapidJSON 不需要最优结果,所以就仅实现了一个性能更好及更简短的 Grisu2。

加入了 Grisu2 之后,RapidJSON 的 JSON 字符串化(stringify)性能远超其他 JSON 库。没想到读到最后是广告吧。

Read full article from Google V8 引擎运用了哪些优秀的算法? - Milo Yip 的回答 - 知乎

算法帝国--读书笔记 - 天才白痴梦 - 博客园

算法帝国--读书笔记 - 天才白痴梦 - 博客园








第一章  华尔街,第一张多米诺骨牌


第二章  人与算法的简史


第三章  机器评出的前四十榜单

你有41%的机会成为Lady Gaga

第四章  计算机的秘密高速公路


第五章 系统里的博弈论


第六章  呼叫机器人医生


第七章  人的分类


第八章  华尔街与硅谷的较量

第九章  华尔街的损失让我们大家获益


第十章  未来属于算法和它们的创造者












Read full article from 算法帝国--读书笔记 - 天才白痴梦 - 博客园

Jersey - Passing ContainerRequest headers to a resource

Jersey - Passing ContainerRequest headers to a resource

In the above you are setting header values on the Servlet request object. Jersey does not sync between the Servlet request and it's own request.

I recommend you utilize either servlet request attributes or Jersey request attributes rather than add request headers.

Your filter can add Jersey request properties using ContanerRequest.getProperties().

Your resource class can inject HttpContext and obtain the same properties using HttpContext.getProperties.

Read full article from Jersey - Passing ContainerRequest headers to a resource

Google Home Services Ads Launch In Google Express

Google Home Services Ads Launch In Google Express

Local Visibility SUBSCRIBE Google Home Services Ads Launch In Google Express Limited to the San Francisco Bay Area, the ads are available to a plumbers, locksmiths, house cleaners and handymen. Ginny Marvin on August 28, 2015 at 12:42 pm Google has opened up access to its new home services ad program in AdWords Express. The new home services ad program launched in beta in the San Francisco area  last month to connect service providers with local residents searching for help. Started initially for locksmiths and plumbers, it's opened up to house cleaners and handymen as well. To get started with AdWords Express for home services ads, service providers in the area can fill out this form  with contact information, the business' URL and the service sector of the business. Google screens all applicants and uses a third-party to conduct background checks. If approved, Google will "organize the information you give us into a polished profile page".

Read full article from Google Home Services Ads Launch In Google Express

Random knight | Calculus VII

Random knight | Calculus VII

A knight walks randomly on the standard chessboard. What is the proportion of time that it will spend at e4?

The answer (1/42) is not hard to get, but I'll take the computational approach first (testing Scilab 5.5.0 beta 1, by the way). Begin by placing the knight at b1 and letting it make five random moves. This is the distribution of its position after five moves:

Read full article from Random knight | Calculus VII

Three Parallel Backtracking Designs | Dr Dobb's

Three Parallel Backtracking Designs | Dr Dobb's

Before we get into the meat of this post, let me revisit the serial code I used for illustration last time. Specifically, I want to use a better method for recording queen positions.

Rather than keeping a 2D array that mimics a physical chessboard, I propose using an integer vector with length equal to the number of rows. The data stored in each element will be the column of a placed queen. This eliminates the chance that two queens will be on the same row, and the test for a legal position can simply search all lower indexed elements to see if those elements correspond to the same column (vertical attack) or are along a diagonal from the newly placed queen. If such a case is found, the newly placed queen attacks an already placed queen and stillLegal() will return FALSE since the position has no hope of leading to a legal solution.

It may seem like a "six of one, half dozen of another" situation, but having the simpler and smaller data structure to represent the current state of a partial solution will be a benefit to our parallel solutions. The simpler aspect is seen in the tests needed in stillLegal(). Checking for queens in the same column and testing the diagonal attack squares is easy, as seen in the code below. The positions of queens placed in rows "above" the currently placed queen are all that need to be examined. Any new move generated at the same level simply overwrites the previous column value in the vector and the test ignores any column values that are stored in higher indexed ("below") locations.

Read full article from Three Parallel Backtracking Designs | Dr Dobb's

Problems for the chess knight ...

Problems for the chess knight ...

Trouble for the knight

The idea of looking at a single the chess knight on the board goes all the way back to the 18th century, when Leonhard Euler, a swiss matematician, introduced a problem in Berlin, 1758. The problem, that is usually referred to as Springerproblem or The Knight's Tour, is given by

Starting with an empty chess board, is there a path that has a knight visit all the fields (black and white) of the board exactly one time?

The knight is paticularly interesting because of his strange way of moving. It would be much less interesting to try that with the queen, for example, since most attempts should lead to a solution. The knight in turn has a very limited way of moving that keeps the number of accessible fields per move below eight.

When Euler first thought of that problem, he imagined an 8x8 board, the regular chess board, while today's mathematical and computerized methods make us want to take a look at bigger boards, too.
But in order to find out about the chances of solving the problem, we have to take a closer look at it first.

Different flavours...

During the last almost 250 years, different ways of looking at the problem have evolved. It is remarkable, that even the smallest one among them took about 230 years to be sufficiently solved in a way that is scalable even for huge boards.
The problem of the Knight's Tours is often used as an example in graph theory, since it is easy to imagine and to try out but nevertheless a very big problem with many different flavours to emphasize on. It can be used to show the idea of symmetry, of directed and indirected tours/graphs and of paths and closed tours. Though it is a Hamiltonian problem, solutions can easily be found.
Since it was proven to have solutions for all boards >= 5x5 in the early 1990s, it has now become even more popular and commenly known and there were several attempts and applications in this field that reach from simple Java-Applets for demonstration and visualisation purposes up to parallel computation and neural networks (why ever...)

All under a general headline

The Knight's Tour represents a special case of one of the biggest problems in computer science: The Hamilton Cycle.
R.W. Hamilton was an irish (cheerz!) mathematician of the 19th century. The problem of the Hamilton Cycle describes the search for a path in a graph to connect all knodes so that they build a cycle, similar to "connect the dots" (Malen-nach-Zahlen) adding the slight difficulty that the numbers are missing and you have to find the right order yourself - and usually there are quite a few dots to connect... The Hamilton Cycles belong to the class of NP-complete problems and are therefore believed to be only solvable with an afford that grows exponentially with the size of the problem.

To find a Knight's Tour is by far more simple since the limitation to a chess board provides some benefits like indirectness, symmetry and (here we go:) recursion. In fact, finding a Knight's Tour is so "easy" that todays home computers do this for giant boards with some billions of fields in an almost unmeasurably short period of time. You can just wait for it...

Read full article from Problems for the chess knight ...


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