[SOLR-9440] ZkStateReader on a client can cache collection state and never refresh it - ASF JIRA

[SOLR-9440] ZkStateReader on a client can cache collection state and never refresh it - ASF JIRA

I saw this while writing a test case for SOLR-9438. The collection1 collection which was in stateFormat=2 was somehow caching the CloudSolrClient's ZkStateReader such that the returned cluster state contained the collection state. However this collection was neither watched nor lazy so any call to waitForRecoveriesToFinish would see stale state and loop until timeout.

    Read full article from [SOLR-9440] ZkStateReader on a client can cache collection state and never refresh it - ASF JIRA

    Buildpacks | Heroku Dev Center

    Buildpacks | Heroku Dev Center

    Buildpacks are responsible for transforming deployed code into a slug, which can then be executed on a dyno. Buildpacks are composed of a set of scripts, and depending on the programming language, the scripts will retrieve dependencies, output generated assets or compiled code, and more. This output is assembled into a slug by the slug compiler.

    Read full article from Buildpacks | Heroku Dev Center

    Why we don't let non-root users run Docker in CentOS, Fedora, or RHEL — Project Atomic

    Why we don't let non-root users run Docker in CentOS, Fedora, or RHEL — Project Atomic

    I often get bug reports from users asking why can't I use `docker` as a non root user, by default?

    Docker has the ability to change the group ownership of the /run/docker.socket to have group permission of 660, with the group ownership the docker group. This would allow users added to the docker group to be able to run docker containers without having to execute sudo or su to become root. Sounds great…

    Read full article from Why we don't let non-root users run Docker in CentOS, Fedora, or RHEL — Project Atomic

    加州硅谷地产资讯(Cathy Liu Real Estate Blog): 南湾新房大盘点--Sunnyvale 篇

    加州硅谷地产资讯(Cathy Liu Real Estate Blog): 南湾新房大盘点--Sunnyvale 篇


    Read full article from 加州硅谷地产资讯(Cathy Liu Real Estate Blog): 南湾新房大盘点--Sunnyvale 篇

    6 Things to Know Before Buying a New Home | Real Estate Tips | HGTV

    6 Things to Know Before Buying a New Home | Real Estate Tips | HGTV

    • New homes are typically far from the city center; will you mind the commute?
    • Are you willing to coax a new lawn into existence, and can you wait 20 years for sapling trees to mature?
    • Will the cookie-cutter nature of new subdivisions drive you bonkers?
    • New houses tend to be built right on top of each other. Do you mind the closeness and potential lack of privacy?

    Read full article from 6 Things to Know Before Buying a New Home | Real Estate Tips | HGTV

    Can I (or should I) use a MacBook charger on my iPhone? - Ask Different

    Can I (or should I) use a MacBook charger on my iPhone? - Ask Different

    Unless there is some reason to the contrary that I'm not aware of, yes, you can use your MacBook charger with your iPhone. The power adapter will only convert as much power as is drawn, and the iPhone will only draw as much power as it needs.

    (Note that it is not a good idea to charge your MacBook with an iPhone or iPad charger!)

    Read full article from Can I (or should I) use a MacBook charger on my iPhone? - Ask Different

    What are credit inquiries and how do they affect my FICO Credit Score?

    What are credit inquiries and how do they affect my FICO Credit Score?

    Soft inquiries are all credit inquiries where your credit is NOT being reviewed by a prospective lender. These include inquiries where you're checking your own credit (such as checking your score in myFICO), credit checks made by businesses to offer you goods or services (such as promotional offers by credit card companies), or inquiries made by businesses with whom you already have a credit account.

    Hard inquiries are credit inquiries where a potential lender is reviewing your credit because you've applied for credit with them. These include credit checks when you've applied for an auto loan, mortgage or credit card. Each of these types of credit checks count as a single credit inquiry. One exception occurs when you are "rate shopping". That's a smart thing to do, and your FICO score considers all inquiries within a 45-day period for a mortgage, an auto loan or a student loan as a single credit inquiry. This same guideline also applies to a search for a rental property such as an apartment. These inquiries are usually recorded by the credit bureau as a type of real estate-related inquiry, so the FICO Score will treat them the same way. You can avoid lowering your FICO Score by doing your apartment hunting within a short period.

    Read full article from What are credit inquiries and how do they affect my FICO Credit Score?

    java - JUnit confusion: use 'extends TestCase' or '@Test'? - Stack Overflow

    java - JUnit confusion: use 'extends TestCase' or '@Test'? - Stack Overflow

    • extending TestCase is the way unit tests were written in JUnit 3 (of course it's still supported in JUnit 4)
    • using the @Test annotation is the way introduced by JUnit 4

    Generally you should choose the annotation path, unless compatibility with JUnit 3 (and/or a Java version earlier than Java 5) is needed. The new way has several advantages:

    Read full article from java - JUnit confusion: use 'extends TestCase' or '@Test'? - Stack Overflow

    Conditionally Running Tests in TestNG — Xebia Blog

    Conditionally Running Tests in TestNG — Xebia Blog

    In this post, my colleague Barend showed how one can conditionally ignore certain tests in JUnit. In this post we will take a look at how this can be solved in TestNG, another popular testing framework.

    Read full article from Conditionally Running Tests in TestNG — Xebia Blog

    A Quick Look at Java Decompilers

    A Quick Look at Java Decompilers

    Java code obfuscation is something I have an interest in for no particular reason, mostly because you see a variety of cool approaches popping up in the wild to prevent people from reverse engineering your proprietary JAR's (which are, by default, very easy to reverse engineer). Most approaches resort to obfuscation/packing (similar as to what is done with Javascript files), but there exist more thorough methods as well, e.g. implementing a custom classloader which will decrypt classes on the fly. This article contains a good general overview.

    Read full article from A Quick Look at Java Decompilers

    Troubleshooting: Eclipse IDE and SAP Eclipse Plugins - openSAP: Extending SAP S/4HANA with SAP HANA Cloud Platform

    Troubleshooting: Eclipse IDE and SAP Eclipse Plugins - openSAP: Extending SAP S/4HANA with SAP HANA Cloud Platform

    TRBL 1: Can't install SAP Tools for Eclipse

    If you are working behind a firewall you have to set proxies in Eclipse: see Week 1 - Unit 5 - Configure Proxy Settings.

    If you are still having trouble, try to set up a "fresh" Eclipse, as an already installed plugin might have caused some problems. See Week 1 - Unit 5 - Step 5 for information on how to install a new Eclipse with SAP Development Tools plugins.

    Read full article from Troubleshooting: Eclipse IDE and SAP Eclipse Plugins - openSAP: Extending SAP S/4HANA with SAP HANA Cloud Platform

    Where is the location of 'plugins' directory for eclipse mars in mac OSX? - Stack Overflow

    Where is the location of 'plugins' directory for eclipse mars in mac OSX? - Stack Overflow

    In my case (Mars on Mac version Darwin 14.5.0, installed with Eclipse installer) I found the plugins folder in MY_HOME_DIRECTORY/.p2/pool/plugins . I found this path with this: Eclipse -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details -> Configuration -> property --launcher.library

    Read full article from Where is the location of 'plugins' directory for eclipse mars in mac OSX? - Stack Overflow

    Install New Software on Eclipse not working on Mac - Stack Overflow

    Install New Software on Eclipse not working on Mac - Stack Overflow

    I have downloaded eclipse classic x86_64 3.7 cocoa on my Mac Intel Core 2 Duo with snow leopard 10.6.8

    I have extracted and copied the eclipse directory to Applications folder. When run, I get following errors

    System property http.nonProxyHosts has been set to local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16 by an external source. This value will be overwritten using the values from the preferences  Unexpected error loading extension: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.repository.simpleRepository  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient at org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.httpclient.HttpClientBrowseFileTransferFactory$1.sendBrowseRequest(HttpClientBrowseFileTransferFactory.java:53)  Error while reading from repository: http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo/site.xml.  

    Read full article from Install New Software on Eclipse not working on Mac - Stack Overflow

    Quickly Show/Hide Hidden Files on macOS Sierra, OS X El Capitan & Yosemite | Ian Lunn - WordPress & Front-end Developer

    Quickly Show/Hide Hidden Files on macOS Sierra, OS X El Capitan & Yosemite | Ian Lunn - WordPress & Front-end Developer

    It seems like every day I search Google for the command to show hidden files on Mac OS X, not to mention Googling for the command to then hide those hidden files a few minutes later.

    Today I decided to make a short and easy to remember alias to speed up the process. All I need do now is type showFiles and hideFiles whenever I need to show/hide OS X's hidden files. Here's how you can do it too.

    Read full article from Quickly Show/Hide Hidden Files on macOS Sierra, OS X El Capitan & Yosemite | Ian Lunn - WordPress & Front-end Developer

    Acer launches thinner, lighter Chromebook 15 - Liliputing

    Acer launches thinner, lighter Chromebook 15 - Liliputing

    The laptop will be available with touch or non-touch display options, and it features 802.11ac WiFi, Bluetooth 4.2, two USB 3.0 ports, two USB 3.1 Type-C ports, and an HDMI port as well as a headset jack and SD card reader.

    Read full article from Acer launches thinner, lighter Chromebook 15 - Liliputing



    在金门大桥 (Golden Gate Bridge)北方的旧金山湾区通常被称做北湾(North Bay)。除了一小部份地区外,北湾是一个极为富有的地方:马林县经常被列为全国最富有的行政区,这里有着最好的眺望旧金山市的豪宅。北湾是美国著名的酒 乡和美食之都,据全美称90%的葡萄酒都产于此,阳光,温暖,葡萄酒,吸引了很多富人选择在北湾养老,湾区的米其林三星级餐馆,大多都藏匿在这个酒乡里, 最大名鼎鼎的要算美国著名厨师Thomas Keller的法国餐馆French Laundry了。北湾也是湾区里唯一没有通勤铁路服务的地区;较小的人口密度与跟湾区其他地区无陆地直接相连是北湾缺乏公共交通工具的主要原因,金门大 桥是此区往旧金山唯一的道路。

    Read full article from 旧金山湾区5大区:南湾、东湾、北湾、半岛、旧金山_加州地产经纪-快乐的麦兜_新浪博客

    ★美國買房101─【Part 3】House Hunting看屋大學問★在美置產新手必看 - 咕噜美国通 (Guruin.com)

    ★美國買房101─【Part 3】House Hunting看屋大學問★在美置產新手必看 - 咕噜美国通 (Guruin.com)


    Spotcrime  只要输入地址或地区,就会将最近期的各类犯罪事件标示在地图上。
    Neighborhoodscout  提供非常丰富的美国城市资讯,从犯罪率、安全性到学区等资讯应有尽有。
    National Sex Offender Public Website 唯一一个以性侵相关案件为主的美国政府官方网站。

    Read full article from ★美國買房101─【Part 3】House Hunting看屋大學問★在美置產新手必看 - 咕噜美国通 (Guruin.com)

    How to reset the System Management Controller (SMC) on your Mac - Apple Support

    How to reset the System Management Controller (SMC) on your Mac - Apple Support

    How to know if you need to reset the SMC

    These symptoms might mean that an SMC reset is necessary:

    • Your computer's fans run at high speed, even though it isn't under heavy usage and is properly ventilated.
    • The keyboard backlight behaves incorrectly.
    • The status indicator light (SIL), if present, behaves incorrectly.
    • Battery indicator lights, if present, behave incorrectly on Mac notebooks with a non-removable battery.
    • The display backlight doesn't respond correctly to ambient light changes.
    • Your Mac doesn't respond when you press the power button.
    • Your Mac notebook doesn't respond properly when you close or open the lid.
    • Your Mac sleeps or shuts down unexpectedly.
    • The battery doesn't charge properly.
    • The MagSafe power adapter LED, if present, doesn't indicate the correct activity.
    • Your Mac performs unusually slowly, even though its CPU isn't under an abnormally heavy load.
    • A computer that supports target display mode doesn't switch into or out of target display mode as expected, or it switches into or out of target display mode at unexpected times.
    • The illumination around the I/O ports on a Mac Pro (Late 2013) doesn't turn on when you move the computer.

    Read full article from How to reset the System Management Controller (SMC) on your Mac - Apple Support

    my macbook pro suddenly shuts down | Official Apple Support Communities

    my macbook pro suddenly shuts down | Official Apple Support Communities

    Portable computers that have a battery you should not remove on your own include MacBook Pro (Early 2009) and later, all models of MacBook Air, and MacBook (Late 2009).

    1. Shut down the computer.
    2. Plug in the MagSafe power adapter to a power source, connecting it to the Mac if its not already connected.
    3. On the built-in keyboard, press the (left side) Shift-Control-Option keys and the power button at the same time.
    4. Release all the keys and the power button at the same time.
    5. Press the power button to turn on the computer. 
      : The LED on the MagSafe power adapter may change states or temporarily turn off when you reset the SMC.

    Read full article from my macbook pro suddenly shuts down | Official Apple Support Communities

    Engineering Uber Predictions in Real Time with ELK - Uber Engineering Blog

    Engineering Uber Predictions in Real Time with ELK - Uber Engineering Blog

    Uber's services rely on the accuracy of our event prediction and forecasting tools. From estimating rider demand on a given date to predicting when an UberEATS order will arrive, Uber uses forecasting algorithms to enhance user experiences (UX) across our product portfolio.

    Read full article from Engineering Uber Predictions in Real Time with ELK - Uber Engineering Blog

    New Features in Bash-4.0 | Admon Linux

    New Features in Bash-4.0 | Admon Linux

    The first public release of bash-4.0 is now available here at GNU.org, and from the usual GNU mirror sites. Unlike previous bash distributions, this released file includes the formatted documentation (postscript, dvi, html, and nroffed versions of the manual pages). Diffs from bash-3.2 are not available.This is the fourth major release of bash. It fixes the remaining serious bugs in the bash version 3 branch and introduces significant new features.

    Read full article from New Features in Bash-4.0 | Admon Linux

    Why is the version of Bash included in OS X so old? : bash

    Why is the version of Bash included in OS X so old? : bash

    Because newer versions are under the GPL version 3 which Apple considers poisonous or something. They won't ship anything that's under that license.

      Read full article from Why is the version of Bash included in OS X so old? : bash

      Upgrade bash on your mac os ! (Example)

      Upgrade bash on your mac os ! (Example)

      I do not recommend change of SHELL for root. Let's make it safe if brew upgrade will go bad.

      Mac OS is using bash version 3. Or to be exact it's using /bash/sh which is:

      Read full article from Upgrade bash on your mac os ! (Example)

      Changing static final fields in Java for JUnit Unit Tests

      Changing static final fields in Java for JUnit Unit Tests

      Reflection allows you to tinker with Java in ways that are clearly against everything you've learnt from your Object Oriented Programming lessons.

      Reflection is like being handed a master-key. I've used it to come up with solutions to problems that didn't have an easier or cleaner way in Java - cutting down cumbersome code writing.

      Read full article from Changing static final fields in Java for JUnit Unit Tests

      Eclipse Oxygen: This is what Eclipse Foundation officials say about it - JAXenter

      Eclipse Oxygen: This is what Eclipse Foundation officials say about it - JAXenter

      Wayne Beaton: Multiple participating projects are doing work with the Language Server Protocol. The obvious ones are the Eclipse LSP4J and Eclipse LSP4E projects which provide frameworks for building language server implementations in Java and in the Eclipse IDE specifically. I'm not sure what specific functionality is going to be offered in the Eclipse Oxygen release, but the Xtext and PHP Development Tools projects are also doing some language server work.

      Read full article from Eclipse Oxygen: This is what Eclipse Foundation officials say about it - JAXenter

      Can't open plugins tab. - Google Product Forums

      Can't open plugins tab. - Google Product Forums

      Per https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=615738  -  Deprecate chrome://plugins
      Chrome will be removing support for all plugins and removing the  chrome://plugins  page in Chrome 57.

      You can administer Chrome's built-in components including PPAPI Flash and Chrome's PDF Viewer from:
      top-right Chrome Menu/three vertical dots ( ⋮ ) > Settings > Show advanced settings > Privacy > Content settings

      Read full article from Can't open plugins tab. - Google Product Forums

      How to Fix Your Mac's "kernel_task" High CPU Usage Bug

      How to Fix Your Mac's "kernel_task" High CPU Usage Bug

      High CPU usage is generally only a problem when you're not expecting it. It's reasonable to expect your machine to chew up resources if you're running a game, watching a video in your browser, or editing a video. If a single Safari tab or Mac process is using more than its fair share, that generally means something's gone wrong.

      Read full article from How to Fix Your Mac's "kernel_task" High CPU Usage Bug

      Customizing hard disk spin-down times - CNET

      Customizing hard disk spin-down times - CNET

      When this setting is enabled, the system changes the power management system to turn off the disks after 10 minutes of use. When the option is unchecked, the disks are set to never turn off. Despite the limits in the control panel, this behavior can be changed manually, by using the "pmset" command in Terminal. The command alters the power management settings, giving users fine-tune control of the disk sleep settings. It also can set the display and system sleep times (though, the sliders work pretty well for those), and what behaviors will cause the computer to sleep and wake (lid opening, wake-on-LAN magic packet via Ethernet, and so on). For specific information on using this command, review its manual page on it by typing "man pmset" in the Terminal.

      Read full article from Customizing hard disk spin-down times - CNET

      Age-by-age guide to feeding your toddler | BabyCenter

      Age-by-age guide to feeding your toddler | BabyCenter

      • Low-fat milk (It's okay to switch to low-fat or nonfat milk once your child is older than 2, but check with your child's doctor if you have questions.)
      • Other dairy products (diced or grated cheese, low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, pudding)
      • Iron-fortified cereals (oats, barley, wheat, mixed cereals)
      • Other grains (whole wheat bread and crackers, bagel pieces, pretzels, ready-to-eat cereal, pasta, rice)
      • Fruits (sliced fresh or canned)
      • Dried fruit, soaked until soft to prevent choking (apples, apricots, peaches, pears, dates, pitted prunes)
      • Vegetables (a variety cut in small pieces and cooked well)
      • Protein (eggs, beans, thinly spread peanut butter, small pieces of meat, poultry, boneless fish, or tofu)
      • Combo foods like macaroni and cheese, casseroles
      • 100 percent fruit and vegetable juices (4 to 6 ounces)

      Read full article from Age-by-age guide to feeding your toddler | BabyCenter

      50 Foods to Introduce to Your Kids by Age 2 | Parents

      50 Foods to Introduce to Your Kids by Age 2 | Parents

      1. Artichokes
      2. Bell peppers
      3. Black beans
      4. Broccoli
      5. Brown rice
      6. Brussels sprouts
      7. Butternut squash
      8. Cabbage
      9. Cantaloupe
      10. Carrots
      11. Cauliflower
      12. Chicken
      13. Coconut
      14. Cod
      15. Cucumbers
      16. Eggplant
      17. Eggs
      18. Feta cheese
      19. Granola
      20. Green beans
      21. Honeydew melon
      22. Hummus
      23. Iceberg lettuce
      24. Jicama
      25. Kale
      26. Kidney beans
      27. Lentils
      28. Mozzarella cheese
      29. Mushrooms
      30. Olive slices
      31. Oranges
      32. Peaches
      33. Pears
      34. Pineapple
      35. Plums
      36. Pumpkin
      37. Purple potatoes
      38. Quinoa
      39. Radishes
      40. Romaine lettuce
      41. Salmon
      42. Salsa
      43. Spinach
      44. Strawberries
      45. Sweet potatoes
      46. Tomatoes
      47. Turnips
      48. Watermelon
      49. Whole-wheat pasta
      50. Yogurt

      Read full article from 50 Foods to Introduce to Your Kids by Age 2 | Parents

      Feeding & Nutrition Tips: Your 2-Year-Old - HealthyChildren.org

      Feeding & Nutrition Tips: Your 2-Year-Old - HealthyChildren.org

      Vitamin supplements are rarely necessary for toddlers who eat a varied diet. However, supplemental iron may be needed if your child eats very little meat, iron-fortified cereal, or vegetables rich in iron. Large quantities of milk (more than 32 ounces [960 mL] per day) also may interfere with the proper absorption of iron, thus increasing the risk of iron deficiency anemia.

      Your child should drink 16 ounces (480 mL) of low-fat or nonfat milk each day. This will provide most of the calcium he or she needs for bone growth and still not interfere with his or her appetite for other foods—particularly those that provide iron.

      Read full article from Feeding & Nutrition Tips: Your 2-Year-Old - HealthyChildren.org

      Quip - Organize your work with folder colors

      Quip - Organize your work with folder colors

      Breadcrumbs are located in the top-left of every document. Here you can get a better glimpse of where the current document lives in the folder hierarchy. From this drop-down menu, you can also move the document to a different folder or add it to multiple folders.

      Read full article from Quip - Organize your work with folder colors

      Eclipse: Catch Those Spelling Errors

      Eclipse: Catch Those Spelling Errors

      Oops, wait a minute... it has a section to provide a 'User defined dictionary'. Is this mandatory? What format does it need to be in? Do we have to type all the words by hand? This could take a while! For spell checking to work, it is currently mandatory for you to provide a dictionary. Thankfully it's not that hard to find a word-list Eclipse can use. Eclipse supports a fairly standard one-word-per-line format for the 'dictionary' file, so we just have to find one of those. The best branching off point for that is probably Kevin's Word List on Sourceforge.net . Seem too hard? Ok, fair enough. I've compiled my own word list off of an amalgum of lists (I honestly can't remember which ones, otherwise I would be sure to give credit where credit is due), and I have uploaded it here . Fair warning! This file is substantial in size - so substantial that I couldn't attach it to this message in the conventional Javalobby 'Attach File' way (around 1.5 megabytes).

      Read full article from Eclipse: Catch Those Spelling Errors

      macos - Display fn keys by default in Touch Bar - Ask Different

      macos - Display fn keys by default in Touch Bar - Ask Different

      In System Preferences → Keyboard → Shortcuts, under Function Keys, add apps to the list to show the function keys by default. The fn key will then be used for the inverse function, hiding the function row instead of showing it. You'll need to do this for every app where you would like this behaviour.

      Read full article from macos - Display fn keys by default in Touch Bar - Ask Different


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