Published February 11th, 2012 If you're a web developer and you have spent time writing JavaScript and/or styling with CSS, odds are you're familiar with Chrome Developer Tools (CDT). When I discovered CDT, my front-end productivity sky-rocketed. Editing CSS on the fly, inspecting HTML, and interacting/debugging with the page's JS console have become more engrained in my day-to-day workflow than any other development tool I use. I love TextMate, but if someone put a hypothetical development gun to my head and asked me to choose between CDT and TextMate, I would be asking around for good a Vim tutorial if you know what I mean. Quick disclosure: all of the tricks and tips below have been tested with CDT, but there's a chance they won't work with FireFox's Firebug Add-on. JavaScript Debugging There are three very useful tools in CDT to debug your JS. The first is the most obvious - the interactive JS console. When you open up the developer tools (⌘ + Alt + I),
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