Fun with DocValues in Solr 4.2 - Lucidworks

Fun with DocValues in Solr 4.2 – Lucidworks
DocValues are column-oriented fields. In other words, values of DocValue fields are densely packed into columns instead of sparsely stored like they are with stored fields.
column-oriented (docValues)
  'A': {'doc1':1, 'doc2':2, 'doc3':4},
  'B': {'doc1':2, 'doc2':3, 'doc3':3},
  'C': {'doc1':3, 'doc2':4, 'doc3':2}
When Solr/Lucene returns a set of document ids from a query, it will then use the row-oriented (aka, stored fields) view of the documents to retrieve the actual field values. This requires a very few number of seeks since all of the field data will be stored close together in the fields data file.
However, for faceting/sorting/grouping Lucene needs to iterate over every document to collect the field values. Traditionally, this is achieved by uninverting the term index. This performs very well actually, since the field values are already grouped (by nature of the index), but it is relatively slow to load and is maintained in memory. DocValues aim to alleviate both of these problems while keeping performance comparable.

Without going any further, we can see that the DocValues are much more compact than the stored fields and the term index just by looking at the file sizes (recall that we are storing each of our fields as stored, indexed, and docValues separately). Since values for a single field are stored contiguously, very efficient packing algorithms can be used.

DocValues have many potential uses. As we have seen from our little experiment, they are less memory hungry than indexed field and typically faster to load. If you are in a low-memory environment, or you don’t need to index a field, DocValues are perfect for faceting/grouping/filtering/sorting. They also have the potential for increasing the number of fields you can facet/group/filter/sort on without increasing your memory requirements. All in all, DocValues are an excellent tool to add to your schema-design toolbelt.

Read full article from Fun with DocValues in Solr 4.2 – Lucidworks

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