Logistic function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Logistic function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
logistic function or logistic curve is a common "S" shape (sigmoid curve), with equation:
f(x) = \frac{1}{1 + \mathrm e^{-x}}
where e is the natural logarithm base (also known as Euler's number).[1] For values of x in the range of real numbers from −∞ to +∞, the S-curve shown on the right is obtained.

The function was named in 1844-1845 by Pierre François Verhulst, who studied it in relation to population growth.[2] The initial stage of growth is approximately exponential; then, as saturation begins, the growth slows, and at maturity, growth stops.
In practice, due to the nature of the exponential function ex, it is often sufficient to compute x over a small range of real numbers such as [−6, +6].
It has an easily calculated derivative:
\frac{d}{dx}f(x) = f(x)\cdot(1-f(x)).\,
It also has the property that
1-f(x) = f(-x).\,
Thus, x \mapsto f(x) - 1/2 is an odd function.

P(t) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-t}}
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