Learning 30 Technologies in 30 Days: A Developer Challenge - OpenShift Blog

Learning 30 Technologies in 30 Days: A Developer Challenge – OpenShift Blog
  1. October 29, 2013 – Day 1: Bower—Manage Your Client Side Dependencies. The first day talks about Bower and how you can use it.
  2. October 30, 2013 – Day 2: AngularJS—Getting My Head Around AngularJS. This blog talks about how you can get started with AngularJS. It is a very basic blog and talks about how to build a simple bookshop application.
  3. October 31, 2013 – Day 3: Flask—Instant Python Web Development with Python and OpenShift. This blog introduces Flask–a micro framework for doing web development in Python. It also reviews “Instant Flask Web Development” book and port the sample application to OpenShift.
  4. November 1, 2013 – Day 4: PredictionIO—How to A Build Blog Recommender. This blog talks about how you can use PredictionIO to build a blog recommender.
  5. November 2, 2013 — Day 5: GruntJS—Let Someone Else Do My Tedious Repetitive Tasks. This blog talks about how we can let GruntJS perform tedious tasks on our behalf. It also covers how we can use grunt-markdown plugin to convert Markdown to HTML5.
  6. November 3, 2013 — Day 6: Grails–Rapid JVM Web Development with Grails And OpenShift. This blog talks about how we can use Grails to build web application. Then we will deploy the application to OpenShift.
  7. November 4, 2013 – Day 7: GruntJS LiveReload–Take Productivity To Another Level. This blog talks about how we can use GruntJS watch plugin and live reload functionality to achieve extreme productivity.
  8. November 5, 2013 – Day 8: Harp–The Modern Static Web Server. This blog post will discuss the Harp web server and how to install and use it

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