Robbie Wolfe | Programming > Snake AI Search
Snake AI Search For my fourth year Artificial Intelligence course, our first assignment was to implement the classic game Snake. The hard part was then to implement three different search algorithms so the snake will find the food by itself. The modified rules for the game were that there could be obstacles, and the snake wouldn't grow. For fun, I retained the original game's functionality of the snake growing when it ate food. The three search algorithms were Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, and A* Search. Each algorithm has its own advantages and disadvantages, which will be described. I made the game highly customizable. You can change the grid size, the number of food pieces at a time, and the number of obstacles. You can speed up or slow down the animation rate. You can either play the classic game (uncheck "Custom Game"), or use the custom rules. You can turn on or off if the snake grows or not.Read full article from Robbie Wolfe | Programming > Snake AI Search
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