Java classes instant reloading using DCEVM + Hotswap Agent - Blog
I hate when I have to spend time deploying changes in my Java classes. I wanted to know if there was a way of deploying them very fast.
So I found out about Hotswap Agent and DCEVM and decided to give them a shot. So far, they meet my expectations. They get the job done fast... it seems instant! I would encourage anyone developing in Liferay to give it a try, and warn you that you might not want to live without it afterwards
Long story short, HotswapAgent and DCEVM are two Open Source projects that, when working together, allow reloading almost any Java class change instantly in the JVM when saving your code. Hotswap Agent is the library in charge of the class reloading, while DCEVM is a JRE patch needed for this to happen. I extraced the summary from here: You can find more info about both technologies on the Internet, but here I will focus on showing how to make them work with Liferay.
Read full article from Java classes instant reloading using DCEVM + Hotswap Agent - Blog
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