ssh: Could not resolve hostname \342\200\223i - to tumble,
ssh: Could not resolve hostname \342\200\223i
ssh: Could not resolve hostname \342\200\223i name or service unknown
A friend recently got this error on Ubuntu when trying to ssh to a server via ip. The command was like
ssh -i mykey.pem ubuntu@
Worked fine for me on Windows, OSX etc but not Ubuntu. Turned out to be a copy/paste issue. The -i was converted to – (which is not the minus char) and was difficult to spot.
Took me a while to work out why him modified command failed, even though DNS, Internet etc was fine on the Ubuntu system, and was using an ip anyway. So thought I'd shae for a quick fix if searching for the above error.
Read full article from ssh: Could not resolve hostname \342\200\223i - to tumble,
you need to exit from root and give the chmod 777 pem file what we created and then next enter the ssh -i ubuntu@slave ip public