Find the largest rectangular area possible in a given histogram where the largest rectangle can be made of a number of contiguous bars. For simplicity, assume that all bars have same width and the width is 1 unit.
We can use Divide and Conquer to solve this in O(nLogn) time. The idea is to find the minimum value in the given array. Once we have index of the minimum value, the max area is maximum of following three values.
a) Maximum area in left side of minimum value (Not including the min value)
b) Maximum area in right side of minimum value (Not including the min value)
c) Number of bars multiplied by minimum value.
The areas in left and right of minimum value bar can be calculated recursively. If we use linear search to find the minimum value, then the worst case time complexity of this algorithm becomes O(n^2). In worst case, we always have (n-1) elements in one side and 0 elements in other side and if the finding minimum takes O(n) time, we get the recurrence similar to worst case of Quick Sort.
How to find the minimum efficiently? Range Minimum Query using Segment Tree can be used for this. We build segment tree of the given histogram heights. Once the segment tree is built, all range minimum queries take O(Logn) time.
O(nLogn) Solution:
Read full article from Largest Rectangular Area in a Histogram | Set 1 | GeeksforGeeks
We can use Divide and Conquer to solve this in O(nLogn) time. The idea is to find the minimum value in the given array. Once we have index of the minimum value, the max area is maximum of following three values.
a) Maximum area in left side of minimum value (Not including the min value)
b) Maximum area in right side of minimum value (Not including the min value)
c) Number of bars multiplied by minimum value.
The areas in left and right of minimum value bar can be calculated recursively. If we use linear search to find the minimum value, then the worst case time complexity of this algorithm becomes O(n^2). In worst case, we always have (n-1) elements in one side and 0 elements in other side and if the finding minimum takes O(n) time, we get the recurrence similar to worst case of Quick Sort.
How to find the minimum efficiently? Range Minimum Query using Segment Tree can be used for this. We build segment tree of the given histogram heights. Once the segment tree is built, all range minimum queries take O(Logn) time.
O(nLogn) Solution:
// Base cases
(l > r)
(l == r)
// Find index of the minimum value in given range
// This takes O(Logn)time
m = RMQ(hist, st, n, l, r);
/* Return maximum of following three possible cases
a) Maximum area in Left of min value (not including the min)
a) Maximum area in right of min value (not including the min)
c) Maximum area including min */
max(getMaxAreaRec(hist, st, n, l, m-1),
getMaxAreaRec(hist, st, n, m+1, r),
(r-l+1)*(hist[m]) );
// The main function to find max area
// Build segment tree from given array. This takes
// O(n) time
*st = constructST(hist, n);
// Use recursive utility function to find the
// maximum area
getMaxAreaRec(hist, st, n, 0, n-1);
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