Suppose a sorted array is rotated at some pivot unknown to you beforehand. (i.e., 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 might become 4 5 6 7 0 1 2). How do you find an element in the rotated array efficiently? You may assume no duplicate exists in the array.
Implement the following function, FindSortedArrayRotation, which takes as its input an array of unique integers that has been sorted in ascending order, then rotated by an unknown amount X where 0 <= X <= (arrayLength - 1). An array rotation by amount X moves every element array[i] to array[(i + X) % arrayLength]. FindSortedArrayRotation discovers and returns X by examining the array.
This problem is in fact the same as finding the minimum element’s index. If the middle element is greater than the right most element, then the pivot must be to the right; if it is not, the pivot must be to the left.
int rotated_binary_search(int A[], int N, int key) {
int L = 0;
int R = N - 1;
while (L <= R) {
// Avoid overflow, same as M=(L+R)/2
int M = L + ((R - L) / 2);
if (A[M] == key) return M;
// the bottom half is sorted
if (A[L] <= A[M]) {
if (A[L] <= key && key < A[M])
R = M - 1;
L = M + 1;
// the upper half is sorted
else {
if (A[M] < key && key <= A[R])
L = M + 1;
R = M - 1;
return -1;
Implement the following function, FindSortedArrayRotation, which takes as its input an array of unique integers that has been sorted in ascending order, then rotated by an unknown amount X where 0 <= X <= (arrayLength - 1). An array rotation by amount X moves every element array[i] to array[(i + X) % arrayLength]. FindSortedArrayRotation discovers and returns X by examining the array.
This problem is in fact the same as finding the minimum element’s index. If the middle element is greater than the right most element, then the pivot must be to the right; if it is not, the pivot must be to the left.
int FindSortedArrayRotation(int A[], int N) {
int L = 0;
int R = N - 1;
while (A[L] > A[R]) {
int M = L + (R - L) / 2;
if (A[M] > A[R])
L = M + 1;
R = M;
return L;
Read full article from Searching an Element in a Rotated Sorted Array | LeetCode
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