Joda Time
At this moment there is already a working solution for the problems described in the previous section. It’s called Joda Time and this is a replacement for the date and time API in the Java standard library. Joda Time solves most problems that currently exists. Joda Time contains two ways of defining a particular date or time: instant for a particular point in the ‘date time continuum’ and partial for a time or date representation which is not exactly a point in time, because a part is missing (the time, timezone, year, etc.).
Intstants in Joda Time are defined by the ReadableInstant interface, of which the most used implementation the DateTime class is. A DateTime object is immutable and contains a fluent API to do calculations on it (which of course return new objects). In order to make it easy to use it in existing projects, it is easy to convert a JDK Date object to a DateTime object and vice versa. Joda Time also provides a mutable version of the DateTime class, MutableDateTime, which can be used when a lot of transformation on a date has to be done. However, the usage of this object is most of the time not really necessary and should be avoided in my opinion. A MutableDateTime can easily be converted to a immutable version of it.
Partials are represented by the ReadablePartial interface, of which the most used implementations are LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime. Object of these types are also immutable and can easily be converted to DateTime objects and JDK Date objects. Additionally, Joda Time contains Duration, Period and Interval for completeness.
Of course, an example of Joda Time usage cannot be omitted in this article:
Read full article from Martin @ Blog » Blog Archive » Java Date and Time API and JSR-310
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