An Algorithm a Day: Random number generation logic - Linear congruential generator

An Algorithm a Day: Random number generation logic - Linear congruential generator

"Randomness is really important for probabilistic actions. Like card shuffling, coin tossing etc. How can we represent that in a machine? There are lot of random number generators available!!"


  Random number generators have huge application space mainly in Cryptography. But we need this random number generators for the articles we will soon start studying about, HASH TABLES!! :) You need random unique keys for storing the values so that search is O(1) similar to an array.

  There are types of randomness however!! Pseudo Randomness & "True" Randomness!!.. All proven with heavy mathematical theorems. "True" Randomness is really important for security algorithms like RSA. But if the randomness fails and a pattern appears, you get to crack the security system as well!! :)

   Randomness is mystic and same as how our universe behaves :) So impossible to get true randomness without leaving it to run around the world.

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