How Google Search words, Contents, Images and Videos on Internet | Java67

How Google Search words, Contents, Images and Videos on Internet | Java67

Though we all use Google almost more than 100 times in a day, how many of you know that How Google works? How Google find the content you are looking for? How does it even find all the website in the BIG world of Internet? How does it index URLs? There is lot of things to know about how Google actually works. Though I know couple of them before, I found this useful Infographic, which tells you how exactly Google Works. It all stars from Crawling and Indexing. Google has lots of program known as Spider, which keeps crawling the web, day and night. This is how Google picks up every new information added into internet. As long as your website is reachable by Internet and your Content is craw-able i.e. not prevented or secured by robot.txt, Google will crawl then and index them appropriately. For Indexing they use lots of Algorithms, and Indexing is actually based upon keyword, this is what you enter in Google Search, when you are looking to find something in World wide web. Based upon Content available and keyword, Google almost ask 200 questions before it display result. Because for one keyword there could be millions of pages which contains that word, In order to filter best out of  all these, Google do lot of processing by running their algorithm, but do you know how much time it take. Almost 1/8 second, this is what I call speed.

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