REST API testing with SpecFlow

REST API testing with SpecFlow

  • 1. REST API testing with SpecFlow Aistė Stikliūtė @ Visma Lietuva
  • 2. Agenda Why SpecFlow REST API How to Details & tips Live demo Bonus: other uses of SpecFlow
  • 3. Why SpecFlow • SoapUI? • Fitnesse? • Cucumber?
  • 4. Why not…  SoapUI  Free version issues  Tests less easy to read  Thought there was no CI  Fitnesse  Works poorly with .NET  Wiki markup and tables interface is tiring  Cucumber  Yes – SpecFlow is Cucumber for .NET!
  • 5. Continuous integration
  • 6. BDD / Gherkin language GIVEN book with ISBN "1-84356-028-3" is in the system AND it's available quantity is 9 WHEN I add a book with ISBN "1-84356-028-3" THEN the book is successfully added to the list AND available qty. for book with ISBN "1-84356-028-3" is 10
  • 7. The environment Same tool as for GUI tests (Visual Studio, C#) Same solution as GUI tests and even the whole system Convenient! Developers are integrated!
  • 8. Rest API • What it is • Examples • Why test it
  • 9. REST API  Web architectural style with a set of constraints  Web service APIs that adhere to the constraints - RESTful Frontend REST API Backend External system(s) External system(s)

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