6 things all good software code has in common | JavaWorld

6 things all good software code has in common | JavaWorld

FREE Become An Insider Sign up now and get free access to hundreds of Insider articles , guides, reviews, interviews, blogs, and other premium content from the best tech brands on the Internet: CIO, CSO, Computerworld, InfoWorld, IT World and Network World Learn more . Other Insider Recommendations Email a friend From Sorry ITworld | Sep 23, 2015 3:42 AM PT There's lots and lots of software code in the world these days; heck, Google alone has more than two billion lines of code in its repository. But not all source code is created equal. Software developers usually have strong preferences as to what makes some raw code "good." To find out what makes the code behind some software better than others, I consulted a handful of longtime software developers. I also scoured online discussion forums to see what characteristics other programmers expect or want in the code they write and have to work with. To continue reading,

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