Scalability Principles

Scalability Principles

At the simplest level, scalability is about doing more of something. This could be responding to more user requests, executing more work or handling more data. While designing software has its complexities, making that software capable of doing lots of work presents its own set of problems. This article presents some principles and guidelines for building scalable software systems.

1. Decrease processing time

One way to increase the amount of work that an application does is to decrease the time taken for individual work units to complete. For example, decreasing the amount of time required to process a user request means that you are able to handle more user requests in the same amount of time. Here are some examples of where this principle is appropriate and some possible realisation strategies.

  • Collocation : reduce any overheads associated with fetching data required for a piece of work, by collocating the data and the code.
  • Caching : if the data and the code can't be collocated, cache the data to reduce the overhead of fetching it over and over again.
  • Pooling : reduce the overhead associated with using expensive resources by pooling them.
  • Parallelization : decrease the time taken to complete a unit of work by decomposing the problem and parallelizing the individual steps.
  • Partitioning : concentrate related processing as close together as possible, by partitioning the code and collocating related partitions.
  • Remoting : reduce the amount of time spent accessing remote services by, for example, making the interfaces more coarse-grained. It's also worth remembering that remote vs local is an explicit design decision not a switch and to consider the first law of distributed computing - do not distribute your objects.

As software developers, we tend to introduce abstractions and layers where they are often not required. Yes, these concepts are great tools for decoupling software components, but they have a tendency to increase complexity and impact performance, particularly if you're converting between data representations at each layer. Therefore, the other way in which processing time can be minimised is to ensure that the abstractions aren't too abstract and that there's not too much layering. In addition, it's worth understanding the cost of runtime services that we take for granted because, unless they have a specific service level agreement, it's possible that these could end up being the bottlenecks in our applications.

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