ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
List <Future<Long>> results = executor.invokeAll(asList(
new Sum(0, 10), new Sum(100, 1_000), new Sum(10_000, 1_000_000)
When a Callable waits for the result of another Callable, it is put in a waiting state, thus wasting an opportunity to handle another Callable queued for execution.
The core addition is a new ForkJoinPool executor that is dedicated to running instances implementing ForkJoinTask.ForkJoinTask objects support the creation of subtasks plus waiting for the subtasks to complete. With those clear semantics, the executor is able to dispatch tasks among its internal threads pool by “stealing” jobs when a task is waiting for another task to complete and there are pending tasks to be run.
ForkJoinTask objects feature two specific methods:
- The fork() method allows a ForkJoinTask to be planned for asynchronous execution. This allows a new ForkJoinTask to be launched from an existing one.
- In turn, the join() method allows a ForkJoinTask to wait for the completion of another one.
There are two types of ForkJoinTask specializations:
- Instances of RecursiveAction represent executions that do not yield a return value.
- In contrast, instances of RecursiveTask yield return values.
In general, RecursiveTask is preferred because most divide-and-conquer algorithms return a value from a computation over a data set. For the execution of tasks, different synchronous and asynchronous options are provided, making it possible to implement elaborate patterns.
Also, communication between tasks through shared state should be avoided as much as possible, because that implies that locking might have to be performed. Ideally, tasks communicate only when one task forks another or when one task joins another.ForkJoinPool is used through its empty constructor. The parallelism will match the number of hardware processing units available
class FolderSearchTask extends RecursiveTask<Long> { protected Long compute() { long count = 0L; List<RecursiveTask<Long>> forks = new LinkedList<>(); for (Folder subFolder : folder.getSubFolders()) { FolderSearchTask task = new FolderSearchTask(subFolder, searchedWord); forks.add(task); task.fork(); } for (Document document : folder.getDocuments()) { DocumentSearchTask task = new DocumentSearchTask(document, searchedWord); forks.add(task); task.fork(); } for (RecursiveTask<Long> task : forks) { count = count + task.join(); } return count; } }Read full article from Fork and Join: Java Can Excel at Painless Parallel Programming Too!
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