ruby on rails - RESTful API best practices, update vs custom action - Stack Overflow

ruby on rails - RESTful API best practices, update vs custom action - Stack Overflow

PUT does not mean "update" any more than POST means "insert". PUT means "put this here".

RESTful practises revolve around treating your URLs as resources, entities which have some meaning in your domain, which you perform actions against (the verb of the HTTP request).

What you could do is consider the security group to be the resource on which you are acting and PUT users into the group or DELETE them from the group:

PUT agifog:3000/rds/security_groups/:security_group/default  {      "ec2owner": "0123456789"  }    DELETE agifog:3000/rds/security_groups/:security_group/default

These could then correspond to authorize and revoke actions, plus makes it easy to see how a GET on the group could produce a list of all the users currently in the group.

Read full article from ruby on rails - RESTful API best practices, update vs custom action - Stack Overflow

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