Code Review Checklist and Best practices in Java

Code Review Checklist and Best practices in Java

3) Concurrency: does code is thread-safe? Does it have properly synchronized if using shared resource? Does it free of any kind of deadlock or live-lock? Concurrency bugs are hard to detect and often surfaces in production. Code review is one place where you can detect this by carefully understand design and its implementation.

4) Readability and maintenance:  does code is readable? Or is it too complicate for some-one complete new. Always give value to readability as code is not just for this time it will remain there for long time and you need to read it many times. Another important aspect is maintenance as most of software spends 90% time in maintenance and only 10% time on development it should be maintainable and flexible in first place. You can verify that whether code is configurable or not, look for any hard coding, find out what is going to be changed in near future etc.

5) Consistency: This is part of point 4 but I have made it another separate point because of its importance. This is the best thing you can have in your code which automatically achieves readability. Since many developer and programmer take part in project and they have there own style of coding, it's in best interest of everybody to form a coding standard and follow it on letter and spirit. For example it's not good someone using function initialize() and other is using init() for same kind of operation, keep you code consistent and it will look better, read better.

6) Performance: Another important aspect most important if you are writing high volume low latency electronic trading platform for high frequency trading which strives for micro second latency. Carefully monitor which code is going to execute at start-up and which is going to be executed in loop or multiple times, optimize the code which is going to execute more often.

7) Exception handling: Ask does code handles bad input and exception? It should and that too with predefined and standard way which must be available and documented for support purpose. I put this point well above on my chart while doing review because failing on this point can lead your application crash and not able to recover from fault on other system or other part of same application.

8) Simplicity: Always see if there is any simple and elegant alternative available at-least give a thought and try. Many times first solution comes in mind is not best solution so giving another thought is just worth it.

9) Reuse of existing code: See if the functionality can be achieved by using existing code, advantage of doing this is that you are using tried and tested code which reduce your QA time and also give you more confidence. Introducing new libraries introduce new dependency. I prefer not to try anything fancy until it's absolutely necessary.

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