Definition Object Oriented Programming, What is Object Oriented Programming, OOP from

Definition Object Oriented Programming, What is Object Oriented Programming, OOP from

Many programmers believe that there is a valid dispute over what is object oriented programming. Some believe that it must be termed object based programming and the principle of inheritance should be excluded from the founding principles of such languages.

Most popular OO languages such as C++ and Java support inheritance so the dispute over whether they are OOP languages does not seem appropriate for these languages at the very least.

Programmers often say that Java does not support multiple inheritance directly, therefore does it still justify the definition Object Oriented Programming? Yes, it does because it offers multiple inheritance using the concept of interfaces.

4.0 Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance & Polymorphism

As I mentioned earlier, the 4 basic principles that constitute the definition Object Oriented Programming are Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism. These can be explained as follows:

4.1 Abstraction

This refers to simplification of the complexity of the problem using a class modeling approach. The basic principle behind abstraction is to hide the complex details and keep things simple – an integral part of understanding what is object oriented programming.

4.2 Encapsulation

This refers to providing selective information access to classes. A class only gets to know what it needs to know in order to interact with other classes, everything else is kept private.

4.3 Inheritance

This is the ability to inherit from a class. It helps reuse code by placing the common details in parent classes and leaving the uncommon details as part of child classes.

4.4 Polymorphism

This is an integral part of the definition object oriented programming allows different objects to have different implementations for same methods.

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