Java/J2EE Interview Questions - Architect's Diary

Java/J2EE Interview Questions - Architect's Diary


  • What is the Java heap, and what is the stack? (Hint: dynamic, program thread execution.)
  • Why does garbage collection occur and when can it occur? (Hint: To recover memory, as heap gets full.)
  • If I have a circular reference of objects, but I no longer reference any of them from any executing thread, will these cause garbage collection problems? (Hint: no)


  • What is the problem or benefits of catching or throwing type "java.lang.Exception"? (Hint: Hides all subsequent exceptions.)
  • What is the difference between a runtime exception and a checked exception? (Hint: Must catch or throw checked exceptions.)


  • What is the best practice regarding the use of scriptlets in JSP pages? Why? (Hint: Avoid)How can you avoid scriptlet code? (Hint:custom tags, Java beans)
  • What do you understand by the term JSP compilation? (Hint: compiles to servlet code)

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