Top 5 Static Analysis Plugins for Eclipse | CodeDependents

Top 5 Static Analysis Plugins for Eclipse | CodeDependents

Bytecode Analysis

The next level of analysis comes from the well respected FindBugs tool.  After installing the plugin, FindBugs inspects the actual .class files of your compiled code for well know bugs and other suspicious behavior.  I'm constantly surprised at the lack of false positives and overall quality of the bugs it finds, from comparing strings with ==, to failing to close resources, and more, its spot on.

Code Complexity Analysis

Next in my list of favorites is complexity analysis.  These metrics, from simple lines of code in a method to the lesser know but more powerful Cyclomatic Complexity and Efferent Coupling, are the closest thing to a "stinky code" test that software engineering has come up with.  If you strive for loose coupling and DRY code, then EclipseMetrics is right up your alley.  Once it is installed you will see warnings where your methods are overly long or complex, or your classes are poorly organized.  Let the OCD run wild.

Dependancy Analysis

Dependancies are one of those things that can go unnoticed until they bite you in the rear.  Once circular dependancies creep in it can become incredibly hard to break apart and modularize your code.  This might not seem important in a small to medium sized project but once a project scales up, the need to break it apart becomes critical and keeping your ducks in a line from the get go makes life that much easier.  For this task we employ JDepend4Eclipse.

Read full article from Top 5 Static Analysis Plugins for Eclipse | CodeDependents

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