XP Epsiode

XP Epsiode

n order to demonstrate XP (eXtreme Programming) practices, Bob Koss (RSK) and Bob Martin (RCM) will pair program a simple application while you watch like a fly on the wall. We will use test first design and a lot of refactoring to create our application. What follows is a faithful re-enactment of a programming episode that the two Bob's actually did.

RCM: "Will you help me write a little application that calculates bowling scores?"

RSK: (Reflects to himself: The XP practice of pair programming says that I can't say no, when asked to help. I suppose that's especially true when it is your boss who is asking.) "Sure Bob, I'd be glad to help."

RCM: "OK, Great. What I'd like to do is write an application that keeps track of a bowling league. It needs to record all the games, determine the ranks of the teams, determine the winners and losers of each weekly match, and accurately score each game."

RSK: "Cool. I used to be a pretty good bowler. This will be fun. You rattled off several user stories, which one would you like to start with."

RCM: "Let's begin with scoring a single game."

Read full article from XP Epsiode

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