Adobe Interview Experience - Set 4
Adobe Interview Questions – Set 4 1)Online aptitude test 2)Online technical test : It comprised of C MCQs and coding question(in any language). Coding questions were: Q1. To check if the parenthesis are balanced. Q2. Matrix has rows in the form of 1's followed by0's.Find the row with maximum number of 1's Q3. Reverse a linked list Q4. Multiply two numbers using minimum number of additions. Technical Interview: Round 1: Q1. Design a new operation in the stack get max,such that you get the maximum element from the stack ,but the order of the stack should be maintained. Q2. Design a module for your college such that each student mention her preferences of language and each company coming for campus placement give its preferences,design a module to compare the prefrences of the company and students,on basis of that allow that student to sit for placement(basically the data structure used in this) Q3. Given a graph, detect if it has a cycle. We can perform a dfs here. Round 2: Q1.Read full article from Adobe Interview Experience - Set 4
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