5 Reasons Googlers Think It's the Best Place to Work | Inc.com

5 Reasons Googlers Think It's the Best Place to Work | Inc.com

5 Reasons Googlers Think It's the Best Place to Work In their own words, Google employees reveal what they love about life inside the 'Plex. Advertisement Mountain View, Calif., is one happy town, at least from 9 to 5. Today Glassdoor revealed its annual list of "50 Best Places to Work" with Google claiming the top spot . Google has made the Glassdoor list every year since the list's inception in 2007, climbing steadily up the rankings. This year, however, Google made a considerable jump from last year's No. 8 spot. "Google employees are now more vocal, reviewing the company at a higher rate this year," Glassdoor's career trends analyst Scott Dobroski tells Inc. So what's behind the recent increase of passion among Google employees? It's not tied directly to how much money Google employees make. Here are five reasons taken directly from Google employee feedback submitted directly to Glassdoor: 1.

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