10 Object Oriented Design Principles Java Programmer should know

10 Object Oriented Design Principles Java Programmer should know

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
Single Responsibility Principle is another SOLID design principle, and represent  "S" on SOLID acronym. As per SRP, there should not be more than one reason for a class to change, or a class should always handle single functionality. If you put more than one functionality in one Class in Java  it introduce coupling between two functionality and even if you change one functionality there is chance you broke coupled functionality,  which require another round of testing to avoid any surprise on production environment.

Dependency Injection or Inversion principle
Don't ask for dependency it will be provided to you by framework. This has been very well implemented in Spring framework, beauty of this design principle is that any class which is injected by DI framework is easy to test with mock object and easier to maintain because object creation code is centralized in framework and client code is not littered with that.There are multiple ways to  implemented Dependency injection like using  byte code instrumentation which some AOP (Aspect Oriented programming) framework like AspectJ does or by using proxies just like used in Spring. See this example of IOC and DI design pattern to learn more about this SOLID design principle. It represent "D" on SOLID acronym.

Favor Composition over Inheritance
Always favor composition over inheritance ,if possible. Some of you may argue this, but I found that Composition is lot more flexible than Inheritance. Composition allows to change behavior of a class at runtime by setting property during runtime and by using Interfaces to compose a class we use polymorphism which provides flexibility of to replace with better implementation any time. Even Effective Java advise to favor composition over inheritance.

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
According to Liskov Substitution Principle, Subtypes must be substitutable for super type i.e. methods or functions which uses super class type must be able to work with object of sub class without any issue". LSP is closely related to Single responsibility principle and Interface Segregation Principle. If a class has more functionality than subclass might not support some of the functionality ,and does violated LSP. In order to follow LSP SOLID design principle, derived class or sub class must enhance functionality, but not reduce them. LSP represent  "L" on SOLID acronym.

Interface Segregation principle (ISP)
Interface Segregation Principle stats that, a client should not implement an interface, if it doesn't use that. This happens mostly when one interface contains more than one functionality, and client only need one functionality and not other.Interface design is tricky job because once you release your interface you can not change it without breaking all implementation. Another benefit of this design principle in Java is, interface has disadvantage to implement all method before any class can use it so having single functionality means less method to implement.

Programming for Interface not implementation
Always program for interface and not for implementation this will lead to flexible code which can work with any new implementation of interface. So use interface type on variables, return types of method or argument type of methods in Java. This has been advised by many Java programmer including in Effective Java and head first design pattern book.

Delegation principle
Don't do all stuff  by yourself,  delegate it to respective class. Classical example of delegation design principle is equals() and hashCode() method in Java. In order to compare two object for equality we ask class itself to do comparison instead of Client class doing that check. Benefit of this design principle is no duplication of code and pretty easy to modify behavior.

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