Which Programming Book would you buy if you were given 100$ to spend?

Which Programming Book would you buy if you were given 100$ to spend?

. Algorithm Unlocked by Thomas Corman, suggested by Atif is good compilation of complex algorithm in a easy to read format. It's written by Thomas corman, which has already authored or co-authored lot of books on data structure and algorithm space. On top of that, it's real cheap, just $22.50

2.Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java, suggested by Suresh, is bit expensive costing around $123, but worth of money, if you would like to learn data structure and algorithms in Java programming language.

3. Algorithm Design Manual by Steven Skiena is suggested by Gaurav Dubey, which cost around $82, but again given importance of subject in programming, I think it's worth every penny.

4. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software is suggested by one of Anonymous reader. This books is already 18 years old, first released in mid 1990s, but still relevant and will remain effective, given popularity of object oriented language in enterprise world. It cost around $47.99.

5. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code By Martin Fowler is another timeless classic suggested by @Pratap, This book is also in my wish list and next in my reading queue. Cost is around $44.70

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