10 Tips for Proper Application Logging | Java Code Geeks

10 Tips for Proper Application Logging | Java Code Geeks

SLF4J is just a façade. As an implementation I would recommend the Logback framework, already advertised, instead of the well established Log4J. It has many interesting features and, in contrary to Log4J, is actively developed.

The last tool to recommend is Perf4J. To quote their motto:

Perf4J is to System.currentTimeMillis() as log4j is to System.out.println()

I've added Perf4J to one existing application under heavy load and seen it in action in few other. Both administrators and business users were impressed by the nice graphs produced by this simple utility. Also we were able to discover performance flaws in no time. Perf4J itself deserves its own article, but for now just check their Developer Guide.

Additionally, note that Ceki Gülcü (founder of the Log4J, SLF4J and Logback projects) suggested a simple approach to get rid of commons-logging dependency (see his comment).

2) Don't forget, logging levels are there for you

Read full article from 10 Tips for Proper Application Logging | Java Code Geeks

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