Absolutely No Machete Juggling » Avoiding The Big Design Interview Question

Absolutely No Machete Juggling » Avoiding The Big Design Interview Question

If you're sup­posed to design the Car class, ask if there are other types of ve­hi­cles in the system. If not, don't make a Vehicle parent class, and explain that you see no need unless the system re­quired ad­di­tional ve­hi­cles. Before you draw a box named Tire, ask if the car needs to be able to support snow tires or some other kind of in­ter­change­able tire. If not, why would you make a class or in­ter­face for them? Start as simply as you can and only draw a new box when you've ex­tracted enough in­for­ma­tion from the in­ter­viewer to deem it war­ranted. If you jump up to the white­board and draw two or three boxes before asking any ques­tions, you're placing your in­ter­view at risk because the in­ter­viewer may be pic­tur­ing a com­pletely dif­fer­ent usage of this system than you are.

Of course, it's always pos­si­ble that the in­ter­viewer will keep asking for the same in­for­ma­tion, arguing that you should show your OO skills off without re­quire­ments that drive that design out. If you want the job, your best bet there is to take a random stab at the ap­pro­pri­ate level of com­plex­ity and hope that you strike some­where near what the in­ter­viewer wants. In that sit­u­a­tion, however, I'd imagine your in­ter­viewer doesn't know much about de­sign­ing good soft­ware, and their code­base might be an over-en­gi­neered mess, so you may not want that job.

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