5 Advanced Java Books for Experienced Programmers | JournalDev

5 Advanced Java Books for Experienced Programmers | JournalDev

  • Java Concurrency in Practice:


    Just like performance improvement, concurrency and multithreading is a fascinating area. This book is all about multithreading and concurrency related topics.

    • Covers brief introduction of threads and concurrency
    • Thread safety, Objects sharing
    • composing objects for thread safety
    • synchronization, thread pools
    • deadlock, performance and stability
    • testing concurrent systems
    • explicit locks and Java memory model
    • annotations for concurrency

    You can get "Java Concurrency in Practice" from below stores.

    Amazon.com Amazon.in (India)  Flipkart.com (India)

  • The Well-Grounded Java Developer:


    This is the last book I recommend, it's because of some specific topics that are not available in any of the above books, as you can see in the below list of topics.

    • Java IO and NIO2
    • asynchronous IO operations
    • dependency injection
    • modern concurrency, fork-join framework
    • java memory model, classloaders, bytecode
    • performance tuning, garbage collection, JIT compiler
    • Alternative Java Techniques – Groovy, Scala and Clojure
    • Test Driven Development (TDD)
    • Rapid web development, build and integration

  • Read full article from 5 Advanced Java Books for Experienced Programmers | JournalDev

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