Resources | JournalDev

Resources | JournalDev

How do I keep myself updated?

This is one of the most asked question, I get this in email a lot. Below are the different ways that helps me in staying up to date with recent technology changes.

  1. Video Tutorials: Yes, video tutorials are the number one resource for me. I spend a lot of time watching technical videos, videos tutorial help me in learning new technologies easily. That's why I invest a lot on video tutorials on Udemy. Below are some of the courses that I have bought recently.
    • Become a Certified Hadoop Developer: Hadoop is one of the hottest technology these days, this is a comprehensive video series to getting started with Big Data and Hadoop. I am currently going through this tutorial series, almost 50% completed and I am happy with it. Once I am done with it, you will see some posts on Hadoop too.
    • Learn and Understand AngularJS: If you are interested in learning AngularJS, then this is the one stop solution for you. We have published a lot of AngularJS tutorials here too but this is a good way to learn it quickly.
    • The Complete Web Developer Course – Build 14 Websites: If you want to build your own website, then this is a must have course for you. You will learn all the technologies related to front end such as HTML, jQuery, CSS, PHP, WordPress CMS and many more.
    • Advanced Java Programming: If you think that you are good in java, then this is the course for you to move your skills to the advance level.
    • Learn Android Lollipop Development: I am planning to build an android app for JournalDev, that's why I bought this course. However I am not getting time to complete it and move on to building my app. It's a good rated course and it will help you in learning android programming for sure.
    • Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms in Java: This course gives you a good understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms in terms of Java programming language, a good one if you are planning for interview with Google, Facebook, Adobe or similar companies.
  2. Books: I read a lot of books too, that's why I have written a lot of posts about good books in different technologies. You can browse all my recommended books by visiting this link.
  3. Free eBooks: I also read a lot of short eBooks and Whitepapers. We have setup an online store for free eBooks where you can browse and download all sorts of eBooks easily, here is the link.

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