Introduction to Architecting Systems for Scale - Irrational Exuberance

Introduction to Architecting Systems for Scale - Irrational Exuberance

Load Balancing: Scalability & Redundancy

The ideal system increases capacity linearly with adding hardware. In such a system, if you have one machine and add another, your capacity would double. If you had three and you add another, your capacity would increase by 33%. Let's call this horizontal scalability.

On the failure side, an ideal system isn't disrupted by the loss of a server. Losing a server should simply decrease system capacity by the same amount it increased overall capacity when it was added. Let's call this redundancy.

Both horizontal scalability and redundancy are usually achieved via load balancing.

(This article won't address vertical scalability, as it is usually an undesirable property for a large system, as there is inevitably a point where it becomes cheaper to add capacity in the form on additional machines rather than additional resources of one machine, and redundancy and vertical scaling can be at odds with one-another.)

Load Balancing

Load balancing is the process of spreading requests across multiple resources according to some metric (random, round-robin, random with weighting for machine capacity, etc) and their current status (available for requests, not responding, elevated error rate, etc).

Load needs to be balanced between user requests and your web servers, but must also be balanced at every stage to achieve full scalability and redundancy for your system. A moderately large system may balance load at three layers: from the

  • user to your web servers, from your
  • web servers to an internal platform layer, and from your
  • internal platform layer to your database.

There are a number of ways to implement load balancing in your setup.

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