Law of Demeter in Java - Principle of least Knowledge - Real life Example

Law of Demeter in Java - Principle of least Knowledge - Real life Example

  • Real life example of Open Close design principle in Java. (read here)
  • How to use Decorator pattern in Java? (read here)
  • When to use Builder pattern in Java? (read here)
  • How double checked locking of Singleton works in Java? (see here)
  • Observer Pattern in Java with Example (see here)
  • Difference between Factory and Abstract Factory pattern in Java? (see here)
  • When to use Factory method pattern? (see here)
  • Difference between Strategy and State design Pattern? (check here)
  • Why Enum as Singleton is better pattern? (check here)
  • Difference between Singleton and Static class in Java? (check here)
  • How to create thread-safe Singleton in Java? (link)
  • 20 Software design and pattern Interview question for Java programmer? (link)
  • Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control in Java (link)
  • How to make a class Immutable in Java? (link)

  • Read full article from Law of Demeter in Java - Principle of least Knowledge - Real life Example

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