Why Ubuntu plans to replace traditional Linux packages with something better | PCWorld

Why Ubuntu plans to replace traditional Linux packages with something better | PCWorld

▲     Maurice Svay via Flickr/Creative Commons Why Ubuntu plans to replace traditional Linux packages with something better Ubuntu will embrace smarter, stand-alone Snappy images instead of relying on Deb packages and apt-get. Ubuntu is about to undergo a dramatic overhaul. No, I don't mean the huge shift to a converged Unity 8 desktop with the Mir display server, although that's also coming. Ubuntu is going to move past Deb packages and apt-get in favor of Snappy , which is currently used for cloud images. Canonical's Ubuntu isn't the only project looking to replace Linux packages with something better. The GNOME project is working on a sandboxed, cross-distribution application package framework . How traditional Linux packages work To understand what's changing, it's necessary to understand how current Linux package managers work. Like Debian, Ubuntu currently uses .deb packages. These are basically archives of files that your package manager extracts onto your system,

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