Welcome to the libuv API documentation -- libuv API documentation

Welcome to the libuv API documentation — libuv API documentation

  • Full-featured event loop backed by epoll, kqueue, IOCP, event ports.
  • Asynchronous TCP and UDP sockets
  • Asynchronous DNS resolution
  • Asynchronous file and file system operations
  • File system events
  • ANSI escape code controlled TTY
  • IPC with socket sharing, using Unix domain sockets or named pipes (Windows)
  • Child processes
  • Thread pool
  • Signal handling
  • High resolution clock
  • Threading and synchronization primitives

Read full article from Welcome to the libuv API documentation — libuv API documentation

Apache zookeeper 翻译之简介(一) | 并发编程网 - ifeve.com

Apache zookeeper 翻译之简介(一) | 并发编程网 - ifeve.com

Read full article from Apache zookeeper 翻译之简介(一) | 并发编程网 - ifeve.com

How to end the session in spring 3 - Stack Overflow

How to end the session in spring 3 - Stack Overflow

think the common problem when using @SessionAttributes is after you invalidate your current session, Spring MVC attach the model attributes back into the new session -- hence causing the impression it never invalidates

You can check the value of JSESSIONID before & after you invalidate it. You will get a brand new JSESSIONID, yet previous model attributes are attached straight into the new session

I found myself having to do this to wipe a model attribute of name "counter" from session after invalidating it

Read full article from How to end the session in spring 3 - Stack Overflow

5 Weird Java Questions That Will Make Your Head Spin | Takipi Blog

5 Weird Java Questions That Will Make Your Head Spin | Takipi Blog

Some of the weirdest Java puzzlers that we had a chance to get our hands on Even the most experienced Java developers will find the questions in this post confusing. Or at the very least, amusing (And absolutely unfair). After our adventure with the Java Deathmatch we've decided to publish a different set of questions this time around, highlighting some of the unusual and quirky things you can do with Java. For the results of our previous quizzes, you can check out this post and see if you can solve the question that 4 out 5 of developers got wrong. Do try this at home (or office). But please, please don't use it in real life Java applications! Unless you're trying to troll someone and in that case, everything goes. A huge huge thanks goes out to Peter Lawrey for sharing most of these questions with us. The solutions are available at the bottom of this post, but try giving them an honest try and see how many of them you manage to explain. New Post:

Read full article from 5 Weird Java Questions That Will Make Your Head Spin | Takipi Blog

Nerves rattled by highly suspicious Windows Update delivered worldwide [Updated] | Ars Technica

Nerves rattled by highly suspicious Windows Update delivered worldwide [Updated] | Ars Technica

by Dan Goodin - Sep 30, 2015 6:27 pm UTC Microsoft said a highly suspicious Windows update that was delivered to customers around the world was the result of a test that wasn't correctly implemented. "We incorrectly published a test update and are in the process of removing it," a Microsoft spokesperson wrote in an e-mail to Ars. The message included no other information. The explanation came more than 12 hours after people around the world began receiving the software bulletin through the official Windows Update, raising widespread speculation that Microsoft's automatic patching mechanism was broken or, worse, had been compromised to attack end users. Fortunately, now that Microsoft has finally weighed in, that worst-case scenario can be ruled out. What follows is the remainder of this post as it appeared before the company issued its explanation. This Web search , which queries the random-appearing string included in the payload,

Read full article from Nerves rattled by highly suspicious Windows Update delivered worldwide [Updated] | Ars Technica

Google, Twitter Set to Unveil 'Instant Articles' Version Next Week | Re/code

Google, Twitter Set to Unveil ‘Instant Articles’ Version Next Week | Re/code

Re/code Event Updates Re/code Product Updates http://on.recode.net/1KSF1mI Trending Everett Collection / Shutterstock Share: Three weeks ago, we told you about plans Google was hatching to launch a publishing tool to serve up articles on mobile devices. It would look similar to Facebook’s Instant Articles feature, only Google would cull articles from cached versions on search, rather than hosting it themselves, and would release it as an open source tool to other platforms. Its first big platform partner was Twitter. Earlier today, Google sent out an invite for a press event in New York next Wednesday for “a new open source initiative for the mobile Web.” Presumably, that’s when we’ll hear more details about the program, like which publishers are signed up and, just maybe, the business terms of the arrangements. Thus far, the New York Times and the Guardian have said they will be partners. Along with Facebook,

Read full article from Google, Twitter Set to Unveil ‘Instant Articles’ Version Next Week | Re/code

Top 5 Node.js books money can buy

Top 5 Node.js books money can buy

Top 5 Node.js books money can buy

  1. Practical Node.js by Azat Mardan takes you from installing all the necessary modules to writing full-stack web applications by harnessing the power of the Express.js and Hapi frameworks, the MongoDB database with Mongoskin and Mongoose, Jade and Handlebars template engines, Stylus and LESS CSS languages, OAuth and Everyauth libraries, and the Socket.IO and Derby libraries, and everything in between.
  2. Node.js in Action by Mike Cantalon shows you how to build production-quality applications. Clear introductions of key concepts and example-by-example coverage take you from setup to deployment. You'll dive into asynchronous programming, data storage, and output templating, and interact with the filesystem to create non-HTTP applications like TCP/IP servers and command-line tools. No prior experience with Node.js needed.
  3. Node.js the Right Way by Jim R. Wilson packs a hefty dose of Node.js. You'll test your code's functionality and performance under load, learn important aspects of Node development -- from architecture and core, to its ecosystem of third-party modules. You'll discover how Node pairs a server-side event loop with a JavaScript runtime to produce screaming fast, non-blocking concurrency. Through a series of practical programming domains, you'll use the latest available ECMAScript Harmony features and harness key Node classes such as EventEmitter and Stream.
  4. Node.js, MongoDB, and AngularJS Web Development by Brad Daley is a complete guide for web programmers who want to integrate these three technologies into full working solutions. It begins with concise, crystal-clear tutorials on each of the three technologies and then quickly moves on to building scalable, high-performance web applications.
  5. Pro Node.js for Developers by Colin J. Thrig will teach you advanced software engineering skills that will give your code a professional edge. You'll learn how to create easily reusable modules that will save you time through code reuse, to log and debug your applications quickly and effectively and to write code that will scale easily and reliably as the demand for your application grows.

Read full article from Top 5 Node.js books money can buy





  • 低耦合、高内聚:莱布尼兹指出:"分解的主要难点在于怎么分。分解策略之一是按容易求解的方式来分,之二是在弱耦合处下手,切断联系"。在弱耦合处下手,切断联系。太精辟了!高内聚、低耦合也是软件设计的基本原则,软件设计中的很多设计原则其实都可以认为它的派生或具体化,如单一职责原则、依赖倒置原则、模块化封装原则,这些原则在架构分解中也是适用的。
  • 层次性:分解通常是先业务后技术,循序渐进,先逻辑后物理,从上到下逐级进行分解展开:系统->子系统->模块->组件->类。
  • 正交原则:和物理学中的正交分解类似,架构分解出的架构元素应是相互独立的,在职责上没有重叠。
  • 抽象原则:架构元素识别,在较大程度上是架构师抽象思维的结果,架构师应该具备在抽象概念层面进行架构构思和架构分解的能力。
  • 稳定性原则:将稳定部分和易变部分分解为不同的架构元素,稳定部分不应依赖易变部分。根据稳定性原则,将通用部分和专用部分分解为不同的元素;将动态部分和静态部分分解为不同的元素;将机制和策略分离为不同的元素;将应用和服务分离。
  • 复用性原则:就是对知识的重用.重用类似系统已有的架构设计、设计经验、成熟的架构模式或参考模型、设计模式、领域模型、架构思想等,因为它们已经在不同的层次上分解识别出了许多架构元素,或者指出了一些分解方向,对我们的架构分解具有借鉴和指导作用。例如 IBM SOA 解决方案参考模型对 SOA 服务化具有重要的指导意义,我们可以参照它对系统进行初步的架构分解。

Read full article from 软件架构分解



我们假设经理应负的基本职责包括以下三点:确保给工程师分配了项目,无论是自己分配的,还是根据管理层指示分配的;确保执行了行政工作,如解决了薪资问题或者传达了人事信息等;以及接收项目的状态更新信息,以便报告给高级管理层。考虑到这种基础水平的管理职责,一个新近从工程师升到管理层的初级经理可能会发现,即使只管理 6 个人的团队,行政工作和项目管理的工作都会耗费她一整天的时间。... 比起那些做过一遍又一遍的工作来说,新工作通常需要花费更多时间,而且要求更加专注。在决定一个团队的最佳规模时,经验水平是一个要考虑的关键因素。
一般来说,业务责任人和产品经理都想建立更多更大的面向客户的项目,这样他们才能不停地击败竞争对手,扩大收益来源,拓展客户基础。这时团队规模过小会带来两个主要问题。首先,根据所采用的产品开发生命周期方法不同,较大的项目需要更多的迭代或更长的开发时间。... 其次,如果增加了工程师数量,那么支持人员的数量也随之增加,包括经理的人数。
比这个难得多的是在团队规模过大时,拆分团队。如果团队拆分不当,会造成可怕的后果,如代码的所有权不清楚、更难以沟通、重新适应新经理而工作压力增大。... 首先需要关注的是代码或工作,我们将在第三部分详细地讨论故障域这个概念,这些域通过隔离服务,从而限制了故障的影响范围,也许拆分团队是个把代码拆分到故障域的好机会。

Read full article from 左棍圣母F叔对《可扩展的艺术》的笔记(2)

Programming Communications: Java Design Pattern : Service Provider Interface and Factory method

Programming Communications: Java Design Pattern : Service Provider Interface and Factory method

It is common to accomodate multiple service providers while designing an API. Each service provider may implement a use-case that will be used by API client applications. For example, Java security has a number of providers SunJCE, BKS etc which provide security operations such as encryption. Two common patterns that come into play involve defining service provider interfaces, factory classes/methods to get the appropriate target object. Service provider interface is implemented by the service provider classes and there may be more than one type of class that provides a functionality like encryption. There are DESCipher, AESCipher etc all of which implement CipherSpi which is the service provider interface definition. Again the Cipher engine class encapsulates a CipherSpi and creates the appropriate cipher through its factory method getInstance(). The provider list is usually read from a configuration file. Here we use a simple example to demonstrate spis, spiImpls.

Suppose we want a logger. We can define the logger spi which has the functionalities that we want from a logger. We provide two implementations of this spi and annotate the classes with spiImpl. This annotation is not  mandatory. The class name can be anything but, if name conventions are followed then, code becomes maintainable in addition to being simpler. The engine class can be Logger which takes a string parameter which specifies whether we need a File based logger or a Console logger. The Logger class acts like a factory for creating Logger classes and allows client apps to perform logging through it. Although this is a small example, it gets the idea across. SPI, SPIImpl classes are very frequently used in Java 2 Enterprise projects just like Facade pattern. The spi pattern allows us to add different types of providers and also implementations of the interface.

Read full article from Programming Communications: Java Design Pattern : Service Provider Interface and Factory method

Do Not Make This Mistake When Developing an SPI | Java, SQL and jOOQ.

Do Not Make This Mistake When Developing an SPI | Java, SQL and jOOQ.

Most of your code is private, internal, proprietary, and will never be exposed to public. If that's the case, you can relax – you can refactor all of your mistakes, including those that incur breaking API changes.

If you're maintining public API, however, that's not the case. If you're maintaining public SPI (Service Provider Interfaces), then things get even worse.

The H2 Trigger SPI

In a recent Stack Overflow question about how to implement an H2 database trigger with jOOQ, I have encountered the org.h2.api.Trigger SPI again – a simple and easy-to-implement SPI that implements trigger semantics. Here's how triggers work in the H2 database:

Read full article from Do Not Make This Mistake When Developing an SPI | Java, SQL and jOOQ.

Main Page - APIDesign

Main Page - APIDesign

I created this website when the Practical API Design book (describing all the design mistakes I did when designing NetBeans) was published to be a source of latest on-line news from the world of API Design. I still publish my observations about APIDesignPatterns or various APITypes, but I am also trying to cover other projects of mine like Bck2Brwsr or DukeScript. Here is the overview of most recent topics that I blogged about:

Read full article from Main Page - APIDesign

Service Provider Interface: Creating Extensible Java Applications - Developer.com

Service Provider Interface: Creating Extensible Java Applications - Developer.com

An application is an aggregation of cohesive services. While an application offers a broader set of functionality in terms of application programming interfaces (APIs) and classes, a service provides access to some specific application functionality or feature. The service defines the interfaces for the functionality and a way to retrieve an implementation. For example, consider an application that provides a variety of information about a geographical location, such as real estate data, weather information, demographics, etc. The weather service, a part of the application, may define only the interface for retrieving the weather information (more on this example shortly).

A service provider interface (SPI) is the set of public interfaces and abstract classes that a service defines. A SPI may be represented by a single interface (type) or abstract class or a set of interfaces or abstract classes that define the service contract.

Read full article from Service Provider Interface: Creating Extensible Java Applications - Developer.com

java - difference between SPI and API? - Stack Overflow

java - difference between SPI and API? - Stack Overflow

  • the API is the description of classes/interfaces/methods/... that you call and use to achieve a goal and
  • the SPI is the description of classes/interfaces/methods/... that you extend and implement to achieve a goal

Put differently, the API tells you what a specific class/method does for you and the SPI tells you what you must do to conform.

Usually API and SPI are separate. For example in JDBC the Driver class is part of the SPI: If you simply want to use JDBC, you don't need to use it directly, but everyone who implements a JDBC driver must implement that class.

Sometimes they overlap, however. The Connection interface is both SPI and API: You use it routinely when you use a JDBC driver and it needs to be implemented by the developer of the JDBC driver.

Read full article from java - difference between SPI and API? - Stack Overflow

DevFaqApiSpi - NetBeans Wiki

DevFaqApiSpi - NetBeans Wiki

API is a general term - an acronym for Application Programming Interface - it means something (in Java, usually some Java classes) a piece of software exposes, which allows other software to communicate with it.

SPI stands for Service Provider Interface. It is a subset of all things that can be API specific to situations where a library is providing classes which are called by the application (or API library), and which typically change the things the application is able to do.

The classic example is JavaMail. Its API has two sides:

  • The API side — which you call if you are writing a mail client or want to read a mailbox
  • The SPI side if you are providing a wire-protocol handler to allow JavaMail to talk to a new kind of server, such as a news or IMAP server

Users of the API rarely need to see or talk to the SPI classes, and vice-versa.

In NetBeans, when you see the term SPI, it is usually talking about classes that a module can inject at runtime which allow NetBeans to do new things. For example, there is a general SPI for implementing version control systems. Different modules provide implementations of that SPI for CVS, Subversion, Mercurial and other revision control systems. However, the code that deals with files (the API side) does not need to care if there is a version control system, or what it is.

Read full article from DevFaqApiSpi - NetBeans Wiki

5 things you didn't know about ... everyday Java tools

5 things you didn't know about ... everyday Java tools

2. ServiceLoader

Java developers frequently wish to decouple the knowledge necessary to use a component from the knowledge necessary to create one. This is typically accomplished by creating an interface describing the actions the component can perform, and using some kind of intermediary to create the component instances. Many developers use the Spring framework for this purpose, but there's another approach that is even more lightweight than a Spring container.

The ServiceLoader class from java.util can read a configuration file tucked away in a JAR file and find implementations of an interface, then make those implementations available as a list of objects to choose from. If you needed a personal-servant component to carry out your tasks, for instance, you could acquire one with the code in Listing 2:

Read full article from 5 things you didn't know about ... everyday Java tools

ServiceLoader Dynamic Reloading on JEE7 Web Application

ServiceLoader Dynamic Reloading on JEE7 Web Application

We had a technical discussion about updating an application on the fly in Java EE. There were a couple of issues that we were trying to resolve. One was a simple way to add functionality to a web application while deployed, and update the running application. It could be functionality like a new module, or service, or something like, the classic example for the ServiceLoader, codecs.

Additionally, we needed to be able to add the functionality without adding another framework to make it happen. It needed to be something that was available in the existing Java SE/EE APIs. Again, the ServiceLoader seemed to be a possible solution.

I did a Proof of Concept (POC) for using a ServiceLoader to accomplish adding additional services to our application. That worked, but required a restart of the server, or a reload of the application at a minimum. This assumes that the application was NOT auto-deployed. It turns out that worked, but really was only a half-measure. I wanted to see if I could solve the dynamic reloading part, and I did.


Before we see the code, how does it work in general. We use the ServiceLoader which is part of the Service Provider Interface (SPI) functionality of Java. It is a hidden gem for those who need it, and framework creators can take advantage of this simple, easy to use technology. The ServiceLoader is managed by a Singleton that returns an instance of the ServiceLoader that will return our SPI implementations. In my example, I create an interface that is packaged separately in its own jar and is shared between the deployed web application and the service implementations. The ServiceLoader loads this interface and makes the implementations available. The cool part is that our Singleton class also has some cool NIO and NIO.2 help with the ZipFileSystemProvider to load the implementations from newly added jars. It also has some demo of how to use a URLClassLoader to add our new implementations and update the ServiceLoader.

Read full article from ServiceLoader Dynamic Reloading on JEE7 Web Application

My Technical Notes: Java ServiceLoader Example

My Technical Notes: Java ServiceLoader Example

Java ServiceLoader Example

Defining an API and developing the corresponding implementation has become an uber mainstream practice when developing large Java applications. Modularization is such an useful design principle, especially to avoid spaghetti code, for testing and debugging, and for re-implementation of old code.

Many developers seek to separate API interfaces and abstract classes from their implementation in separate packages. Yet, this almost always leads to cycles between java packages (api refers to impl, and vice-versa). There has been many frameworks, such as OSGi, supporting modularization, but the documentation has not always been good and complete. Many developers have struggled with class loading issues too.

Fortunately, Java has delivered the ServiceLoader utility since release 6. The example described in this post is available from Github in the Java-ServiceLoader directory. It is inspired from here.

Read full article from My Technical Notes: Java ServiceLoader Example






















Read full article from 一分钟了解Storm

Constants in Java - The Anti-Pattern - DZone Java

Constants in Java - The Anti-Pattern - DZone Java

Generally we see a need of a constants file in an application, which stores constants to be shared across multiple locations. While designing an app, I came across a similar situation, where we required various constants to be used at multiple places across the application.

I was sure, that I need a separate file which stores public static constants. But I wasn't very sure to make it an Interface or a Class. (Enum was not suitable for my requirement). So I had two options to chose from:

Read full article from Constants in Java - The Anti-Pattern - DZone Java

打造高性能JAVA应用你需要知道的 - ImportNew

打造高性能JAVA应用你需要知道的 - ImportNew





Read full article from 打造高性能JAVA应用你需要知道的 - ImportNew

Top 8 Diagrams for Understanding Java

Top 8 Diagrams for Understanding Java

A diagram is sometimes worth 1000 words. The following diagrams are from Java tutorials on Program Creek, they have received the most votes so far. Hopefully, they can help you review what you already know. If the problem is not clear by the diagram itself, you may want to go to each article to take a further took.

1. String Immutability

The following diagram shows what happens for the following code:

String s = "abcd";  s = s.concat("ef");

Read full article from Top 8 Diagrams for Understanding Java

8张图理解Java - ImportNew

8张图理解Java - ImportNew

一图胜千言,下面图解均来自Program Creek 网站的Java教程,目前它们拥有最多的票选。如果图解没有阐明问题,那么你可以借助它的标题来一窥究竟。



String s = "abcd";
s = s.concat("ef");

Read full article from 8张图理解Java - ImportNew

Multidimensional Array Traversal in Java - DZone Java

Multidimensional Array Traversal in Java - DZone Java

Multidimentional Arrays

An array is a container object in Java that holds a fixed number of values of a single type. The length of an array is established when the array is created. After creation, its length is fixed. e.g. an array of size 10 is defined below:

public class ArrayDemo {
private int arraySize=10;
public int[] arrayOfIntegers = new int[arraySize];

The above code is an example of single dimentional array. In other words the array grows only in one direction. Many a times we need arrays that grow in more than one dimention. Such arrays are called multi-dimentional arrays. For simplicity, let's talk about a 2-D array. 2-D arrays are very useful when we need a matrix or x-y plots/graphs. Below is an example of a square 2-D array.

Read full article from Multidimensional Array Traversal in Java - DZone Java

Java 多维数组遍历 - ImportNew

Java 多维数组遍历 - ImportNew


public class ArrayDemo {
    private int arraySize=10;
    public int[] arrayOfIntegers = new int[arraySize];


Read full article from Java 多维数组遍历 - ImportNew

Difference between Thread and Process - 我的博客 - ITeye技术网站

Difference between Thread and Process - 我的博客 - ITeye技术网站

  The major difference between threads and processes is: Threads share the address space of the process that created it; processes have their own address space. Threads have direct access to the data segment of its process; processes have their own copy of the data segment of the parent process. Threads can directly communicate with other threads of its process; processes must use interprocess communication to communicate with sibling processes. Threads have almost no overhead; processes have considerable overhead. New threads are easily created; new processes require duplication of the parent process. Threads can exercise considerable control over threads of the same process; processes can only exercise control over child processes. Changes to the main thread (cancellation, priority change, etc.) may affect the behavior of the other threads of the process; changes to the parent process does not affect child processes. © 2003-2015 ITeye.com. All rights reserved.

Read full article from Difference between Thread and Process - 我的博客 - ITeye技术网站

fahd.blog: Logback: Change root logger level programmatically

fahd.blog: Logback: Change root logger level programmatically

A couple of years ago, I wrote about how it is possible to change log4j logging levels using JMX. I'm now using logback, which is intended to be the successor of log4j and provides several advantages over it.

The following code snippet can be used to change the root logger's logging level in logback:

import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger;
Logger root = (Logger)LoggerFactory.getLogger(Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);
root.setLevel(Level.DEBUG); //change to debug

Read full article from fahd.blog: Logback: Change root logger level programmatically

Google's New Nexus Phones, Pixel C Tablet, And More: Your 2-Minute Guide | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

Google's New Nexus Phones, Pixel C Tablet, And More: Your 2-Minute Guide | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

Google's New Nexus Phones, Pixel C Tablet, And More: Your 2-Minute Guide Google's newest gadgets include the Nexus 5X smartphone, the Pixel C tablet, and an upgraded Chromecast. Here's what you should know about Google's new products. Read More: The 12-megapixel camera on the Nexus 5X can shoot 4K video, much like the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, which started shipping to Apple customers last week. Apple is known for having a superior camera on its phones, so it will be interesting to see these two cameras tested side by side. The Nexus 5X starts at $379 and will ship in late October. The Nexus 5X has a fingerprint sensor on the back of the phone. The Nexus 6P sports a bigger, 5.7-inch display (similar to the iPhone 6S Plus) and all-metal body. Like its smaller counterpart, the Nexus 6P has a rear camera that vows to give Apple a run for its money: a large, 12.3 megapixels, 4K video, and the option to shoot video in slow motion. The Nexus 6P starts at $499 for the 32 GB model. Unlike Apple,

Read full article from Google's New Nexus Phones, Pixel C Tablet, And More: Your 2-Minute Guide | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

Google unveils everything Apple launched, but cheaper - MarketWatch

Google unveils everything Apple launched, but cheaper - MarketWatch

4,517 -26.65 -0.59% S&P 500 1,884 +2.32 +0.12% 6:59 P.M. ET 5:00 P.M. ET 4:54 P.M. ET 4:52 P.M. ET 4:51 P.M. ET 4:51 P.M. ET 4:50 P.M. ET 4:50 P.M. ET 4:39 P.M. ET Share Google announces Nexus 5X and 6P smartphones, new Chromecast devices and enterprise-focused Pixel C tablet Getty Images This tablet is trying to hang with the iPad and Surface Pro iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus. Refreshed Apple TV. Enterprise-focused iPad Pro. Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P. Refreshed Chromecast. Enterprise-focused Pixel C tablet. Those lineups show the similarities between the new products Google Inc. GOOG, +0.01% GOOGL, -0.26% announced Tuesday and those Apple Inc. AAPL, -3.01%   announced earlier this month . The big difference between the two companies' new offerings is price, with Google undercutting Apple across the board. Smartphones Google introduced two new Android smartphones , the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P, at a product event on Tuesday. Both phones — manufactured by LG and Huawei,

Read full article from Google unveils everything Apple launched, but cheaper - MarketWatch

Sony's big PlayStation 4 update arrives tomorrow

Sony's big PlayStation 4 update arrives tomorrow

Sony's big PlayStation 4 update arrives tomorrow by Steve Dent | @stevetdent | 11 hours ago September 29th 2015 9:24 am Sony is set to release one of its biggest updates ever for the PlayStation 4, and now we know when it's coming: tomorrow, September 30th. Update 3.0 includes some significant new changes, especially if you want more streaming options and extra online storage. You'll soon be able to broadcast or watch games on YouTube Gaming, send 10 second highlight clips to Twitter and "Request to Share Play and Broadcast" a friend's game or gaming session. Storage on PlayStation Plus has also gone up dramatically from 1GB to 10GB. Other new feature include a PS4 events app that gives you a calendar for new games and other items, the ability to create gaming communities and "Live from PlayStation," a hub for the latest screenshots, clips and news. The update will roll out tomorrow, but in the meantime, Sony has detailed the bulk of changes in its blog post and the video below.

Read full article from Sony's big PlayStation 4 update arrives tomorrow

AngelikaLanger.com - Java Generics FAQs - Under The Hood Of The Compiler - Angelika Langer Training/Consulting

AngelikaLanger.com - Java Generics FAQs - Under The Hood Of The Compiler - Angelika Langer Training/Consulting

This is a collection of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Java Generics, a new language feature added to the Java programming language in version 5.0 of the Java Standard Edition (J2SE 5.0).

If you want to provide feedback or have any questions regarding Java generics, to which you cannot find an answer in this document, feel free to send me EMAIL or use the GENERICS FAQ form.

Read full article from AngelikaLanger.com - Java Generics FAQs - Under The Hood Of The Compiler - Angelika Langer Training/Consulting

Planning Department Confirms 75 Percent Of Academy Of Art Buildings Are Illegal: SFist

Planning Department Confirms 75 Percent Of Academy Of Art Buildings Are Illegal: SFist

The day's most popular stories from SFist every evening in your inbox from our newsletter. Istaverse Open external links in tabs Planning Department Confirms 75 Percent Of Academy Of Art Buildings Are Illegal by Jay Barmann in News on Sep 28, 2015 11:30 am Photo: Wikimedia Following on Forbes Magazine's recent takedown of the Academy of Art University and their fast-and-looseness with real estate zoning, and in anticipation of their long-delayed Environmental Impact Report, the Planning Department has issued a new report that breaks down the uses, legal and illegal, of the AAU's 40 buildings citywide. It turns out that of the 40, only 10 are being used for purposes that their currently approved for, while 30 are operating illegally, many of them as student housing. The city is sensitive to the loss of residential space that this represents, and as Socketsite notes , there are nine properties that could not even be approved for their new uses under current planning code.

Read full article from Planning Department Confirms 75 Percent Of Academy Of Art Buildings Are Illegal: SFist

ECJ advisor says data transfer deal between EU and US is invalid - Business Insider

ECJ advisor says data transfer deal between EU and US is invalid - Business Insider

Europe just caused a massive headache for American tech companies   A top European lawyer made a decision this morning that could prove a massive headache for American tech companies in Europe. Advocate General Yves Bot, an advisor to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has said the "safe harbour" agreement for transferring data between the US and EU is "invalid," because of concerns over US spying. Bot's opinion isn't legally binding, and the ECJ judges will make a formal ruling in the coming months. But as The Irish Times notes , the judges follow such opinions "in most cases." But if the 15-year-old legal agreement between the EU and the US is suspended by the ECJ, it could have significant consequences for American tech companies in Europe. It would open them up to significantly more scrutiny from privacy watchdogs within Europe, some of which have the power, according to Bots , to "[suspend] the transfer of that data." Companies like Google and Facebook,

Read full article from ECJ advisor says data transfer deal between EU and US is invalid - Business Insider

Microservices Architecture pattern

Microservices Architecture pattern

Pattern: Microservices Architecture


You are developing a server-side enterprise application. It must support a variety of different clients including desktop browsers, mobile browsers and native mobile applications. The application might also expose an API for 3rd parties to consume. It might also integrate with other applications via either web services or a message broker. The application handles requests (HTTP requests and messages) by executing business logic; accessing a database; exchanging messages with other systems; and returning a HTML/JSON/XML response.

The application has either a layered or hexagonal architecture and consists of different types of components:

  • Presentation components - responsible for handling HTTP requests and responding with either HTML or JSON/XML (for web services APIS)
  • Business logic - the application's business logic
  • Database access logic - data access objects responsible for access the database
  • Application integration logic - messaging layer, e.g. based on Spring integration.

There are logical components corresponding to different functional areas of the application.

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An introduction to reactive programming

An introduction to reactive programming

There has been a significant shift in recent years towards server-side and network programming using event-driven asynchronous runtime environments and frameworks such as Node.js, Twisted, and Netty/NIO. Asynchronous code allows independent IO operations to run concurrently, resulting in efficient code. However, this improved efficiency comes at a cost — straightforward synchronous code may become a mess of nested callbacks.

Can we do better? Can we combine the simplicity of synchronous code with the efficiency of the asynchronous approach? It turns out we can. Futures are an abstraction that allow us to express the effect of latency in asynchronous computations, encapsulate event-handling code, and use higher-order functions such as map, reduce, and filter, to compose clean and readable asynchronous code.

Read full article from An introduction to reactive programming

What is difference between observer pattern and reactive programming? - Stack Overflow

What is difference between observer pattern and reactive programming? - Stack Overflow

Reactive programming, at least how I understand it, is the general term behind easily propagating changes through the execution of a prorgam. It's not a specific pattern or entity per-se, it's an idea, or style of programming. It's the concept that when x changes in one location, the things that depend on the value of x are recalculated and updated in various other locations with a minimum of fuss.

The observer pattern (at least in OO languages) is a common method for providing a "trigger" to allow information to be updated whenever such a change is made (or, in more common OO terms, when an "event" is fired.) In that sense, it provides a mechanism for allowing the concept of reactive programming to happen in OO (and sometimes other) style languages.

Read full article from What is difference between observer pattern and reactive programming? - Stack Overflow

What is difference between observer pattern and reactive programming? - Stack Overflow

What is difference between observer pattern and reactive programming? - Stack Overflow

Reactive programming, at least how I understand it, is the general term behind easily propagating changes through the execution of a prorgam. It's not a specific pattern or entity per-se, it's an idea, or style of programming. It's the concept that when x changes in one location, the things that depend on the value of x are recalculated and updated in various other locations with a minimum of fuss.

The observer pattern (at least in OO languages) is a common method for providing a "trigger" to allow information to be updated whenever such a change is made (or, in more common OO terms, when an "event" is fired.) In that sense, it provides a mechanism for allowing the concept of reactive programming to happen in OO (and sometimes other) style languages.

Read full article from What is difference between observer pattern and reactive programming? - Stack Overflow

100+ Free Books on Data Science, Big Data, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Python, R, and more

100+ Free Books on Data Science, Big Data, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Python, R, and more

Pulled from the web, here is a great collection of eBooks (most of which have a physical version that you can purchase on Amazon) written on the topics of Data Science, Business Analytics, Data Mining, Big Data, Machine Learning, Algorithms, Data Science Tools, and Programming Languages for Data Science.

While every single book in this list is provided for free, if you find any particularly helpful consider purchasing the printed version. The authors spent a great deal of time putting these resources together and I'm sure they would all appreciate the support!

Read full article from 100+ Free Books on Data Science, Big Data, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Python, R, and more

Prisoners and the lightbulb puzzle

Prisoners and the lightbulb puzzle

There are 10 prisoners are in 10 different cells of a prison. There is no way in which they can communicate with each other. Each night, the warden picks one of the 10 prisoners and that prisoner is supposed to spend the entire night in the central living room. There is one bulb in the living room which can be switched on or off. Warden puts a condition, "If any of the prisoner can tell with certainty, that all the other prisoners have spent night in the central living room, then he will free all of them. But, If the prisoner says that all the other have spent night in the living room, but that is not true, then all the prisoners will be killed". Thus, the assertion should only be made if the prisoner is 100% certain of its validity. Before the random picking begins, the prisoners are allowed to get together and make some strategy. But, once the strategy is made, then a prisoner cannot communicate with any other prisoner. What plan should they agree on, so that eventually,

Read full article from Prisoners and the lightbulb puzzle

代码重构方向原则指导 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

代码重构方向原则指导 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET






  1. 当属性、方法或类存在任何的需要复用的意向时,归纳提炼它们。
  2. 不要低估小方法对代码整洁的作用。使用小方法能让你节省很多笔墨。
  3. 能让代码长度变短的提炼都应该去提炼,包括注释。
  4. 用switch()代替多形――即使这样做会使代码变长。
  5. 用封装控制可见度。
  6. 消除依赖。
  7. 简化构造方法――即使这样做会使代码变复杂。
  8. 封装或避免条件表达式。使用guard语句,避免使用else语句。
  9. 使用常量代替魔幻数字。
  10. 不确定时,偏向使用组合而不是继承。
  11. 不确定时,将计算操作移入到这些数据的所有者对象里,或将数据移动到执行计算操作的对象里(也就是迪米特法则(Law of Demeter))。
  12. 使用小对象,松耦合,避免大对象,高聚合。
  13. 不确定时,偏向使用递归而不是循环。
  14. 使用代理对象,模拟对象和辅助对象来隔离网络,数据库,文件和用户接口。
  15. 不确定时,尽量在model里添加代码,必要时才往controler添加代码。view里添加的都应该是便捷功能和简写方法,但不要局限于此。
  16. 偏向使用apply, each, mapcar,而不是loop.
  17. 尽量使用新技术。

Read full article from 代码重构方向原则指导 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

软件架构---学习小语之一 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

软件架构---学习小语之一 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET



2 软件架构师(Achitect)执行架构过程(Achitcting)产生架构(Achitecture)。

3 软件架构师是参谋长,是指导员,是政治部主任;软件架构师是不是军长。

4 系统四个要素:硬件和软件构成计算机系统、组织、信息。

5 软件开发是以用例驱动的,以架构为中心,迭代与增量的开发。

6 架构是政治、经济、技术三种因素共同的结果。

7 高度决定视野,角度决定观念,尺度把握人生。

8 不能追求完美的架构,寻找合适的架构。

9  涉众的关注点组成试点。

10 架构是战略,设计模式是战术,那编码就是冲锋陷阵了。

11 类之间关系:是一个(is),有一个(has),用一个(use)。

Read full article from 软件架构---学习小语之一 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

API优先架构或者胖瘦服务器之争 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

API优先架构或者胖瘦服务器之争 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET





MVC架构已经流行了很长一段时间,在2004年RoR发布后,MVC变得愈加炙手可热。在MVC情况下用户和员工分别使用前端和后端两个不同部分,可以大幅提高应用程序中组件的重用率。合适的使用MVC策略,可以让应用程序的很多部分都得以重用,其中包括DBAL/ORM、Business Logic、Presentation及AAA。AAA(Authentication、Authorization、Accounting)允许员工模拟用户行为,使用相同的登录界面及共享日志设备。

Read full article from API优先架构或者胖瘦服务器之争 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

浅谈软件架构师的素质与职责 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

浅谈软件架构师的素质与职责 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET


我认为沟通能力是基本中的基本,最为重要,最为普遍的素质。技术人员好像容易忽略,想成为架构师就不能忽略。因为架构师要做的第一件事就是与团队成员、项目经理、客户认同沟通,获得认同。我知道,这对于现在做技术,以后想转做架构的人也许很难.对本人也是如此。也许 你会注意到虽然你兢兢业业,老黄牛的做了很多事,但每次升迁的总是那些平时最活跃的人。抛除其他方面的因素,领导之所以选这种人,是因为领导认为他能与人打交道――也就是沟通,而我只能做事,只是个好员工。虽然我自认为也擅长沟通,但没有表现出来,别人如何得知。沟通是双向的,一方面要能够理解对方的意思,另一方面也要让对方理解你的意思。所以如果要成为架构师,首先要勇于表达自我,然后仔细聆听对方的话语。不可抱有"酒香不怕巷子深"的观点,不然结果就是"怀才不遇,图子伤悲"了。
























Read full article from 浅谈软件架构师的素质与职责 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

架构师不可不知的十大可扩展架构 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

架构师不可不知的十大可扩展架构 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET




  1. LB (负载平衡器) + 无共享单位 - 该模型中包含一系列单元,各单元彼此间不共享任何内容,且一致指向一个将输入文讯按一定条件发往单元处的负载平衡器(这构成一个循环,以负载等情况为基础)。每个单元可以是一个单独的节点或是紧密耦合的节点所构成的集群。用户可以使用DNS循环、硬件负载平衡器或者软件负载平衡器达成负载平衡效果。创建一套负载均衡的层次结构,并在其中结合前面提到的各种负载平衡器也是可行的。在由Michael Stonebraker撰写的《 无共享体系架构实例 》一文中,专门讨论了此类架构。
  2. LB + 无状态节点 + 可扩展存储 - 传统的 三层式Web架构 使用的就是这种模型。该模型包括数个与可扩展存储交互的无状态节点以及一个分布于节点间负载中的负载平衡器。在这一模型中,存储通常作为限制因素存在,但NoSQL存储则可以利用这套模型创建出具备相当可扩展性的系统。
  3. 点对点架构 (分布式Hash列表 (简称DHT)以及内容寻址网络(简称CAN)) -这套模型提供了一些传统的可扩展算法,这些算法的各个方面几乎全部按对数进行了等比例增加。举例来说,像Chord、Pastry(特指免费版)以及CAN都属于此类。而以Cassandra为代表的、基于P2P架构的几款NoSQL系统也是其中的成员。《 展望P2P系统中的数据 》一文就深入探讨了这类模型的各种细节。
  4. 分布式队列 �C 这种模型以将队列实施(即先进先出交付机制)作为网络服务处理为基础。该模型通过JMS队列而广泛得到采用。一般会遵循这种做法的有任务队列以及通过保持队列分级体系实现扩展性的任务队列版本,后者在负载无法及时处理时,任务会由低级层面向高级层面传递。
  5. 发布/订阅模式 - 一般用于通过网络向彼此发布订阅讯息。《 发布与订阅的多面性 》这一经典论文中详细的介绍这一模型,该模型方面最典型的例子即 NaradaBroker与 EventJava 
  6. 小道消息与自然灵感式模型 - 这种模型源自日常生活中小道消息的传播途径,也就是每个节点将随机选择后续节点以交换信息。正如现实生活中的实际反馈,这种八卦型算法在信息传播方面出奇地迅速。该模型的另一大分支则是受到生物学影响的启发式算法。自然世界中存在着大量协调及扩展方面极为卓越的固有算法。举例来说,蚂蚁、人类以及蜜蜂等等,都能够以最简洁的交流方式协调好扩展性方面的需要。模型中的算法正是借鉴了这些实际存在的现象。在论文《 从流行病的蔓延到分布式计算 》中对这种模型有着详尽的叙述。
  7. 地图缩小/数据流 - 这一概念首先由谷歌公司提出,地图缩小为工作的描述及执行提供了一套可扩展的模式。虽然内容简单,但它仍然成为联机分析处理方面的首要处理模式。数据流则是一种更先进的方式,用来表达执行信息;而像Dryad及Pig这样的项目为数据流的执行提供了可扩展的框架。论文《 地图缩小:大型集群上的简化数据处理 》中设置了专门的主题,详细讨论这一内容。Apache的Hadoop就是这种模型的代表性产品。
  8. 责任树形图 - 这种模型打破了递归问题的束缚,将整个流程以树状形式加以处理;每个父节点将工作下放至子节点。这种模型扩展性强,并已经被应用于数款可扩展性架构当中。
  9. 流处理 - 这种模型被用于处理源源不断的数据流及数据。这种处理方式通过网络中的处理节点获得支持(例如Aurora、Twitter Strom以及Apache S4等)。
  10. 可扩展存储 �C 该模型的应用范围从数据库、NoSQL存储、服务注册到文件系统都有体现。 链接中的这篇文章 以可扩展性为切入点对其进行了深入讨论。



Read full article from 架构师不可不知的十大可扩展架构 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

大型网站架构不得不考虑的10个问题 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

大型网站架构不得不考虑的10个问题 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET


众所周知,对于一些相对小的站点来说,数据量并不是很大,select和update就可以解决我们面对的问题,本身负载量不是很大,最多再加几个 索引就可以搞定。对于大型网站,每天的数据量可能就上百万,如果一个设计不好的多对多关系,在前期是没有任何问题的,但是随着用户的增长,数据量会是几何 级的增长的。在这个时候我们对于一个表的select和update的时候(还不说多表联合查询)的成本的非常高的。


在一些时候,2.0的CTO都有个尚方宝剑,就是缓存。对于缓存,在高并发高处理的时候也是个大问题。在整个应用程序下,缓存是全局共享的,然而在 我们进行修改的时候就,如果两个或者多个请求同时对缓存有更新的要求的情况下,应用程序会直接的死掉。这个时候,就需要一个好的数据并发处理策略以及缓存 策略。



对于一些支持文件上传的2.0的站点,在庆幸硬盘容量越来越大的时候我们更多的应该考虑的是文件应该如何被存储并且被有效的索引。常见的方案是对文 件按照日期和类型进行存贮。但是当文件量是海量的数据的情况下,如果一块硬盘存贮了500个G的琐碎文件,那么维护的时候和使用的时候磁盘的Io就是一个 巨大的问题,哪怕你的带宽足够,但是你的磁盘也未必响应过来。如果这个时候还涉及上传,磁盘很容易就over了。




我们可以很容易的规划出一个符合第三范式的数据库,里面布满了多对多关系,还能用GUID来替换INDENTIFY COLUMN 但是,多对多关系充斥的2.0时代,第三范式是第一个应该被抛弃的。必须有效的把多表联合查询降到最低。







成也AJAX,败也AJAX,AJAX成为了主流趋势,突然发现基于XMLHTTP的post和get是如此的容易。客户端get或者post 到服务器数据,服务器接到数据请求之后返回来,这是一个很正常的AJAX请求。但是在AJAX处理的时候,如果我们使用一个抓包工具的话,对数据返回和处 理是一目了然。对于一些计算量大的AJAX请求的话,我们可以构造一个发包机,很容易就可以把一个webserver干掉。


对于HTTP协议来说,数据包都是明文传输的,也许我们可以说我们可以用加密啊,但是对于G问题来说的话,加密的过程就可能是明文了(比如我们知道 的QQ,可以很容易的判断他的加密,并有效的写一个跟他一样的加密和解密方法出来的)。当你站点流量不是很大的时候没有人会在乎你,但是当你流量上来之 后,那么所谓的外挂,所谓的群发就会接踵而来(从qq一开始的群发可见端倪)。也许我们可以很的意的说,我们可以采用更高级别的判断甚至HTTPS来实 现,注意,当你做这些处理的时候付出的将是海量的database,io以及CPU的成本。对于一些群发,基本上是不可能的。笔者已经可以实现对于百度空 间和qq空间的群发了。大家愿意试试,实际上并不是很难。


当我们的一台databaseserver不堪重负的时候,这个时候我们就需要做基于数据库的负载和集群了。而这个时候可能是最让人困扰的的问题 了,数据基于网络传输根据数据库的设计的不同,数据延迟是很可怕的问题,也是不可避免的问题,这样的话,我们就需要通过另外的手段来保证在这延迟的几秒或 者更长的几分钟时间内,实现有效的交互。比如数据散列,分割,内容处理等等问题


Openapi已经成为一个不可避免的趋势,从google,facebook,myspace到海内校内,都在考虑这个问题,它可以更有效的留住 用户并激发用户的更多的兴趣以及让更多的人帮助你做最有效的开发。这个时候一个有效的数据共享平台,数据开放平台就成为必不可少的途径了,而在开放的接口 的情况保证数据的安全性和性能,又是一个我们必须要认真思考的问题了。

Read full article from 大型网站架构不得不考虑的10个问题 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

关于架构的讨论:烦人的细节 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

关于架构的讨论:烦人的细节 - xiyf2046的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

Bob大叔和Simon Brown关于描述系统架构时基础架构(infrastructure)所起的作用展开了讨论。

  在之前标题为 《尖叫的架构(Screaming Architecture)》的文章中,Robert Martin(也就是Bob大叔)阐述了这样的观点:软件产品的架构应该让所有人都很容易了解产品所要达到的目的,并且系统的架构应该反应系统的用例而不是它使用的框架:







  Simon Brown是一位软件架构师,他对Bob大叔关于"交付机制"的观点发表了评论,称之为"烦人的细节"。 他同意Bob大叔所说的系统架构不应该是它所使用的框架,但是他还说到,他希望"看到软件架构能够落地,那就需要包括所选择的实现技术。" 关于推迟决定采用何种基础架构,Brown说到:"如果我们需要做出某些关键的技术决定,那么肯定就需要完成,是吧?",然后他问道:"如果我没有,或者 不能推迟做出决定,那就一定意味着我拥有很差的架构吗? 我们难道不应该把推迟作为一种有意识的决定,而不是一种规则吗?"

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