(10) Books on spring and tomcat source code internals? - Quora

(10) Books on spring and tomcat source code internals? - Quora

According to my understanding, you have many question.
1: Good books on Spring to learn "How Spring works" ?
- There are many books as well as video tutorials available (I would suggest "Spring In Action" for basic)
_ I would suggest this video tutorials - Java Brains - Home

After you learn what spring does and what features it provides and used all the features, Then you should dig into how somebody designed spring with what Design Patterns they have used to create this framework. Because it is very vast and there are lot many patterns used inside it.

Note: Read GoF Design Patterns book / Head first Design patterns for better understanding of Design patterns. and you should also have J2EE Design Patterns knowledge.

2: Design patterns used in Spring?
There is NO Book for Design Patterns used in Spring Framework- Clone the code from spring-projects/spring-framework and there is a documentation to set up your code also on Git. Start debugging the code and learn how patterns are implemented.

3: For Tomcat - more or less the above things apply and here is the Git Clone URLs for Tomcat source - Git at Apache

Hope this was helpful. All the best.

Read full article from (10) Books on spring and tomcat source code internals? - Quora

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