Explanations to common Java exceptions

Explanations to common Java exceptions

ArithmeticException You are trying to use your computer to solve a mathematical problem that you cannot solve yourself. Read up on your arithmetics and try again.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException See IndexOutOfBoundsException. The difference is that this exception refers to more than one finger.
ArrayStoreException You have used all your arrays and need to buy more from the array store.
ClassCastException You need to stay in the class or caste you were born into. Java will not accept dailits acting as kshatriyas or noblemen pretending to be working class. Note the spelling mistake (of caste) that was introduced in Java 1.0 and has not been corrected for backwards compatability reasons.
ClassNotFoundException You seem to have invented your own class. There are also caste systems that are not yet implemented in Java, most notibly the balinese caste system. For example, if you are a wesia, use the indian counterpart vaishya.
CloneNotSupportedException You are a clone. Find the original you, tell him what you want to do and then kill yourself.
IllegalAccessException You are a burgler that are running a Java program during a burglery. Please finish stealing the computer, leave the premises and try again.

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