domain buy: Ex-Googler Sanmay Ved bought the search engine's domain for one minute in cute stunt. domain buy: Ex-Googler Sanmay Ved bought the search engine's domain for one minute in cute stunt. domain buy: Ex-Googler Sanmay Ved bought the search engine's domain for one minute in cute stunt. Oct. 1 2015 1:52 PM For One Golden Moment, This Guy Owned Photo Illustration by Scott Barbour/Getty Images Ex-Googler  Sanmay Ved  was the lucky buyer of "," if only for a minute. Ved told Business Insider that he was up late and searching Google Domains, Google's website-buying service, when he noticed that was available. Advertisement Instead of a gray sad face that indicates a domain has an owner, the green happy face showed it was available. The cost to buy  the most-trafficked domain  in the world? Only $12. "I used to work at Google so I keep messing around with the product. I type in and to my surprise it showed it as available," Ved told Business Insider. "I thought it was some error, but I could actually complete check out." Ved added it to his shopping cart and, surprisingly, the transaction went through.

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