How Life in San Francisco Will Change after the Tech Bubble Bursts - The Bold Italic - San Francisco

How Life in San Francisco Will Change after the Tech Bubble Bursts - The Bold Italic - San Francisco

COLLABORATORS WANTED We're always interested in partners for advertising, custom content and hook-ups we haven't even thought of yet. SOCIALIZE WITH US Article: 7350 How Life in San Francisco Will Change after the Tech Bubble Bursts Sunday evening, 6:00 p.m. Lands End. Drones buzz through the air like armored mosquitos, trolling the dying embers of the Pacific sunset and scaring birds. I count at least four of them lingering around the lookout above the Sutro Baths . I leave after one almost hits me in the head. Later, as I'm walking down Folsom Street, headed to a friend's house, I'm nearly knocked off the sidewalk by a bespectacled young man in a zip-up zooming by on a hoverboard . I stop and watch in shock as he continues down the street, fading into the darkness—his backpack emblazoned with the logo of a company I don't recognize; his body rigid atop his bi-wheeled plank; his attention preoccupied, I presume, by the wad of Series A funding sitting in his pocket.

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