How would you design the data structures for a very large social network like Facebook or LinkedIn? Describe how you would design an algorithm to show the shortest path between two people (e.g., Me -> Bob -> Susan -> Jason -> You)
construct a graph by treating each person as a node and letting an edge between two nodes indicate that the two users are friends.
BFS search -> bidirectional breadth-first-search
Suppose every person has k friends, and node S and node D have a friend C in common.
- Traditional bfs from S to D: go through
nodes - Bidirectional bfs: go through 2k nodes
Generalizing this to a path of length q
- BFS: O(qk)
- Bidirectional BFS: O(qk/2 + qk/2)
Handle the Millions of User
data in different machines, use hashtable or other mechanism to index them and search them for the same time.
- Reduce machine jumps
- Smart division of people and machines(related data should be put together)
- Instead of marking VISITED, we use a hashtable to record the nodes we have already visited
Read full article from Social Network - 小土刀的面试刷题笔记
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