[SOLR-10144] redesign block-join support - ASF JIRA

[SOLR-10144] redesign block-join support - ASF JIRA

Scopes in schema.xml

  1. fields can be grouped with <scope name="parent" default="true">;
    1. such fields' scoping is not mandatory, postponable, might cause rbdbms illusion
  2. it can be any level deep, and fan out any subscopes (a scope name is necessary to distinguish between sons and daugthers subscopes);
  3. I'm not sure whether name is uniq globally or names in traverse path is unique. I'd like the former;
  4. btw, maybe type ;
  5. default attribute is necessary to map existing blocks, which has only one nesting dimension: childrenDocuments;
  6. fields beside of scopes (global) can appear on any scope. it should work with uniqueKey. What's semantic of uniqueKey across scopes One recently discussed case it searching for child scope documents, when children uniqKeys should not clash;
    1. root doc uniqueKey spans on whole block (it's necessary to be used as deleteTerm for block updates), but every doc is identified with own uniqueKey (otherwise it's not possible to find it with distributed search)
  7. coming to roots how many root scopes we can have? I think we can have a few ones that introducing notion of document types.


  1. All formats XML, JSON, JSONdoc, Javabin accept nesting in named scopes;
  2. Current format (unnamed nesting) is supported by default marked scope;
  3. field are accepted only if they are defined at the certain scope, beside of the global ones. (see consideration above)

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