Java中long和Long有什么区别 (转载) - 爱做饭的小莹子 - 博客园

Java中long和Long有什么区别 (转载) - 爱做饭的小莹子 - 博客园

"Long is a class. long is a primitive. That means Long can be null, where long can't. Long can go anywhere that takes an Object, long can't (since it isn't a class it doesn't derive from Object).

Java will usually translate a Long into a long automatically (and vice versa), but won't for nulls (since a long can't be a long), and you need to use the Long version when you need to pass a class (such as in a generic declaration).




2. 对象类型(类): Long,Integer,Byte,Float,Double,Char,String,其它一切java提供的,或者你自己创建的类。

其中Long又叫 long的包装类。而Byte和Float也类似,一般包装类的名字首写是数值名的大写开头。



1 class Long {
2     int i=0;
3     public Long (int i){
4     this.i=i;
5     }
6 }


Long it=new Long(10);


Long 是长整型,在怎么长本身也是整型,12.10的整形部分是12,当然结果是12,

byte: 八位整数 -128――127,可用来节省内存的使用。
short: 16位整数 -32768――32,767,也比较省内存。
int: 32位整数 -2,147,483,648――2,147,483,647,一般来说整数都够用了
long: 64位整数 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808―― 9,223,372,036,854,775,807,一般不需要用
float: 32位浮点,如果浮点需要节省内存用这个。
Double: 64位浮点,一般非整数浮点可用这个。


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