【新提醒】我与Google的虐恋timeline //这是一篇流水账【一亩三分地论坛找工求职版】 - Powered by Discuz! 楼主15年12月毕业,抱着不知道从哪里来的谜一般的自信,对 找工 作毫不着急。结果大家也知道的,去年年底到现在的找工形势都不太好。 毕业后...
【新提醒】对candidate的code interview的一点建议|一亩三分地求职版 - 1. 拒绝沉默,积极沟通 面试的老中烙印一半一半吧,必须承认烙印真的非常能说,不管他们思路是否受阻,都可以滔滔不绝的继续说下去,而且也会在必要的时候积极寻求hint,确认directi...
Amazon OA2 Work Simulation | Keep Walking 目前两大原则: requirement排在第一, deadline第二 有manager出现的选项无脑选manager,manager就是一个组的代言人+保护伞,大哥自己人。 注意事项:...
Padcom's blog: Code coverage and Enum types I admit that the actual value of this test is minimum but the real reason to do that is to a...
epic 电面和OA - 一亩三分地论坛 - Powered by Discuz! 电话面试和网上说的一样,一上来对面就给我介绍了一下他家的产品和epic这个公司很赞啊什么的。。问了三个问题: 1. 怎么知道的epic 2. 为什么要当software developer ...
【新提醒】Data scientist @ Google,Apple【一亩三分地论坛面经版】 - Powered by Discuz! Apple则是同学内推。面了两轮电话面试,发现工作内容实在跟预想差太多(貌似就是query, generate summary statisti...
Write it like Riak; Query it Like Solr – Basho In a land where many open source full-text search solutions exist, it is important to identif...
Google announces text translation, content discovery, and barcode scanning in Google Now on Tap Google Now on Tap sounded really cool when i...
JacksonFeatureBiDirReferences - FasterXML Wiki Annotations are: @JsonManagedReference is the "forward" part of reference: one tha...
Print list items containing all characters of a given word There is a list of items. Given a specific word, e.g., “sun”, print out all the ...
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